Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 3.djvu/608

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1905.

Apothecaries' Hall in Scotland, 348 Apperson (G. L.) on guinea balances, 472

Sack, 369

"To have a month's mind," 54 Arch, of a bridge, spelling; of the word, 465 Archaeological Papers, Index of,' 186, 273 Archer (L.) on guinea balances, 472 Architect on Embassy buildings, 347 Arithmetic, old book on, 50, 98 Arkle (A. H.) on " God called up from dreams," 115

Hand, 98

Stob, 14 , . ,

Armorial bearings, taxes on, 392 Armorial visiting cards, 36

Armstrong (T. P.) on cross in the Greek Church, 56 Arnold (Sir Edwin), error in memorial inscription, 176 Arnold (Matthew), his ' Horatian Echo,' 6 Artemon on Whistler's ship, 227 Artists, modern Italian, 38 Ashbridge (A.) on Bocque's and Hor wood's maps of

London, 187

Ashen faggot, Christmas custom in Somersetshire, 236 4 Assisa de Tolloneis,' its date, 38 <l As such," meaning accordingly, 49, 193 Astarte on Charlemagne's Roman ancestors, 869

Irish folk-lore, 313

Lady's coat of arms, 898 Attorney of 1870 on ' The Law List,' 387 Auden (G. A.) on anchorites' dens, 333

Twitchel, 351

Audience Meadow, its name, 493 Austin (James), his great plum-pudding, 255 Authors and their first books, 247, 297 Autograph of Satan, 268, 356, 415 Axon ( W. E. A.) on Robert Farren Cheetham, 64

'Faithful Admonition' of May, 1554, 484

Lando (Ortensio) and Eugenio Raimondi, 363

Statue in a circle of books, 8 Ayeahr on Farrell, of the Pavilion Theatre, 188

Lamb in place-names, 294

Maiden Lane, Maiden, 329, 477

Police uniforms : omnibuses, 432

Spratt family, 227 B. on Marriage Service, 7

St. Anthony of Padua, 8 B. (C. C.) on patent medicines, 86

Q in the H. E. D.,' 146

B. (D. v.) on bringing in the Yule "clog," 156 B. (E. G.) on St. Sepulchre, 173 B. (G. F. R.) on Calland, 9

Carne (Samuel Charles), 867

Grimke (John Faucherreaud), 867

Grinfieid (Rev. Edw. Wm.), 370

Quenington, Gloucestershire, 489

St. Paul's Cathedral, 468

Trelawny (Sir Jonathan, Bart.), 447 B. (H.) on ' Patience,' 229 B. (H. J.) on penny wares wanted, 16 B. (H. W.) on Joseph Wilfred Parkins, 108 B. (K. M.) on Marmont family, 189 B. (R.) on English officials under foreign Govern- ments, 129, 214

Epigram on a rose, 355

Houses, ancient religious, 69 B. (R. E.) on blood used in building, 173

Police uniforms : omnibuses, 137

B. (R. W.) on Cromwell Fleetwood, 466 B. (S.) on Molly Lepel's descent, 172 B. (W.) on bellringing, 466

Lead = language, 145 B. (W. C.) on blood used in building, 35

Bringing in the Yule "clog," 11

Campden mystery, 367

Cholsey, Berks, 326

" Dunelmise Filius," 368

Easter eggs, 303

Easter sepulchre, 304

Heriot, 234

Lamb in place-names, 150

Marriott (Rev. Randolph), 193

May Day : two poetical tracts, 344

Palm Sunday and Easter customs, 304

Parkgate Theatre, 355

Richardson ( W. V.) and the Russian Church, 376

Snowte : weir and fishery, 137

Vicariate, 204

' Visitations of Southwell, ' 66

Weathercock, 288

Bacon (Francis) and Ben Jonson, 35, 94 ; or Usher? 94, 155, 234 ; singular address by Thomas Powell to, 106; authorship of "The world's a bubble," and of Bacon's epitaph, 155, 234, 316 ; as "Glendower," 302

Badges, curious words in their description, 407 Badley (R.) on addition to Christian name, 374 Bailey-Kempling (W.) on Matthew Arnold's 'Horatian Echo,' 6

Name coincidences, 466 Balances, guinea, 847, 413, 472 Balances or scales, early, 208, 273 Baldock (G. Y.) on Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, 297

Nail and the clove, 231 Baldwin (Sir Timothy) in 'D.N.B.,' 306 Ball (F. E.) on Battle-axe Guard, 315 Ballowe (Henry) in ' D.N.B.,' 267 Baltic Fleet, Russian, in 1788, 246 Balzac, cipher used by, 368 Bananas, varieties of, 14 Bankrupts in 1708-9, 154

Bannerman (Rev. David) Janet Turing, 167, 316 Baptist Confessions of Faith, 89, 116, 455 Barclay- A llardice (R.) on patents of precedence, 90

Police uniforms : omnibuses, 76 Barker (H. T.) on St. Patrick, 450 Barker and Killigrew families, 224 Barnfield (R.), his 'Cynthia,' 425 Barrel-organ builders in Cheapside, 348 Barrow (Oswald) on the Fitzwilliam family, 165 Barry (Dr. James), her biography, 228, 313 Baskish, New Year's Eve in, 86; P. d'Urte's 'Genesis' in, 148 ; butterfly in, 226 ; Leicarragan verbin, 267 Bath, memorial tablet to James Quin at, 185 ; Gay's

' Beggar's Opera at, 365 Bath (Sir Harry) and Shotover, 209, 277 Batten (W. M.) on Ballet family, 308

Maxwell of Ardwell, 389 Battle-axe Guard, 0. 1709, 247, 314 Battlefield sayings, 35 Bayley (A. R.) on House of Anjou, 31 7

Blake (Benjamin) : Norman : Oldmixon, 15

"Gentle Shakespeare," 170