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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ws.iv. OCT. 7.10* • OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS. The OXFORD DICTIONARY. A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles. Founded mainly on the Materials collected by the Philological Society. Kdited bv JAMBSA. H. MURRAY. Double Section, PENNAUK— PFENNIG, 5*. New Half- Volume (Vol. VII. Part I.), O— PF, II. 7t. 6d. A PRIMER of CLASSICAL and ENGLISH PHILOLOGY. By WALTER W. BKEAT, Litt.D. Fcap. 8vo, cloth, 2*. SHAKESPEARE.-COMPLETE WORKS. Edited, with a Glossary, by W. J. CRAIG. Crown 8vo, large type, with a Portrait. On ordinary paper, cloth. St. 6d. ; in leather, from 6». On Oxford India Paper, cloth, 7*. 6d. ; in leather, from 9*. Also an Illustrated Edition, with 31 Pictures taken from the Boydell Gallery. Price from 4«. M. . — As it is printed in large type, on Oxford India paper, and neatly bound in limp cloth, we expect that it will become a favourite among the editions in one volume." The CAROLINE POETS. Edited, with Introductions, hy George KAINT3BUKY, M.A. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Vol. I. CHAMBKRLAYNE, BENLOWKS, K. PHILIPS, HANNAY. 10*. 6rf. net. The WORKS of LUCIAN of SAMOSATA. Complete with exceptions specified in the Preface. Translated by H. W. FOWLEK and F. G. FOWLBH. 4 vols. exua fcap. 8vo, cloth, 14«. net. ORIGINS S ISLANDICAE : a Collection of the more Important .Sagas and other Native Writings relating to the Settlement and Barly History of Iceland. Kdit«d and Translated by GUDBKAND VIGFUbSON and F. YOhK POWKLL. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, 2Z. 2». net. ASTRONOMY in the OLD TESTAMENT. By G. Schiaparelli. Authorized English Translation, with many Corrections and Additions by the Author. Crown 8vo, cloth. [Immediately. ALSO PUBLISHED BY HENRY FROWDE. SECOND EDITION, REVISED, THIRD IMPRESSION. AUTHOR and PRINTER. A Guide for Authors, Editors, Printers, Correctors of the Press, Compositors, and Typists. With full List of Abbreviations. An Attempt to codify the best Typographical Practices of the Present Day. By F. HOWARD COLL1NP, with the assistance of many Authors, Editors, Printers, and Correctors of the Preas. Crown 8vo, cloth, 5». net ; leather back and corners, St. 6rf. net. G. B. S. in The A UTHUR.—" Mr. Howard Collins has certainly done this job extraordinarily well." A DICTIONARY of ENGLISH and WELSH SURNAMES. With Special American Instances. By the late C. W. BARD3LKY. Small 4to, cloth, I/. 1». net. London ; HKNRY FROWDB. Oxford University Press Warehouse, Amen Corner, K.C. Published Weekly br JOH-I n PR&NCIft. Rrnm'i Hull.lini. ClunMrr L«n«. B.C., mid Printed by JOHN KUWAKI) FEANC1S Air.-.-...vuio PrtM, Braam'l B>IUI>«>. Cunwry L*u, B.C.-8arar*>r, October 7, 1S05.