Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/281

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iv. SEPT. 16.1905.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 231 her church at Bayona there is this not very clearly expressed dedication in roman capitals, with points over the i'a :— , D.O.M. B. UISKUAT K GEMELiSQVE Svis BAYONEN8JBVS NOSTRis AC SiLAPi.E NVTllici ANNO DMNi. 1701. Is she the only female martyr who is com meraorated in this way by the Catholic Dharch ? E. S. DODGSON. PREMONSTRATENSIAN ABBEYS. (10th S. iv. 169.) THE following list is extracted from the catalogue of religious houses given in Abbot <3asquet's ' English Monastic Life,' 1904, pp. 251-317. I have arranged the Premon- stratensian houses under the names of the counties in which their remains are to be found. J'ucks.—Lavenden, abb. Carmarthen.—Talley or Tallagh, abb. Derbv.—Beauchief, abb. Dale, or Stanley fark, abb. Devon.—Torre, abb. Essex.—Bileigh-by-Maldon, abb. Hants.—Titchfield, abb. Kent.—Black wase or Blackhouse (cell of Lavenden and Bradsole). Brockley or Brocle, West Greenwich (removed to Bayham). Langdon, abb. St. Rade- gund's, or Bradsole, abb. (given in map as an abbey, but abbreviation "abb." omitted in catalogue). Lancaster.—Cokersande, abb. Hornby (cell of Croxton). Leicester.—Croxton, abb. Lincoln.—Barlings, abb. Hagneby, abb. Newhouse, abb. Tupholrn, abb. Norfolk.—Langley, abb. Wendling, abb. West Dereham, abb. (where catalogue states there are sufficient remains to interest an archteologist; but under Dereham, West—without abbreviation "abb." after it—it is signified that there are considerable remains extant. Were there two Premonstratensian houses there 1). Northants.—Sulby or Welford, abb. Northumberland.—Alnwick, abb. Blanch- land, abb. Notts.—Brodholm, nunnery. Welbeck, abb. Suffolk.—Leystone, abb. Sussex.—Begham or Bayham, abb. Dure- ford, abb. Otteham-in-Hailsham (trans. to Bayham). Westmoreland.—Shapp or Hepp, abb. Worcester.—Hales Owen, abb. Dodford (cell of ditto). Yorks.—St. Agatha's or Easby, abb. Cover- ham, abb. Egleston (abb. in catalogue, priory in map). Swainby (trans, to Coverham). A. It. BAYLEY. A list of establishments of the Premonstra- tensians, or White Canons, is given by Mr. Blaauw in Suss. Arch. Coll. (viii. 42-44), along with some interesting remarks on the order, based apparently on Sloane MS. 4934 (pp. 10, 5-11). The following more complete list is taken from Godwin's 'English Archsep- logist's Handbook ' — the additions within parentheses being respectively the date of foundation, the name of the founder, and the estimated revenue at the Dissolution. Alnwick Abbey, Northumberland. (1147, Eustace Fitz John, 1942. 7s.) Barlings Abbey, Lincolnshire. (1154, Ralph de Haya, 3072. 16s. 6d.) Beauchef Abbey, Derbyshire. (1183, Robert Fitz Ranulph, 1572. 10s. 2d.) Beigham or Bayham Abbey, Sussex. (About 1200, Robert de Turneham or Thornham, 1522. 19s. 4d.) Bileigh Abbey (near Maldon), Essex. (1180, Robert de Mantell, 1962. 6s. 5d.) Blanchland Abbey, Northumberland. (1175, Walter de Bolbec, 442. 9s. Id.) Brodholm Nunnery, Notts. (Temp. Stephen, Agnes de Camville, 161. 5s. 2d.) Cokersand Abbey, Lancashire. (1196, Ralph de Meschines, 2821. 7s. ~d. or, according to Speed, 2282. 5s. 4d) Coverham Abbey, Yorkshire. (Temp. Henry II., Hellewise, daughter of Ranulph de Glanville, 2072. 14s. 8d.) Croxton Abbey, Leicestershire. (1162, Wil- liam Porcarius de Linus, 4582. 19s. lid.) Dereham (West) Abbey, Norfolk. (1188, Hubert Walter, Dean of York, after- wards Archbishop of Canterbury, 2522. 12s. lid.) Dodford Cell, Worcestershire. (A cell to Hales Owen.) Dureford Abbey, Sussex. (1165, Henry do Hoese, 1082. 13s. 9d.) Igleston Abbey, Yorkshire. (1189, Ralph de Multon, 362. 8s. 3d.) lagneby Abbey, Lincolnshire. (1175, Her- bert de Orreby, 982. 7s. 4d.) Hales Owen Abbey, Shropshire. (1215, Peter de Rupibus, Bishop of Winchester, 3372. 15s. 6d.) -ioine Lacy or Hamm Abbey, Herefordshire (Temp. Henry III., Wm. Fitz Wain.)