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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io*.s.iv. JULY 22,1905. BRADSHAW'S GUIDE. SPECIAL EDITION. TWO SHILLINGS NET. Printed upon superior Paper, bound in scarlet cloth, and with additional Maps illustrating the Districts covered by the principal Railway Companies. LONDON. BIRMINGHAM. BRADFORD. BRISTOL. Also SPECIAL TABLES dealing with the following places :— LEICESTER. LIVERPOOL. EDINBURGH. LEICESTER. NEWCASTLE- GLASGOW. LIVERPOOL. NOTTINGHAM*' LEEDS. MANCHESTER. SHEFFIELD. These Tables indicate the Routes to and from some of the Chief Towns in the Kingdom, with Sinele Return and Week-end Fares, Distances, Shortest Time of Journey, and Quickest Train. Also List of Towns having more than one Station, with distances apart. Orden may to lent through any Soakieller and Station Boofatall, or to HENRY BLACKLOCK & CO., Limited (Proprietors and Publishers of Bradshaw's Guides), 59, FLEET STREET, LONDON; AND ALBERT SQUARE, MANCHESTER. " Invaluable to all concerned In the promotion, construc- tion, or administration of railways, both at Home and abroad."— Telegraph. 1905. FIFTY-SEVENTH EDITION. Post free, 12*. BRADSHAW'S RAILWAY MANUAL (RAILWAYS, CANALS, AND CARRIAGE AND WAGON COMPANIES), SHAREHOLDERS' GUIDE AND DIRECTORY OF Railway Officials and Manufacturers of Railway Supplies. Aflordi full and reliable Information respecting the history and financial position of Hallways In all parts ol the World. It gives briefly, the past history and present condition of every line open In the United Kingdom, and other sections dealing with Waterways and Carriage and Wagon Com- panies are also added. Fifty Years' Railway Statistics. One of the leading features Is the Introduction of statistics •bowing the revenue and expenditure of each of the prin- cipal Railway Companies over a period of fifty years. 650 pages, with numerous Maps. BRADSHAW'S GUIDE OFFICE, 50, Fleet Street, E.C-; and at Manchester. ' There seem to be no particulars concerning our navig- able canals and rivers tbat have not been brought together In the book,"—Weitmwter Gazette. BRADSHAW'S CANALS AND NAVIGABLE RIVERS OF ENGLAND AND WALES: A Handbook of Inland Navigation for Manu- facturers, Merchants, Traders, and others. Compiled, after a Personal Survey of the Whole of the- Waterways, BT HENRY RODOLPH DE SALIS, Assoc.M.Inst.C.K. Director : FELLOWBS, MORTON & CLAYTON, Ltd.. Canal Carriers. Gives In a succinct form full Information u to the advantages and possibilities of Inland navigation, and con- tains all Information, other than financial, necessary to owners of waterside premises, business houses, and others who for business or political reasons are Interested in tbe subject. The contents have been arranged by the Author after an Inspection of the whole of the waterways, amounting to m mileage travelled of over 14,000 miles. 400 pages, royal 8vo, bound In cloth, with Map. Post Free ONE GUINEA net, from BRADSHAW'S GUIDE OFFICES, 59, Fleet St., E.C. ; and Albert Sq., Manchester. Pnbllsliod WeeklT tr JOHN 0 PRlNCIS. BrMm' i Building. Chancery bans. B.C. •, »nd Printed br JOHN EDWARD FBANCI8, , U..IISIUM '"'•l"'AtJelll|,Iimrre,,jBre.m., Boll dl»»s, en HMrr Laos, B.C.-«a«w*i»,/illy 2»,HOS.