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OTE AND ERIE : gl Qlzhium nf gnfzrrnmmnniraiinn [OB LITERARY MEN, GENERAL READERS, ETC. "When found, nuke s note ot."-Cnnxx CUTTLI. ' ' e S T I mm1:nlo|rNPounP|:1|¢}l;md No. 90. [,,',",,,”_] SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 6, 1 905. :x. ._ ,_ $7.1 .:".;'¥,:.'.;t.,..'; ..,,;f _ Isorly Suhcvapliomlbs. M. posljru. NOTES .um QUERIES.-The SUBSCRIPTION H ll B 0 0 K S E L I- E R S’ P B 0 V I D E N T an lone nun QUERIIB lrre ny poet ls ws. u. rn su xesms; IH BTU' UTION- llix ld. lor Twelve Konthe. luclndlng the Volume Index-IOHN 0. ywngg 1331, Ilelcll. Nun and Quariu Odlee, l4re~sm's Bnlldlngs, Unlneery hle. AMERICANS in SEARCH of their ENGLISH LHCISTBY should consult the POTHIRGILL KANUIURIYII. ll % Ghllll TIBIQIIQI ol clnss no lmlgnnte’ Aneeeuwl.-GERALD ILL, ll. Brussels Bold, New Wadsworth, BJY. ' GENEALOGISTS, hc.-PUCKLE FAMILY of Loedon. Lewes. lld llorwleh. Inlormnxlnn reqnlved ll to lll! lemhers ol hmll . lld plnienllrly ol John Pndlle. of laldsl, Ina llelry VIII.-Ap y G. B., 24. High Street. Colchester. PEDIGREE8, FAMILY and LOCAL HISTORY. -A mnuoolurnr of enonos r. -r. enmwoolrs urns ua 1>unucn~1ous.a4. wr rm. an. Booman neu, nfoemy, mam, e.l. B. L. CULLETON, 92, Plccsdxlly, London (lemhor of Ingllel nd Fnnlgn Antlqnlrlll Societies). Iliff*- llee the fll'Illhll| ol lxtrute from Plush Registers, Ooplss or shaven; from Wllls. Chsneerillhoesldlnss. lnd other Reeorde nsehl hf0¢les.¢~¢lell evidences In (land, Bcotllnd, lnd lnlend. Athrlvhted l;¢ll Documents Copied. handed. sln Tlillllfid. NNI!! lnelnhes esrrted ont. Bnqnlrlee lnvlted. lr. Cl|ll'l Pdvlll Iblleodols ln worth eonsnltlne for (lines. Alklhl ned ldsntnle llslerlll sslrshsd lsr sod eopled ll the lllel lilll old other Archives. “ nllllll well your blood. Ile Pro! Iohn of Gennt ddth bring his pedigree."-Bunsrull. ANCESTBY, English, Scotch. Irish, and American. 'l1AClDh'0l STATE BIDORDI. ggeellllty: West of lllllllld hi _||ll Yanlllee.-lr. BIYNILL HAI, 7, @$lO¢I| Close, hier, lad 1, Uplslm Park Hold, Chlewlek, London, W. BOOKS.-ALL OUT-OF-PRINT BOOKS ll ol. I0 mllxer on whlt snhjeet. Aellowledled the werll llvlv ll most elport Bookdndlrs exhnt. Plelll IQSI wlll|.- lAl.lB'l One! Bookshop, le-10, John Brlght Street, Blrmllglslm. AGING! POR AKBEICAN BOOKS. G, P. PUTNAWS SONS. PUBLISHERS and e BOOKABLLBRS, Ol” Bd E, 'IIS 2311 Strlet, lew York, lnd 24, BEDFORD STREET, IDIIIDI, W.C., desire to all the ltteltlnn of the READING PUBLIC D lll ll6l|||I¢ hdllllss presented hy thelr Brlneh House ll London hr lllhg, on the most hvourlhle ter-ms, orders for their owl IIAIDASD YUBIJCATIONB, lnd lor lll AKBBICAN WOKI. thhlonee sent on IDPUQUOI. ‘HI AUTHOR’S HAIRLESS PAPER-PAD. (110 LIADINIIALL PRBBI, Ltd.. Pnhllsherl lld Prlllerl, 50. Ialenhsll Etna. gauges. l(l.ii lm @||| KIIIQK I. “VCP W 6 l 0 I W blldon. Blxpeael 5| per QOIII- l'll|l4P;:P\|=1 New guilt ills. ls. per dana, rlled or plnln. lll' should lll! tht! The Lssdenhlll Press, Ltd, QIIQC he fupndlle br the loes of lee. hy Ilre or otherwise. Duplicate OOPIII todd he l'f|l0‘- QTICKPHAST PASTE is miles bet-ter than Gum

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