Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/418

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344 NOTES AND QUERIES. [io» s. iv. OCT. 28,1905. 104. P. 625, The Kind Keeper and Madame —Earl of Besaborough and Madam Gilbert. 105. P. 675, The Political and Platonic Lovers.— Catharine Macauley and Dr. Thomas Wilson [v. vol. iii. p. 681]. Vol. IX. (1777). 106. P. 9, Malagrida and Thalia.—Lord Shelburn' and Mrs. Abington. 107. P. 65, C L S h, Esquire, and Lady T —Charles Loraine Smith an ' Lady Tyrconnel. 108. P. 121, D.... of D and Miss Charlotte Sp r.—Duke of Devonshire anc Charlotte Spencer. 109. P. 177, The Cozened Minor and Madame Le F re.—Sir J. St. Aubyn and 110. P. 233, The Amorous Justice and Mrs. L m —Justice Addington and Mrs. Les sinjzham. 111. P. 289, The E.... of C and Vis-a-vis T....d. —Earl of and Vis-a-vis Towns bend. 112. P. 345, Capt. Toper and the Hibernian Thais. —Capt. Roper and Mrs. F m. 113. P. 346, LeComtedes Lunettes and Miss D n —Charles Mordaunt. fourth Earl o] Peterborough, and Miss Dawson. 114. P. 457, The Earl of H h and Mrs. W.nt.r. — Karl of Hillsborough and Mrs. Winter. 115. P. 513, The Complying Colonel and the Wanton Widow.-Col. C and 116. P. 569, The Sporting Rover and Miss C..t.r.— Thomas Panton and Miss Carter. 117. P. 625, The Whimsical Lover and Miss D le. —George James, first Marquis of Cholmondeley, and 118. P. 675, The Predestined Prelate and the Pious Mrs. Leerwell.—Rev. Augustus Top lady and Vol. X. (1778). 119. P. 9, The Hearty Alderman and the Persuasive Housekeeper.—John Hart and Han- nah Hickman. 120. P. 65, The Artful Lover and Miss C.lm.n.— Lord Villiers (?) and Miss Colman. 321. P. 121, The Pliant Premier and Miss Sp..c.r.— Lord North and Miss Spencer. 122. P. 177, The Martial Lover and Miss L n.— Lord Petersham and Fanny L n. 123. P. 233, The Cautious Commander and Mrs.—General Amherst and 124. P. 289, Admiral Sternpost and Miss Sp..ks.— and Miss Sparks. 125. P. 345, The Successful Gallant and the Paphian Votary. — William Bird and Lady Percy. 126. P. 401, The Brilliant Baronet and Miss— Sir Michael le Fleming and Miss Scott. 127. P. 457, The Licentious Lover and La Femme sans souci.— and Lady Grosvenor. 128. P. 513. The Libertine Lad and Miss B a — Sir John Lade and Miss Maria B s. 129. P. 569, The Admirable Advocate and Miss C le.—Alexander Wedderburn and Miss Charlotte C le. 130. P. 625, The Skilful Negociator and Madame de B g.— Count Malzahn and 131. P. 675, The Priest of Nature and the Artful Mistress.— and Mrs. M HORACE BLBACKLEY. Fox Oak, Walton-on-Thames. (To be continutd.) QUEEN ELIZABETH'S VISITS TO WINCHESTER. MR. J. B. WAINEWRIGHT in his note upon Thomas Founde, S.J. (ante, p. 184), made some statements about these visits which are not altogether accurate. He spoke of two visits paid by Elizabeth to Winchester, and assigned the first to August, 1562, and the second to the year 1570. These dates need further consideration, and as the subject has not much to do with Pounde, it can be dealt with more conveniently under a fresh heading. 1. The first visit occurred in the August of 1560 (Nichols, ' Progresses,' i. 87, edition of 1823), and not in that of 1562. ME. WAINEWRIGHT evidently got the date wrong by misreading Nichols. The Queen's letters or 22 August, 1560, were written from Winchester ('Cal. S.P. Foreign, 1560-1,' p. 253). 2. A second visit, which may have been paid in the course of a journey northward, perhaps occurred in September, 1569. OB IK: 9th of that month the Queen was at Southampton ('Cal. Southampton Corpora-

ion MSS.,' 18), whither she had come from

Titchfield ; and by the 22nd she was at the Pyne, near Basingstoke (Nichols, i. 258-62): Unless she chose some roundabout route,

he details of which do not seem to be re-

corded, she must have passed, on her way to

he Vyne, through Winchester, even if she
here made no halt. I have not found any

evidence of her presence in the city upou

his occasion ; but the Bodleian apparently

jossesses a MS. account of the expenses of >reparing "lady Masson's house" for the Queen's reception in 1569. See 'Index, Cat. MSS. Rawl., Bodl., Parts I. and II.,' ). 976. Was this lady the widow of Sir John klason, Knt, who enjoyed the deanery of Vinchester in Edward VI.'s reign ? 3. There is an entry in the Winchester 'ollege accounts for the year 1570 (so it is aid) of wine and money given to the I'ucs'u's minstrels (tibicines). Out of this utry historians of the College have con- tructed a visit in 1570 by the Queen herself, ,nd they have ascribed to this visit, which believe to be imaginary, some proceeding* /hich, as I propose to show, occurred really