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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io* s. iv. SEPT. so. 1905. NEWS VENDORS' BENEVOLENT and PHOVIDBNT INSTITUTION. Founded 1839. Fundi exceed 25,000*. Office : Memorial lull Buildings. 16, Far ring don Street, Londoo> B.C. Patron: Tbe Right Hon. the EARL of ROSBBBRY, X.tJ. President: The Right HOD. the LORI) GLBNE6K. Treasurer The LONDON and WKHIMINSTER BANK, LIHITSO, 217. Strand, W.C. Trustees {Ex-Ofttclo Members of Committee): CHARLES IIKM; V WALTER. B*q. Sir HORACE BRUOKS MARSHALL. M.A. J P ) • 1. ALFKEIt HKNKY HANCK. Enq. (Chairman of Committee). CHARLES AWDRY, Esq., M.A. OBJECT* — This Institution was established In 1839 IB the City ol London, tinder the Presidency of the late Alderman Hanner, for granting Penslooi and Temporary Assistance to principal! and matU'ant* engaged as vendors or newspapers. A Donation of Ten Guineas constitutes a Vice-Pre«ldent and gives three votes for life at all elections. Kacb Donation of Three Ootneai KIV.-I a TO e at all elections for life. Kvery Annual subtcrlber is entitled to one vote at all elections In respect wf each Five shillings so paid. MKMRKRSHIP—Every msn and woman throughout the United Kingdom, whether publisher, wholesaler, retailer, employer, or employed Is entitled to become a member of this Institution, and enj*>y ite benefits upon payment of Fire Shillings annually or Three Outneas fi>r Life, provided that he or she U eogtged In the sale of new-pap* r«. The principal features of the Hut** governlngeiectlnn to ill Pensions are, that e ich candidate shall have been (I) a member of the Institution for not lei* than ten years preceding application; (2i not leu* than •fifty-five yean of ace; {3; engaged. In the sale of newspaper*for at least ten years. KKLIRF.—Temporary relief!• given In case* of distress, not only to Membert of the Institution, bat to newsvendor* or their servant! who may be recommended for auittance by members of the Institu- tion Inquiry U made In such cases by Visiting Committees, and relief Is awarded ID accordance with the merits and requirement* o! «achca*e. W. WILKIB JONBb. Secretary. NOW HEADY, price 10*. M. net. THE N INTH SERIES r* E N E R A L INDEX NOTES AND QUERIES. With Introduction by JOSEPH KNIGHT, F.S.A. Thla Index Is double the elxe of previous ones, »s It contains, In addition to the usual Index ol Subjects, the Names an(l Pseudonyms of Writer*, with a List of their Contributions. The number of constant Contributors exceeds eleven hundred. The Publisher reserves the right of Increasing the price of the Volume at any time. The nnmber printed Is limited, and the type has been dUtn i>ut*d. Free by post, lOt. lid. JOHN C. FRANCIS, Nofc* and Quent* OtMce, Bream's Bnlldlngl. B.C. TENTH EDITION, price Two Shillings. ,pELK8TIAL MOTIONS: a Handy Book of ^ ' Astronomy. Tenth Edition. Wlib 3 Plates. By W. I . LYNN, B A.FK.A.8. " Well known as one of our best introductions to astronomy." Uuardian. London: SAMUEL B1G8TBK A SONH, LIMITED, 15. Paternoster Row. T'HK AUTHOR'8 HAIRLESS PAPER-PAD. (The LBADBNHALL PRW*. Ltd . Publishers and Printers, 50, Leadenhall Street. London. B C.i. Contains hairless paper, over which the pen slip* wltb perfect freedom. Sixpence each 5i per doxen, ruled or plain. New Pocket Sire. 3*. per d»zen, rnled »r plain Author* should note that The Leadenhall Frees, Ltd., eannnt be responsible for the lots of M*S. by fire or otherwise. Duplicate copies should be retained. CTICKPHA8T PASTE is miles better than Gnm O lor sticking In Scraps. Joining Papere. Ac. 3d., M.. and Is. with Strong uieful Brush (not a Toy) Send two stamps to cover pottage for a sample Bottle, including Brush. Factory. Sugar Loaf Conn, LeadenhalTStreet, KC. Of HI Stationer*. SUckpnaat Paste itlcks. NOTES AND QUERIES.—The SUBSCRIPTION to NOTES AMD QUERIES free by post is 10*. M. for Stx Months; or 20* 0d for Twelve Months. Including the Volume Index—JOHN C. FRANCIS, XttttM tmd Qiimf* Office, Bream's Kmldtngs, Chancery Lane. PEDIGRKE8, FAMILY and LOCAL BISTORT. —A BIBLIOGRAPHY of GBORGB F. T. BBIRWOOIXB PAPERS and PUBLICATIONS, 3,1 pott free. SO. Beecroft Road, Broekley. London, 8.E. MR. L. CULLETON, 92. Piccadilly, London (Member of English and Foreign Antiquarian 8ocletle«), uader- takei the furnishing of Kitracts from Parish Registers, Copies or Abstracts from Wllli, Chancery Proceedings, and other Records UMfml for Oenealcgical evidences In England. Scotland, and IreJmnd Abbreviated Latin Docnmpnu Copied. Extended and Translated. Foreign Researches carried ont. Bnqulrias Invited. Mr. CnUetO*"* Private Collections are worth consulting for Clues Antiquarian and RcleotlHe Material searched fer and copied at tie British Museum and other Arcblvea. " Kzamlne well your hlood. He From John of Gaunt doth bring nil pedigree."— ANCKSTHV, English. Scotch. Irish, and American. TRACBIlfromSTATK KBCOKD8 Speciality Went of Bnrland and Rmlgrant Famllle«-Mr RKYNKLL-LPHAlf. 7. Cathedral Clos«. Bxeler.and 1, Upbam Park Road, Cblswlck, London, W. BOOKS.—ALL OUT-OF-PRINT BOOKS supplied, no matter on what subject. Acknowledged the worM over an the most ezpert Hookflndern extant. Please state wanla.— MAKER'S Great Bookshop. 14-IH, John Bright Street, BlrmlBgbam. AGENCY FOR AMERICAN BOOKS. j. P. PUTNAM'S RONS, PUBLISHERS and T. BOOK8BLLBH8, Of 27 and 99. West 33rd Street, New York, and 24, BBPFORD STRUT. LONDON, W.C., dealre to call the attention of the READING PUBUC to the excellent facilities presented by their Branch Hooee in Loofom for Oiling, on the most favourable term*, orders for their owm STANDARD PUBLICATIONS, and for all AMERICAN BOOKS. Catalogue* sent on application. T'HK BOOKSELLERS' PROVIDENT INSTITUTION. Founded 18S7. Patron-HER MAJB8TY QUBBN ALEXANDRA. Invested Captul, *> OOOt A UNIQUE INVESTMENT Offered to London Bookseller* and their Assistant*. A young man or woman of twenty five can Invest the ran of Tweatf Guineas tor Its equivalent by Instalments) and obtain the right to participate in the following advantage* :— FIRST. Freedom from want In time of adversity as long a* »e*d exists. KKm N l > Permanent Relief In Old Age. THIRD Medical Advice bj Eminent Phvulctan* and Sargeoat FOUHTH. A Cottage In the Country (Abbots Langley. Hertf for aired Membert, with garden produce, coal, and medical

  • tre In addition to an annuity.

FIFTH. A PurnlHhed House In the nme Retreat at Abbots L*eglev for the use of Members and their Families for Holidays or Convalescence. SIXTH. A contribution towardi Funeral F.xpentet when It U i BKV8NTH All theae are available not for Members only, trail for (h-ir Wives or Widows and Young Children EIGHTH. The pavment of the sn^KCripttons confers an right to thcae benefit* in all cases of need. For farther Information apply to the Secretary, Mr, GBORGB LKNKK. 23. Paternoster Row. B C. A THRNJEUM PRESS. —JOHN EDWARD J FRANCIS. Printer of the Athen*um, .Vote* and QM . prepared to St'HMIT KSTIMATSS for all kinds of ROOK. KB and PBR10DICAL PRINTING. - IS. Bream e Balldlnira. ^™ Lane, K.C. rUNBRIDGB WKLL8.—APARTMENTS. Com- fortably Furnished Sitting-Room and One Bedroom. _ and central No others taken.-K. H., 06, Grove Hill Road, Tutttd**