Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/272

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222 NOTES AND QUERIES. [10* s. iv. SEPT. ie, IBO& Mangilli, and stands at the angle of the Rio SS. Apostoli. Its graceful Renaissance facjade was given it by Consul Smith from designs by Antonio Visentini. „ Smith married first Catherine Tofts the singer. She died in 1756, and was buried in the Protestant cemetery at San Nicol6 del Lido, where her tomb, with the following inscription, may still be seen*:— Catherine Tofts _ Uxori incomparabili de ae IMIIIO merenti quse obiit anno MDCCLVI. diutino yexata niorbo neo unquam displicuit nisi erepta Joseph Smith Consul Britannicus MI i •! KIIH fecit. Whether the "diutinus morbus" was in- sanity, as has been alleged, I do not know. Smith's second wife was Eliza or Elizabeth Murray, described by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu as "a beauteous virgin of forty," who survived him, and buried him on the Lido near Catherine Tofts. Smith resigned the consulship in 1760, and was succeeded by John Udny. On 5 April, 1761, he wrote, signed, and sealed his will, which I have transcribed; and on 19 March, 1770, he added a codicil. On 12 July he summoned to his house on the Grand Canal the notary Lodovico Qabrieli, and consigned to him a sealed packet con- taining the will, with instructions to "open, publish, and prove it" in case of his death. On 6 November the following certificate of decease was furnished by the sacristan of the SS. Apostoli :— " L'IHmo Big' Giuseppe Smith quondam Guglielmp di anni 96 in circa da tabe senile per molti mesi visitato come da Fede dell' Eccellente Conigliano Medico Fisico, morl in questa nmttina alle ore 16 Fede in filza No. 39. Abito nella nostra contrada per anni 50. Si seppelliri al Lido. Di Chiesa sudetto li 6 Novembre, 1770. In fede di che P. Gio. Antonio Feruzzi SagrUtan." — Archivio di Stato, Venice, Libro dei Morti della Chiesa Parro- chiale e Collegiata di SS. Apostoli, Ui Venezia. The certificate of the sanitary authorities is briefer. It runs :— " Giusepe Smith quondam Guglielmo d' anni 96— da febre senile molti mesi. Medico Conigliano. Mori a ore 16. S. Apostoli."—Archivio di Stato, Venice, Provveditori alia Saniti, Necrologio, 1770. Here the cause of death is given as " febre senile," in all probability a clerk's error for " tabe senile." HORATIO F. BROWN. (To be continued.)

  • See Milner - Gibson - Cullum in Miscellanea,

Genealogies, tt Heraldica, Second Series, vol. i. Ko. 22. LIBRARY OF A GENTLEMAN OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. ON the fly-leaf in a copy of Archbishop Usher's ' Annals of the World,' 1658, there is written, in a firm, bold hand, the name of "Francis Trenchard." On the blank page of the Advertisement leaf adjoining the back cover, as well as on the fly-leaf immediatele following, there is a long list of books, at thy head of which there is written : " A Note of all such Books as are in my Study at Cuttridge." The handwriting belongs to about the date of the publication of the folio : and while I have been able to trace the name of Trenchard of Cutteridge in Burke's 'Landed Gentry,' 1900, p. 1587, I am sorry I cannot spot the name of Francis Trenchard himself. That lie was the possessor of the books in the following list I do not doubt. When he begins the catalogue the writing is clear and easily read, but as he pro- ceeds his good goose-quill gets the worse for the wear, and in several instances I may have transcribed the titles incorrectly. I have done my beat, however, to avoid this. Everything considered, it must be admitted" that the collector was a man of excellent discernment in choosing so many books of a solid and informing character ; and. speak- ing for myself, I should be glad to have on my shelves a number of the items mentioned in the following list:— A Note of all such Books as are in my Study at Cuttridge. The 1" Desk. Petri Berchorij Opera. Monast: Anglican., 2 parts. The works of King Charles y' first. HeMlyns Cosmography. Dttvilas Civill warres of France. Bakers Chronicle. Da [De] Serres History of France. The Turkish History. Bpp. Hall[s] Treatises. Dotr Tavlours Ductor Dubitant. Plynys Naturall History. Sr Walter Rawleigha Hist, of y» World, Bp. Andrewes Sermons. Encycloptedi: Philosophite, 2 parts. Fuller[s] Church History. The 2"1 Desk. Camdens Brittania, 2 parts. Plutarches Philosophy. Plutarches Moralls. Sr Walter Rawley. Halla Contemplations. Livys Roman Hist. Hist, of Thucidides. Topsella Hist, of 4 footed Beasts. The Dyall of Princes. Heywood of Angells. Sandersons Sermons. Camdens Anualls.