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NOTES AND QUERIES. [IO*S.IV.NOV.IS,IWL NEWS VENDORS' BENEVOLENT and FROVIDBNT INSTITUTION. Founded 1859. Fund* exceed 250001. Office : Memorial Hall Hulkling*. 16, Farrlngdon Street, London, B.C. Patron: The Right Hon. the BAKL of R08BBERY, K.O. President: The Right Hon. the LORD GLENBSK. Treasurer • The LONDON and WESTMINSTER BANK, LIMITED, 217, Strand, W.C. Trustees {Kx-Officlo Members of Committee): CHARLES HBNRV WALTER. Bfq. Rlr HOKAOB BROOKS MARSHALL, M.A. J.P. D.L. ALFRED HENRY HANCB. Esq. (Chairman of Committee). CHARLES AWIJKY, Esq., M.A. OBJECTS—This Institution WM established fn 1&39 in the City of London under the Presidency of the late Alderman Harmer, for granting Pensions and Temporary Assistance to principals and at"i»'*nts engaged as vendors ol newspapers. A Donation of Ten Guinea* constitutes a Vice-President and (rives three votes for life at all elections. Bach Donation of Three Guineas L".vr-« a TO'B at alt election* for life. Bvery Anneal Subvcrlber IB entitled to one Tote at all elections In respect of each rive Shillings so paid. MKMRERPHIP.—Every mnn and woman throughout the United Kingdom whether publisher, who!e»aler, retailer, employer, or empioved is entitled to become a member ol this Institution, and en JOT its benefits uoon payment of Five Shillings annually or Three Guineas for Life, provided that he or she Is engaged In the sale of The principal features of the Rales ffovernlngelection to all Pensions are, thate en candidate shall have b«en (l)a member of the Institution than flfty.flve years of age; (3) engaged In the sale of newspapers for at lea*' ten years. KBL1RF-—Temporary r-llef In given in case* ol distress, not only to Members of the Instltntl'm. but to newsvendors or their servants who may be recommended for a»s'»tanee bv members of the Institu- tion inquiry Is made In inch canes by Visiting Committees, and relief Is awarded in accordance with the merits and requirements of each case '•• • WILKIB JONES, Secretary. NOW READY, price 10*. Gd. net. THE NINTH SERIES I N D E OP /> E N E R A L NOTES AND QUERIES. With Introduction by JOSEPH KNIGHT, F.8.A. This Index is double the size of previonM ones, as It contains. In addition to the usual Index of Subjects, the Names and Pseudonyms of Writers, with a List of their Contributions. The number of conitant contributors exc**** eleven hundred. The Publisher re-erves the right »•* increaiitng the price of the Volume at anv time. The number printed Is limited, and the type has been distributed. Free by post, 10«. lid. JOHN FRANCIS. Vote* and Qittrie$ Office, Bream's Building S';-H '• SEVENTH BDITION, feap. 8vo, cloth, price Sixpence. T>EMARKABLE HCL1PSES: a Sketch of the iV ,i,'.-t Interestinr flrrumstances connected with the Observation M Sn'ar and Lunar Pnllpses. both In Ancient and Modern Times. By VP. T. LYNN, B A- F.R A.8. SAMPSON LOW. MARSTON A CO., LIMITED, i:. *, Paternoster Row, !•;>'. SECOND BDITION, fcap. Svo, price Fourpence. NEW TKHTAMENT CHKONOLOGY: the Prinrlnal Events record** In the New Testament arranged nnder Their Probabe Hmpectlve Dates. Hy W. T. LYNN. M.A F R A *., Aswoc'ate of King'* College. London. Lay Reader In the f»i.„•=••-• of Rochester. Author off 'Celestial Motion*,' 'Remarkable, Comets, Remarkable Eclipses,' ' Astronomy for the Young/ Ac, London: SAMUEL BAGSTER & SONS, LIMITED, 15, Paternoster Row. MXTTES AND QUERIES.—The SUBSCRIPTION ^ * to NOTBS AND QUKRIRS free by post ii 10*. Sd. for Six Moatki^ or 20* 6d. for Twelve Months Including the Volume Index.—JOHN C. FRANCIS, Xote* and (lutritt Office, Bream's Haildlngs. Chancery Laae. .bstracts from Will* QTICKPHAHT PASTE is miles better than Gum PATIENT (PAYING) could be TAKEN by a DOCTOR at BRIGHTON. House spacloos and splendidly Ituated. Every comfort and medical care.—Apply, in first InUaace, to Box 601, AthenEcum Press, 13 Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, EC. MR. L. CULLETON, 92. Piccadilly, London (Member of English and Foreign Antiquarian Societies). «»d«r.

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