Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 3.djvu/623

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1905.



M. on Goethe and book-keeping, 414

Queen of Duncan II., 257 M.A.Oxon. on JSlian, 89

Florida, 9 M. (D.) on Besant, 28

Byron and Greek grammar, 188 Essay, 148

" Our lives are songs," 249 " Warm summer sun," 288 M. (E.) on Shotley wills, 1463-1538, 2 M. (G. B.) on Sir Thomas Cornwallis, 135 M. (H. A. St. J.) on the mussuk, 13 "Naked Boy and Coffin," 213 Yealls : Brewetts, 449

M. (J.) on "God called up from dreams," 49 M. (N.) & A. on Lundy Island, 469 Pig hanging a man, 50 St. Julian's Pater Noster, 309 M. (P.) on Miller of Hide Hall, 328 M. (R. J.) on Wordsworth's Highland girl, 309 M. (W. H.) on palindrome, 249 M. (W. J.) on extraordinary tide in the Thames, 47 Maas (Dr. M.) on 'Paradise Lost,' of 1751, 134

Shakespeariana, 426

Mac and O.. prefixes prohibited in Ireland, 15 Macaulay (Lord), error with regard to Plassey, 405 McChesney (C. H.) on Shakespeare's pall-bearers, 204 MacDonagh (M.) on Sarah Curran, Robert Emmet,

and Major Sirr, 470

Macdonough (Felix Bryan), his biography, 98 MacErlean surname, 249 McGovern ( J. B. ) on Sir James Cotter, 167 Danteiana, 482

De Tabley (Lord) and ' N. & Q.,' 147 Gladstone as playwright, 89 Ruskin at Neuchatel, 93 Maclean (A.) on Walker family, 8 MacLulich (J. M.) on Lulach, King of Scotland, 490 MacMichael (J. H.) on "A shoulder of mutton brought

home from France, " 255 All Fools' Day, 416 Balances or scales, 273 . Beating the bounds, 293 Bringing in the Yule "clog," 11, 155 " Broken heart," 78 "Call a spade a spade," 217 Christmas bibliography, 32 Christmas carols : waits : guisers, 10 Christmas custom in Somersetshire, 236 Coliseums old and new, 190 Compter Prison, 254 " Cut the loss," 156 Diving-bell, 350 Dobbin, children's game, 237 Duelling in England, 16 " February fill dyke," 314 Heraldic, 154 Heraldic mottoes, 92 Horseshoes for luck, 214 Indian kings, 449 Japan, its antiquity, 414 King's Cock-Grower, 312 Legenvre, 437 Lines on a mug, 435 London houses, ancient, 329 . Loutherbourgh, 93

MacMichael (J. H.) on masons' marks, 296 Moxhay (Mr.), 395 " Naked Boy and Coffin," 156 Nelson Column, 368 Palindrome, 310 Parsloe's Hall, Essex, 490 Pawnbroker's sign and the Medici arms, 330 Penny wares wanted, 312 Picking up scraps of iron, 398 " Pop goes the weasel," 492 Sack, 434 St. Sepulchre, 173 Satan's autograph, 354 Southwold Church, 369 Straw-plaiting, 413

Tarleton and the sign of "The Tabor," 73 Three tailors of Tooley Street, 35 " To have a month's mind," 54 "Walkyn Silver," 95 Wooden fonts, 253 " Wrong side of the bed," 474 McPike (E. F.) on bibliographical queries, 473 Bibliographies, 243 Halley surname, 447 ' Notes and Queries,' local, 108 Millikin-Entwisle families, 6 ' Yankee Doodle,' 24

Macray (W. D.) on Sir Abraham Shipman, 197 Madden's (Sir F.), edition of ' Havelock the Dane,' 429 Maid of Kent, Holy, 25 Maiden in British place-names, 329, 394, 477 Mair and Burnet families, 149 Maiden, Maiden Lane at, 329, 394, 477 Malet (Sir Charles) and Warren Hastings, 28 Malet (Sir E.) on Wace on the battle of Hastings, 456 Malet (Col. H.) on Warren Hastings and Sir Charles

Malet, 28

Malta, military execution in 1861, 304, 375 Vlan, Bishop of, imprisoned, 57 Vfangan (James Clarence), his translation of Schiller's

' Hope,' 5

kfanuel's ' Count Lucanor and the Invisible Cloth,' 240 tfany, pronunciation of the word, 322, 393 Marcham (F.) on bibliographies, 316

Hollicke or Holleck, Middlesex, 387 Lyly's ' Euphues and his England,' 366 Norden's ' Speculum Britanniae,' 450 Vlarcham (W. McB.) on Chester Plea Rolls, 494 Marchant (F. P. ) on blood used in building, 35 Bringing in the Yule "clog," 156 Cech language, 202

English officials under foreign Governments, 131 Holborn, 234

Human sacrifices : ghosts, 498 Gold v. silver, 175 Rogestvensky, 356 Russian names, 256 largerison (S.) on Stratford residents in eighteenth

century, 187

darks (A.) on lines on a mug, 228 tfarks(J. A.) on eighteenth-century and older plays, 48 <farmont family, 189, 251 laro on split infinitive, 95, 211

Vulgate, 248 Carriage licences, Surrey, c. 1760-1820, 326 Marriage Service in the Book of Common Prayer, 7, 74