Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/542

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448 NOTES AND QUERIES. [io» s. iv. DEC. 2, SIR LAWRENCE DUNDAS.—Macaulay speaks of him (' Memoir of Oliver Goldsmith,' near the end) as having brought wealth from Germany. Who was he? He is not in the •D.N.B.' J. K. LAUGHTON. ANTONIO CANOVA IN ENGLAND.—In the year 1816 Canova came to England, where he stayed some time and received a very •warm welcome. Can any of your readers tell me in what contemporary English record I can find an account of the sculptor's sojourn in this country 1 G. A. S—N. LORD MAYOR'S DAY.—Can you explain to me why 9 November was originally fixed as Lord Mayor's Day? When and by whom was 9 November chosen for this festival ? W. A. T. [The Lord Mayor was formerly chosen on the Feast of SS. Simon and Jude, 28 October, and went the next day to be sworn in before the judges at Westminster. See the note 'Fifteenth-Century Banquet,' ante, p. 446. MR. PIEKPOINT, in his . interesting article on the true date of George III.'s birthday, ante, p. 174, mentions that in 175'2, incon- sequence of the adoption of the New Style, the Lord Mayor was sworn in on 9 November for the first time, instead of on 29 October, as formerly.] BAYHAM ABBEY.—Has any monograph been published on this abbey ? On 28 July, 1863, the late Rev. John Louis Petit, F.S.A., read a paper thereon before the Royal Archaeo- logical Institute, and exhibited a series of his own drawings illustrative of the architecture of this building. Where are these now ? I am aware of the paper by the Rev. G. M. Cooper' On the Origin and History of Bay- ham ' in vol. ix. of the Sussex Archaeological Collections. At the Archaeological Institute meeting above mentioned the Marquess Camden exhi- bited a plan of the remains on a large scale, showing the arrangements of the abbey. Is this still in existence? Has the chartulary (which is in the British Museum) been printed ? If so, by whom and at what price ? T. CANN HUGHES, M.A., F.S.A. Lancaster. HUNT FAMILY.—I should be glad if any one could enlighten me about the ancestors of Robert Hunt (born 30 June, 1810, at Tarring, co. Sussex), whose father's name also was Robert, a cabinet-maker. The former married Mary Bennett, of Clay Cross, near Chesterfield, at Sheffield, 22 December, 1831. I also wish information concerning Samuel Hunt (a tailor), of Sale Place, Carey Street (Westminster?), who died about 1796. He is supposed to have left a brother named James, who left children and also two sisters. Please reply to A. E. Hcsr. 136, Martin Street, Upperthorpe, Sheffield. " THAT SAME."—In The Academy of 30 Sep- tember, p. 1006, it is alleged that " to the student who searches the anthologies, Dot for the odd or archaic or local, but for a touch of 'that same' that goes to make what is called literature, nothing is more disappointing than to find beneath a fine rousing title the sorry stuff thit constitutes by far the greater part of folk-song. I am curious to know whence " that same "is quoted and to what it originally referred in connexion with literature. ST. SWITHIX. " THE BIRD IN THE BREAST " = CONSCIENCE. —In ' Some Remarkable Passages in the Holy Life and Death of Gervase Disney, Esq.,' 1692, are printed several "Good sayings of good men," collected out of sermons. One of them runs as follows : " It's comfortable musick to hear the Bird in the Breast sing- ing, whatever we suffer for it." Is this phrase proverbial ? One of the mediaeval Percies spoke of having " kept the bird in his breast. What other instances of its use can be quoted ? M. P. [See ' N.E.D.' under ' Bird, 5. The Bird in the Bosom.'] ' THE RING.'—Who wrote ' The Ring,' » novel which appeared in the eighteenth century? Any other particulars about it would also be interesting. ARTHUR HOUSTOS. 22, Lancaster Gate, W. MACKINTOSH.—Alan Mackintosh of Rothie- murchus sold his episcopal lands so named in 1539. His son and heir, James Mackintosh, married a lady of the name of Campbell, according to some accounts. I should be obliged if any one could give me any further information as to this marriage. A. CALDER. ' THE LITTLE GREEN SHOP ON CORNHIIU' —Can any reader inform we when, and in what publication, a poem under this heading appeared ? J. T. Beckenham. KERR OF LOTHIAN : DE BRIKN.—Was the title of Viscount Brien borne by the Kerr« or Carres associated with'the Seignenrie of Brienne, which belonged to Engilbert I- (990), sixteenth ancestor of Gaultier (or Walter), third Count of Brionne, Kinf? « Sicily, Duke of Apulia, <fec., in Italy ? Itu singular that an'Anquetil de Carel, Carra,