Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 3.djvu/632

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1905.

Skeat (Prof. W. W.) on Ledig: Leisure: Licere, 336

L'Espec (Sir Walter), 31

Letters, their names, 277

"Naked Boy and Coffin," 213

Nore, 427

Quandary, 4

Sax, 186

Saxton family, of Saxton, co. York, 235

School slates, 14

Snowte : weir and fishery, 137

Spenser's 'Epithalamion,' 474

Split infinitive, 96, 211

Stob, 14

To-day : To-morrow, 350

Tourmaline, 115, 197

Verse on a cook, 134

Wace on the battle of Hastings, 455

Wassail, 9, 152

Weathercock, 352

Willesden : the place-name, 275 Skelton (John), administration of his estate, 125 Skipp (Sir Thomas), his epitaph, 8 'Skunk, derivation of the word, 386 Slate club, earliest use of the term, 188 Slates, earliest use in school, 14, 240 iSmart (Christopher) and the madhouse, 221, 276, 354 Smith (Albert), his marriage and death, 412 Smith (E.) on bibliographies, 394

"Had better have been," 126

Horseshoes for luck, 91

'Janus ; or, the Edinburgh Literary Almanack,' 368

Moser's ' Vestiges,' 195

Parsloe's Hall, Essex, 491

Smith (G. G.) on ' Pictures of the Old and New Testa- ments," 487

Smith (J. A.) on Agnew=Staveley, 348

Smith (L. P.) on Father Sarpi's portraits, 201

Smith (Mrs.) as Sylvia in ' Cymon,' 287

Smithers (C. G.) on Coliseums old and new, 190

Coryate's ' Crudities,' 494

Farrell, of the Pavilion Theatre, 252 Snell (F. S.) on epitaphs: their bibliography, 371 Snowte, meaning of the word, 88, 137 Society for Propagation of the Gospel, its origin, 324 Somersetshire, Christmas custom in, 86, 236 Somersetshire records, 464

Somerville on Bidding Prayer, 168

.Songs and Ballads:

Death of Nelson, 18

Forte Frigate, 128

God save the King : " noble " or " gracious," 108

Hardyknute, 37, 118

Lass of Richmond Hill, 20, 66, 289, 334, 352, 497

Lovesick Gardener, 430

Marseillaise, 120

Mayers' song, 75

Oh, I've a wife in Bristol town, 169, 212

Old Towler, 227, 276

Once so merrily hopt she, 127

Patience, 229

Pop goes the weasel, 430, 491

When our dear old Catholic fathers, 109, 176

Yankee Doodle, 24

iSonnenschein ( W. S.) on " In cauda venenum," 476 Sotheby (E. M.) on authors of quotations wanted, 469

Sotheby (E. M.) on ' Oh ! the pilgrims of Zion," 109 Sothern (Ed. Askew), his London residence, 88,111,195 Southam (H.) on Battle-axe Guard, 314

Contempt for the law in a will, 165

Guinea balances, 413

Hewetson (Col.), 430

'Notes and Queries,' local, 393

Parishes, small, 274, 374

Pillion: flails, 375

Rupert as a Christian name, 70

Stratford residents in eighteenth century, 256 Southam (Thomas), of Charlecott, his will, 165 Southesk (Countess of), previously Anna, Lady

Carnegie, 46

Southey (R.) : publishers of ' Omniana,' 92 Southwell, errors in A. F. Leach's 'Visitations of

Southwell,' 66 Southwold Church, figures and emblems in, 329, 369,

453, 498

Souwarrow nut, etymology of the word, 447 Spain, Charles I. in, 48, 131, 236 ; Cosis de Espafia,

191, 336 ; Grandees of, 481 Spanish arms, 30

Sparke (A.) on Halls of the City Companies, 171 Spelling reform, 31, 134 Spencer (W. T.) on "Bright chanticleer proclaims the

dawn," 227

Spenser (Edmund), his 'Epithalamion,' 246,412,474 Spinola ( Marches i), wife of Ambrogio, Marchese

Spinola, 1569-1630, 327 Spirit manifestations, works on, 115 Spratt (Rev. Devereux, and, Thomas), their relation- ship, 227, 313

Spurgeon (0. H.), Sir G. Grove on his scholarship, 206 Spur-post, meaning of the word, 168, 253 Stafford (John) = Lucy Tatton, their descendants, 66 Stafford (Jubal) on Stafford: Tatton, 66 Star in the crescent moon, 489 Star on Fitzgeralds of Pendleton, 367 Statue in a circle of books, 8 Statue of James II., inscription on, 15, 57 Statues in London, 448

Statutes of Morton, "mutare" or "mutari," 8, 195 Staveley (Anne)=John Agnew, 348 Steele (R.) on Scottish proclamation, 328 Stephenson (E.), 1691-1768, Governor of Bengal, 395 Sterling (Rev. James), his 'Poetical Works' (1734)

and identity, 385

Steuart (A. F.) on Col. Wm. Light's publications, 85 Stevens (Miss Sisson) = William Hemming, 349 Stewart (A.) on broach or brooch, 28

Epitaphiana, 24

"Old Bell" Inn, HolbornHill, 366 Stickle-back, its various names, 5 Stick penny, use of the word in 1601, 70 Stirling Castle, its Constables or Governors, 147 Stob, etymology of the word, 14 Stole, crossed, its symbolism, 329, 369 Stoke Newington and Tottenham parish registers, 226 Stokes (H. P.) on Chris. Smart and the madhouse, 276 Storm, great, in November, 1703, 225 Strachan (L. R. M.) on Boswell's 'Johnson,' 284

Bringing in the Yule "clog," 256 Farkers, 272

Flying bridge, 274

Pompelmous, 256