Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/518

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428 NOTES AND QUERIES. [io» H. iv. NOV. as. M<& Qnttitt. WE must request correspondents desiring in- formation on family matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to tlieir queries, in order that answers may be sent to them direct. DIRECTORY OF FOREIGN PEERS.—I desire to compile a directory of foreign peers resident in Great Britain aud Ireland, and shall be glad if all those to whom my proposed work would apply will kindly send me particulars of the titles and decorations they may hold, with dates of creation, arms, genealogical details (i.e., dates of births, marriages, and deaths), giving, where possible, the remotest ancestor, and the history and traditions of the family. BARON SETON OF ANDRIA. Seton Cottage, Victoria Road, Great Yarmouth. THOMAS HOOD AND DOUGLAS JERROLD.— At the 1868 Exhibition of National Portraits at the South Kensington Museum the follow- ing three portraits were exhibited. I should feel grateful if any reader of 'N. & Q.' could tell me where those portraits now are :— No. 593. Thomas Hood. To waist; small size ! seated in arm-chair; full face. Millboard, I _ by 9in. [No artist's name given ; lent by Tom Hood.] No. 594. Thomas Hood. Three-quarter size, seated to 1. near writing table, pencil in hand. Canvas, 50 by 4U in. [No artist's name given, but apparently the one taken at Ostend by Lewis in 1838. Lent by Dr. William Elliot.] No. 597. Douglas Jerrold. Bust, seated to 1. pro- file ; signed at back: painted 1839. Canvas, 24 by 20. [By William Bewick ; lent by Mrs. Noseda.] WALTER JERROLD. Hampton-on-Thames. POPULATION OF A COUNTRY PARISH.—Will any of your readers kindly inform me, in their opinion, the most accurate way of ascertaining the population of a country parish in the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries? Where can the returns of Archbishop Sheldon's religious census be seen? R. L. E. "Goo's BLESSING FARM."—Having observed in a paragraph of a local newspaper, under the head of Wimborne Minster, the singular name of " God's Blessing Farm," I shall be glad if your readers can throw any light upon the way in which the name was acquired. A. M. H. KING'S MONEY.—Could you give me any information concerning the origin of "the King's money," sometimes described as " the King's letter money" and "the King's bounty," which was first distributed in the parish of St. Bartholomew the Great, EC., "according to direction from the Chamber- lain's Office," in 1732, and was continued annually until 18251 The amount distributed was 11., in small amounts of about 2*. 6J., to poor persons in the parish. E. A. WEBB. STEER FAMILY.—In 4th S. x. 168, 303, there are references to this family. Hunter's 'Familiae Minorum Gentium' gives a pedi- gree of Steer. Where were the nine children of William Steer, of London, and afterwards of Northampton, by his wife Anne,, daughter of Samuel Rastall, baptized ? Their daughter Ann married 31 January, 1782, William Drury — afterwards Drury-Lowe—of Locko Park, Derbyshire. She is given as dying, in 1848. at the age of 104. The date and church of baptism would be interesting. Where was her brother Charles Steer, who died 13 Septem- ber, 1810, and who is said to have been of Chichester, buried ? Can any of the blanks in Hunter be filled in? Who now represents this family ? REGINALD STEWART BODDINGTON. Worthing. JOHN BOWLE, D.D.—Is there in existence any portrait of John Bowie, D.D., Dean of Salisbury 1620-30, and Bishop of Rochester 1630-37 ? If so, where can it be seen ? A. R. MALDEN. Salisbury. GEOFFREY GRIN, GENT. — Who wrote "Rhyming Reminiscences and Comical Couplets. By Geoffrey Grin, Gent.," Lon- don, 1826? The author was apparently an actor. F. JESSEL. E.B. — In the churchward of Laleham is an inscription to " the wife of George Hwt- well, of this parish, E.B." Can any of your readers tell me what E.B. means ? W. B—M. ADMIRAL JOHN GREY AND THE RELIEF or DERRY. — In two families descended from Admiral Grey there is a tradition that he took a leading part in the breaking of the boom at Derry. I always thought that had been done by Micaiah Browning. Is there any foundation for the Grey tradition ? Any particulars about this officer's career, or about his ancestors, will be very acceptable. FRANCESCA. TALE OF RUSSIAN LIFE.—Can any of yonr readers aid me in finding the title or a book I read with much interest about sixty odd ye»r> ago, although I should not perhaps care so much about it now ? It was a tale of Russian social life, not a translation. The author