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NOTES AND QUERIES. [10* s. iv. OCT. at, IMS. THE ENGLISH HISTORICAL REVIEW. Kdit'-.l by REGINALD 1,. POOLE, M.A. Ph.D. Ko. 80 UCTOBBK, UW. Royal Sro, price 5i. 1. Artirlei. CHINA ud the ANCIENT CABUL VALLEY. By Prof. B. H. linker. SIR JOHN OLDCA8TLB. By W. T. Wangli. Part II. INTERNATIONAL LAW UNDER Qt'BEN ELIZABETH. By Prof. Edward P. Cneyney. RECORDS of HOUOHTON-LMPRING, 1531-1771. By Robert W. Bameey. 2 yotf* and Document*. The 11BGINN1NO of ABINODON ABBEY. Bj the Ker. J. B. Field. IHe ORIGIN of "CASTLES " In ENGLAND. ByT. Davies Prjce and Mrs E Armltage. The CIPHER In MONMOUTH'S DIART. By tlie R«T. John WUIeoex. CORRESPONDENCE of ARCHBISHOP RTONE and the l.UKB Of NEWCASTLE. By C. Litton ralkincr. Part II. The EXECUTION Of GENERAL TORRIJO8 and UOBKRT BOYl), 1831. And other*. 3. Sniftct ttf Boola. 4. yotinet of Ptriodifal rubtieatioHt. 1' H E EDINBURGH REVIEW. No. 114. OCTOHSB, 180S. 8TO, price 6«. 1. LORD GRANTILLB. 5. 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