Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 3.djvu/612

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1905.

Broach or brooch, spelling of the word, 28, 78 Broken heart, metaphorical pathology of the phrase,

9, 77, 182

Bronby (E. H.) on Queen's surname, 418 Brooch or broach, spelling of the word, 28, 78 Brown (John), his 'Self-Interpreting Bible,' 228 Browne (Sir Thomas), his epitaph in St. Peter's,

Mancroft, Norwich, 267 Brownwell (T.) on Cope of Bramshill, 87 Bruce (Robert), his heart, 60 Brusbfield (T. N.) on blood used in building, 84

Parish clerk, 17

Raleigh's ' Historic of the World,' 274

Stukeley (Sir Lewis), his ' Petition,' 428

Wood's ' Ath. Oxon.,' ed. Bliss: Sir W. Kalegh,


Brutus on Swedish royal family, 409 Buchanan (Robert) and Caledonian Coffee-house in

Covent Garden, 189, 277 Building, blood used in, 34, 76, 114, 173, 872 Bulloch (J. M.) on English officials under foreign Governments, 130

Gordon (Patrick), the geographer : Peter Gordon, 288, 324

Kant's descent, 157

Ken mure peerage, 329

Luther family, 176

Von Gordon family, 248

Wesley (John), and gardens, 111 Bunt, Russian word for riot, 145 Burchell (Dr. W. J.), his diary and collections, 77 Burford's Panorama, description of, 474 Burgh (Hugo de) and Queen Matilda, legend of, 408 Burgos, the 'Christ' of, 192, 336 Burial-ground, English, at Lisbon, 34, 135 Burial-places of celebrities, 449 Burleigh (Lord) and Polonius, 305, 416 Burnet and Mair families, 149 Burns (R.) letters to George Thomson, 148, 213 ; and

Young, parallel passages, 466 Burton Abbey Cartulary, its ownership, 127 Burton (Robert), Shilleto's edition of ' Anatomy of

Melancholy,' 203 Buse surname, 809

Bushell (W. D.) on Hermitage, Harrow, 467 Butler (C. E.) on John Butler, M.P, for Sussex, 416 Butler (John), M.P. for Sussex, 257, 311, 416 Butler (Samuel) and Milk Street, 168 Butterfly in Baskish, 226 Butterworth (Major S.) on George Dyer, 282

" Phil Elia," 112

Bhacklewell, 352

Byron (Lord), and Greek grammar, 188 ; and Moore, parallel passages, 406 ; on Admiral Vernon and the Duke of Cumberland, 406 C. (A. R.) on bibliographies, 316

Cooper (Thomas), 229

Dinkums, 168

Godiva's birthplace, 9

C. (C.) and S. T. on privilege and sacrilege, 268 C. (C. L. E.) on bottleman, 167

Compter Prison, 168

Lord Mayors, 148

" Once so merrily hopt she," 127

" Rational's Festival," 428

" St. James's Chapter," 428

C. (C. L. E.) on Tombola Concerts, 469

Wilkes's Parlour, 147 C. (E. G.) on Battle-axe Guard, 247

Cox (Bishop Richard), 269

C. (E. N. F.) on hour of sunset at Washington, 87 C. (H.) on Bridges, a Winchester Commoner, 78

'Directions to Churchwardens,' 317

Disbenched judges, 97

Ecton(John), 157

Luders (Alexander), 306

Merewether (Henry Alworth), 447

Shelley (William), 492

'Thealma and Clearchus,' its author, 229

Waynflete (William), 461

C. (M. J. D.) on Jacobean houses in Fleet Street, 315 C. (P.) on " When our old Catholic fathers lived," 176 C. (P. G.) on epigram on a rose, 356 C. (R. de) on English officials under foreign Govern- ments, 87

Portraits which have led to marriages, 287 C. (R. H.) on Catherine of Braganza, 208

Self-made men, 426

C. (R. S.) on royal regiments cf the line, 69 C. (S. D.) on heraldic, 251

Portraits which have led to marriages, 334 C. (T.) on James II. medal, 376 C. (T. W.) on Molly Lepel's descent, 254 C. (W. W. or W. H.), water-colour artist, 1818, 368 Calder (A.) on Ripley, 167 Caldwell family, 468

Caledonian Coffee-house in Covent Garden, 189, 277 Calland (Augustus, Charles, and George), Westminster

scholars, 9

Calley (Oliver), of Burderop, Wilts, 208 Callings and trades, superstitions of, 465 Calvert (Sir Wm.), c. 1704-61, his biography, 88, 55 Cambridge, MS. history of Pembroke College, 29 ; supposed portrait of Milton at Christ's College, 127 Cameron (H. E.) on rule of the road, 96 Campden mystery, story retold by Andrew Lang, 367 Camperdown, the, and the Victoria, 26 Canterbury Prerogative Court, its early wills, 488 Carentinilla, a fabric, derivation of the name, 108, 158 Carey (Mrs.) = Mary Anne Clarke, c. 1802, 12 ' Carlton Chronicle,' ' Sketches by Boz ' in, 23 Came (Samuel Charles), Westminster scholar, 367 Carnegie, its pronunciation, 487 Carnegie (Anna, Lady), afterwards Countess of

Southesk, 46

Carols, Christmas : waits : guisers, 10 Carr and Chitty families, 209 Carroll (William) and Locke, 208 Catalogue of seventeenth-century tracts, 174 Catapults for orange peel, vanished pastime, 26 Catherine of Braganza, lines on, 208 Cattell (W.) on Constantino the Great, inscription oa

his tomb, 268

Cech and Russian languages, divergence between, 202 Celer on Bacon as " Glendower," 302 Cemeteries, London, in 1860, 56, 133, 454 Chalkhill (John), his identity, 186, 229 Chamberlen , (Drs.), physicians to Stewart and

Georgian sovereigns, 428

Channel Islands, Winchester, and Coutances, 184 Charities, earliest references to sailors', 49 Chapel Meadow at Westhope, 187