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NOTES AND QUERIES: ^ filtbium nf Jntmommunkaiion FOB LITERARY MEN, GENERAL READERS, ETC. 1 When found, make a note of."—CAPTAIN CUTTLB. No. 93. [B™] SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1905. {«« I J«or< PRICK FOURPKMCK. ttrtda* n X<>, ,,-.,,,, Mttttred ft ft. V.P O. a, &cQnd-C!a*» Hatter. ty Subitiiptiott, 20*. Od. pott frtt. VTOTKS AND QUERIES.—The SUBSCRIPTION CHORTHAND-TYPIST WANTED.—Character of M tn NOTES AMD QUERIES free by post Is 10*. W. for Six Months ; *J more Importmncfl than opeed. A person with knowledge of Proof orSOi W for Twelve Months, including the Volume Index .—JOHN C. Revising would he given preference—Apply box fiOO, Athena?um 1'res*. FRANCIS, ffotei and Quiriei Ufflee, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane. 13, Bream's Buildings, Chancery i, ,iii;. B.C. MR. L. CULLETON, 92. Piccadilly, London (Member of Kngllsh and Foreign Antiquarian Societies), under- take* the fumtihlng of Fxtracts from Pariah Registers, Copies or Abstracts from Willi. 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