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NOTES AND QUERIES, . iv. NOV. a, u* XTEW8VENDORS' BENEVO .LM PROVIDENT IS8T1TTJTION. BENEVOLENT and Founded 1839. Fnnds exceed 25.0001. Office : Memorial Hmll Buildings. 16. Fsrrinjdon Street, London, E.C. ratron : The Right HBO. the BARL ol ROBBBBRY, K.O. President : The Right Hon. the LORD GLBNE8K. Tre ararer : The LONDON and WEXTMINdTBR BANK, LIHITEO, S17, Mrand, W.C. Trustee* (Fx-Ofnclo Member* of Committee) : (•UMiI.K* HBNRV WALTER. Esq. Mr HORA"K BROOK* MARSHALL, M.A. J.P. I> L. ALFKED HBMRY HANCB. Esq. (Chairman ot Committee). CHARLES AWDRY, B*q.. M.A. or IB Thl* In.tltntlon wss e«tabll»hed In 1H9 In the City ol .n nndir the Presidency of the late Alderman Harmer, for l Assistance to principal. and '"ili'itMRRKflHlP -Every m»n and woman throughout the foiled KuSIm wnV»i«- publisher. whole-aler, retailer ""P'»J«. »' r, .nin.fd 1* entitled to become a member ol thl« Institution and JSKr fu benHlt. iipin p.ymenl of FlTe Shilling. annually or Three Onlnei"f"r L?te. pro. IneJ I that he or .he 1. e»g«ed In the Mlc of "ThTSfTiIeipal 'eawre. of the Rules governing election to all i F»"«l»« .r» tail «• ch candidate »hall have been (Da member of the Instltotlon f£'noTle*« than "year. preceding eppllcailon; 13, not. le.. than niu five "Van. of!£, <»J engaged In .he tale of newspaper, lor at 1eKKiTRpM1TemttOraiT r-llet!• «1»en In ca.ei of dlatran. nnt only to"of™ri~.tlt«tlnn. hut to n.we.e.dor. or their .,rr..t. s' OKTBY for CHILDREN. OLM l« pn-p«rln(t for publication a BOOK tron^^Es,j"Pd,e^'ci:ta[n"e.,.To ".i T. 0. * B. 0. JACK,0.n..-,.,de, •duoarfh. G NOW BEAUY, price 10«. 84. net. THK NINTH SKKIK8 KNKRAL INDEX OF VTOTKS AND QUERIES.—The SUBSCRIPTIOS l~ to NOTES Ann QUBRIBH lr»e by poet U 10«. id. lor Ml M«tk* . or 20. 6rf lor Twelie Monthi Including the Tolnme lnde« -JUWI C. "•RANCIS, Kom ....,.( <|»m« OIHee, Hrram'e Bnlldl>(>, Cbaneen loe. PATIENT (PAYING) could be TAKEN by a DOCTOR at HR1OHTON. Honee epmclom and ipkMMIy Ituftt4>d. Every comfort and medical omre.—Apptr. in flrtt nuaaee. to Box 101. AthentL'Uni Fre». 13. Bream'e Baildinnn. chancery IAK. He MR. L. ClILLKTON, 92. Piccadilly, (Member of Bnglteh and Forclfcn Antiquarian SocieUrr. i take! the furnlahlnff ol Extract* from Pan«h Keirlateri. CopW* er Abbreviated Latin Document* Copied, P.itended and Tranilitel. Forelicn Beaearchee carried out. Bnquirlei Invited. Mr. LIUMOB i 'rlvate collectlong are worth conaultiiiz for <9nee. Antiquarian and Kvlentlflc Material starched for and copied at the Hntith Museum and other Archive!. •• Kxamlne well yonr blood. He From John ol Gaunt doth bring hie pedigree."—fruEnruaa. ANCESTRY, English,Scotch. IrUh. and Amaricu. TRACKDfrom SI'ATE HBCOKDR. Kpeelallty : Weit of ElttlaX and Bmiintit Famine*-Mr HRYNBLL-DPRAH, 7. Cathedral tloea, Bxeter, and 1, Upham Park Hoad, Chliwlea, London, W. BOOKS.—ALL ODT-OF-1'RINT BOOKS •upplled, no matter on what •abject. Acknowledged the »orW OT«r as the moet expert Booktladert extant. Pteaee vtate want*.— iAKBH'8 Ore»t Bookshop. 14-10, John Bright Btntet. Hirnunsk.-n AGENCY FUR AMERICAN RUUKS. GP. POTNAM'S RONS. PUBLISHERS and . BOOKSELLERS. Of 27 and :': i. West :' r-i Street. New York, aad 2*. BBDFOBD 8TRVBT, LONDON, W.C.. de«lre to call the attention ol the RKADINO FCBLIC to the excellent facilities presented by their Branch House In Londoe 'or filling, on the most favourable terms, order* for their owl STANDARD PUBLICATIONS, and for all AMERICAN BOOKS. Catalogue* sent on application. T'HE BOOKSELLERS' PBOVIDBHT INSTITUTION. Fonnded 1837. Patron-HER MAJESTY UUBBN ALBXAXURA- Invested Capital. SO 000! A UNIQUE INVB8TMENT Offered to London Booksellers and their Assistant*. A young man or woman of twenty five can Invest the sum of Tweiry Onlnea* (or It* equivalent by Instalments) and obtain the rlffst I* participate in the following ad vantage*:— F1KKT. Freedom from want In time of adversity as long a* aw* exists. HKCONI) Permanent Relief In Old Are. THIRD Medical Advice by Kminent I'hvilclan* and Rnm«ns FOURTH. A Cottage In the Country (»blx>ts LangKy. H«rtfordsaltei foraged Memben, with garden produce, coal, and medical an«a*ia« free. In addition to an annuity. FIFrH. A Furnished House In the wme Retreat at AbbotsUnswy for the u»e of Members and their Famine* for Holiday* or sansf Convalescence. 81XTH. A contribution towards Funeral Expense* when It Is ••**• 8KVBNTH All th<-«e are available not for Members oaly.Miaus for th"lr Wives or Widows and Young Children BIOHTH The pivment of the subscription* confers u a!»c» right to then* henettu In all eaten of need. For farther Information apply W> the Secretary. Mr OEUUSI LAKNKK. 23. Paternoster How. B.C. ATHENJEUM PRESS. —JOHN BDWABD J FRANCIS. Printer ot the AOatimm. NoUi mi Qnfim. «<-" prepared to 8UBMIC sWTIMATBS for all kinds of mxit »•** and PERIODICAL PRINTING. -13, Bream's Buildings. Csawl Lant, B.C. TUNBRIDGE WELLS.—APARTMENTS. Coo NOTES AND QUERIES. •With Introduction by JOSEPH KNIGHT, F.8.A. i. In Thli Indei li donhle the el«e of pre»lon« onei, •• It c. o the u.u.l Indni or sut>j'««. 'he Mamet and Peeedonymi of 'of ihelr Ikiotrlhntlona. The number ol con.tant he l-nMl.h.r «,-.",. the addition to Wr '»?• with a Ilttof ihelr Ikiotrlhntlona. The number o fS£S*£?ZiS»> el-en hundred. The l-nMl.h.r «,-.",. the otlncr«a.ln« the price ol the Volume at anytime. I he number pnnud le limited, and the type ha« been distributed. Free by poet, 10J. 1 l.l JOHN n. FRANC1H. Vel» and Uatrui Office. Br»an/i Bnlldlnici. B.C. rpflK ATTHOR'8 HAIRLESS PAPER-PAD. L {The LBAl'KNHALL PRKS". Ltd . Publishers end Printers, ' SO Leadenhall street. London, B.O.I. Contains hslrle.s paper, over which the pen .lips with perfect freedom Klxpence each Sj per doxen, ruled or plain. New Pocket •lA.U.or.".ho."1 Lot". 1'h.t1 "£. I«denha,l Pre... Ltd. cannot be r,*p,m. ™le lor l °e lus. of MK8. b, Ore or otherwise Duplkste copies hould be retained. •Utklnr I .Inl Krns ' PubU»h«d W PA8TK is miles better than Gam •craps Joining Papers. Ac. 8d.. 6a, and 1*. with (not a Tor) 8snd two stamp* to cover pottage .me Including Brash. Factory. Sugar l.oaf Court t B'C Ol all Stationers. BUckpnaal Paste sticks. 1 tonably Furnished Slttlng-Room and Oae Be4r«s>n. I""*""' and central. No others taken.—&. H., 60, Grove HU1 Road, Ias>r.l|' WeUt.