Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 3.djvu/617

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1905.



February rainfall, 248, 314, 333

Fed up, slang term, 66

Federer (C. A .) on Charles V. in England, 285

Fellowes (0. B.) on Johnsoniana, 44?

Fenchurch, derivation of the name, 181

Ferguson (D.) on pompelmous, 256

Tourmaline, 152

Warkamoowee, 467

Fetter Lane, derivation of the name, 181 Fiction, tenses in, 307 Firearms in the seventeenth century, 89 Firman (F. B.) on Dickens or Wilkie Collins? 207 Fishery and weirs at the "Snowte," 88 Fishmongers' Company and the German Emperor, 148 Fitzgerald family of Pendleton, 367 Fitz-Gerald (S. J. A.) on authors and their first books,


FitzNorman (J. K.) on John Norman, 229 Fitzroy Square, Marquis of Salisbury's residence in, 5 Fitz Warine family, 109 Fitzwilliam family, 165 Flag, use of the White Ensign, 448 Flails, still in use, 267, 338, 375, 433 Flaying alive, notable case, 153 Fleet, Eussian Baltic, in 1788, 246 Fleet Street, Jacobean houses in, 206, 250, 315 ; grocers and tea-dealers in, 294; iS'o. 53, its demoli- tion, 427, 493

Fleetwood (Cromwell), his widow's will, 466 Fletcher (John) and ' Capt. Thomas Stukeley,' 301,

342, 382

Florida, names of grantees in 1763, 9 Flying bridges, 93, 274 Folden, origin of the name, 69, 115 Folk-lore:

Clocks stopped at death, 124, 175

Fijians and their teeth, 373

Horseshoes for luck, 9, 90, 214

Irish, 204, 313, 357

Iron, 348, 397

Polar inhabitants, 30

Pins as a charm, 106

Rubbing with hand of a corpse, 340

Thunder, 408

Trades and callings, 465 Folk-songs, Norfolk, 365, 462 Font consecration, 154 Font removed from Holyrood, 30, 109 Fonts, wooden, 169, 253, 316, 395 Footwarmers in church, 307 Ford (C. L.) on "He saw a world," 13

Woman, Heaven's second thought, 67 Foreign Governments, English officials under, 87, 415 Forgo : forego, correct spelling, 31, 134 Forshaw (C. F.) on All Fools' Day, 333

Apothecaries' Act of 1815, 394

Apothecaries' Hall in Scotland, 348

City Companies, their Halls, 171

Clergyman as City Councillor, 175

Epitaphs : their bibliography, 195

Japan, its antiquity, 414

Lamb in place-names, 150

'Lass of Eichmond Bill,' 289

Nicholas, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, 375

Persehouse : Sabine, 251

Police uniforms : omnibuses, 75, 432

Forshaw (C. F.) on ' Rebecca,' a novel, 176

Spirit manifestations, 115

Straw-plaiting, 414

' Theatrical Remembrancer,' 429

White Bread Meadow, Bourne, 365 Forsyth (V. de F.) on Constables or Governors of

Sterling Castle, 147 'Forte Frigate,' sailor's song, 128 Fothergill (G.) on armorial, 351

Local government records, 337

Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Registers, 488

Yorkshire wills not in proper custody, 465 Fowke (F. E.) on birth-njarks, 173

" Call a spade a spade," 169

Cipher used by Balzac, 368

Philippina : Pbilopcena, 471

Picking up scraps of iron, 397

Superstitions of trades and callings, 465 Francesca on Sarah Curran, Robert Emmet, and Major Sirr, 413

Edmond and Edward, 49 Francillon (R. E.) on Dickens and Thackeray, 73

Horseshoes for luck, 91

Francis (J. C.) on Diamond Jubilee of "The News- paper Press Directory,' 241, 261 Francis (John), and the repeal of the stamp duty, 242 Francis (Sir Robert), of Foremark, 270, 331 Franks (H. E.) on John Butler, M.P. for Sussex, 257

Southwold Church, figures and emblems, 498 Fraser (G. M.) on blood used in building, 174 French proverbial phrases : Etre n6 coiffe", 203 ; Eau

be*nite de cour, 204 ; Pr6cher d'exemple, ib. French words of uncertain origin, 222, 445 Frost (F. C.) on Dr. H. H. Drake, 165 Fry (E. A.) on Domesday, 233

Percy (Hugh), 97

Persehouse : Sabine, 251 Fry (J. F.) on Molly Lepel's descent, 172 Fynmore (R. J.) on De Keleseye or Kelsey family, 255

Hill (Benson Earle), 472

Penny wares wanted, 17

Stnbbs(SirT. W.), 98 G. (F. W.) on blood used in building, 372 G. (J.) on Compter Prison, 254 G. (S. F.) on Seville Maze, 54 G. (W. H. M.-) on ' The Phenix,' 1707, 89 Gaelic, Scriptures in, 289 Gaidoz (H.) on " In cauda venenum," 428

Russians and Japanese communications, 347 Galapine, meaning of the word, 252 Galloway (S.) on Job Heath, 468 Games: Dobbin, 237; Genesis, 238 Garden pennies, 17 Gardens, John Wesley and, 111 Gay (J.), his ' Beggar's Opera ' in Dublin, 364 ; and

at Bath, 365

Genesis, a children's game, 238 "Gentle" Shakespeare, use of the word by Ben

Jonson, 69, 169, 290 George IV., Chantrey's statue of, 448 Gerbier (Sir Balthasar), bis descendants, 487 Gerish (W. B.) on anchorites' dens, 391

" Je ne viens qu'en mourant," 50

' Notes and Queries,' local, 255

Miller of Hide Hall, 376