Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 3.djvu/636

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1905.

Weights : nail and clove, 41, 134, 231 Weir (Charles Hope), his biography, 9 Weirs and fishery at the " Snowte," 88 Welford (R.) on Anthony Brewer, 113

Cooper (Thomas), 270

House of Lords, 1625-60, 497

Hand, 155

Parkins (Joseph Wilfred), 157

Spur-post, 253

Wellirgton (Duke of) and General Alava, 167 Wesley (John), and gardens, 111 ; and the wig, 269 Wesley-bob in wassail song, 10

Westhawe, Weslhaugh, orWesthagh (Dr. T.), 1432, 421 Westhope, Chapel Meadow at, 187 Westminster, recent finds in, 105 Westminster changes in 1904, 381, 423 Westminster Commissary Court, its documents, 125 Westminster Horseferry, distance measurement, 248 Wharncliffe meeting, meaning of the term, 367 Wheler or Wheeler family, 347 Whewell (Dr.), Tom Taylor on, 189, 293 Whistler (J. A. McNeill), his painting on panel of

house in Cheyne Walk, 227 White (S.) on "To have a month's mind," 54 White Bread Meadow, Bourne, curious survival at, 365 Whitehalgb or Whitehall (J.), of Petbils, co. Derby, 347 Whitehall Matted Gallery, 388 Whitsunday, confirmations on, 16 Whitwell (R. J.)onAbbey of St.Val^ry-sur-Somme,168

' Assisa de Tolloneis,' 38

Italian, early, glossary wanted, 447

Perit, a very minute measure, 238 Wig, Bev. John Wesley and the, 269 Wilderspin (Samuel), portraits of, 135 Wilde (Sir William) on poem by Dean Swift, 265 Wilkes's Parlour, origin of the name, 147 Wilkinson (A.), his guinea balances, 347, 413 Vfi\ie-begu\\ie8=Jinn:se8-vtrlales, 1 25 Will, contempt for law in a, 165 Willcock (J.) on diving-bell, 247

James II. medal, 329

Willesden, origin of the place-name, 208, 275 Willesden families, 208, 293

William III., his chargers at battle of the Boyne, 137 Williams (A. J.) on con- contraction, 111 Williams (J. G.) on Lincoln civic insignia: Mayor's

ring, 387 Willis (Edmond), his ' Abreuiation of Writing by

Character,' 328, 375

Willow, weeping, and Psalm cxxxvii. 2, 247 Wills, Shotley, 1463-1538, 2; Yorkshire, 1636-

1715, 465 Wilmshurst (T. B.) on Shakespeariana, 184

Torpedoes, submarines, and rifled cannon, 89 Wilson* (P. G.) on split infinitive, 151 Wilson (T.) on Bacon or Usher ? 155

Baptist Confession of Faith, 455

Heraldic, 154

Hand, 155

Ledig : Leisure : Licere, 288

Split infinitive, 151, 296

Spur-post, 168

To-day : To-morrow, 305 Winchester Commoners, 7, 128, 309 Winchester Coutances, and the Channel Islands, 134

Windsor Castle sentry and clock striking thirteen,

229, 277, 310 Windsor, Knights of, 5 Win'raws, word used in Dumfriesshire, 35 Wintemberg (W. G.) on Verschoyle : Folden, 69 Winter, sufferings of troops in, 21, 104 Wirral Hermit, 246

Witchcraft, child executed at Huntingdon for, 468 Woffington (Peg), portraits of, 195 Wohope (Sir Thomas), rector of Smarden, o. 1832,295 Wolferstan (E. P.) on Algarva, 127

England, English, 393

" February fill dyke," 248

Bule of the road, 96

Twins, 394

Woman, Heaven's second thought, 67 Wontner (B.) on Czech language, 346 Wood's ' Athen. Oxon.,' cancels in Dr. Bliss's ed., 62 Wooden fonts, 169, 253, 316, 395 Woolmen in the fifteenth century, 193, 275 Wordsworth (W.), his translation of Juvenal, 288 ; his "B ighland girl," 309 ; Sadler's Wells play alluded to by him (" The Beauty of Buttermere "), 852 Wotton (Sir Henry), his letters and dispatches, 805 Wright (A. T.) on Nicholas, Bishop of Coventry and

Licbfield, 328

Wright (W. B.) on Verschoyle : Folden, 116 Writing, faded, its restoration, 88 Writing, triplicate, 30 Writs of Privy Seal for loans, 135 Wroth (Warwick) on Killigrew and Barker families, 224 X. on Bunt, 145

Letters, their names, 336

Pompelmous, 168

Russian proper names, 465

Tzar, not Czar, 146

Y, the letter, its name, 228, 277, 292, 386 Yardley (E.) on Goldsmith's ' Edwin and Angelina,' 152

Horseshoes for luck, 216

Pucelle, 185

St. Julian's Pater Noster, 393

Shakespeariana, 185

{Split infinitive, 52, 151 Yarker (E. P. L.) on English officials under foreign

Governments, 214

Yealls, meaning of the word, 371, 449 Yeo (W. C.) on horseshoes for luck, 91 Ygrec on " An old woman went to maiket," 11

Blanched, 348

St. Piran's Oratory, Cornwall, 486 Ylima on ' The Lady's Museum ' : ' Modern London,'

1804, 169

York, Lord Mayors of, 1517 and 1540, 409, 473 Yorkshire, Norman inscriptions in, 849, 397, 476 Yorkshire wills, 1636-1715, 465 Young family, 349

Young (E.) and Burns, parallel passages, 466 Young (W.) on Kant's descent, 114 Yule "clog," bringing it in, 11, 57, 155, 256 Yulob, Anglo-Chinese word for single oar, 305 Z. (X. Y.) on Chapel Meadow at Westhope, 187 Zemsky-Sobor and Z6mstvo in Bussia, 185, 233 Z6mstvo and Zemsky- Sober in Russia, 185, 233 Zoffany's portrait of Mozart, 487 Zornlin family, 402