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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io» s. iv. DEC. w, m. THE POLITICAL HISTORY OF ENGLAND. Written by Various Authors, under the Direction and Editorship of the Rev. WILLIAM HUNT, D.Litt., President of the Royal Historical Society, and REGINALD LANE POOLE, M.A. Ph.D., Editor of the English Historical Revinc. In 12 vols. demy 8vo, each Volume having its own Index and 2 or more Maps. The price of each Volume is 7s. 6d. net if sold separately ; but COMPLETE SETS may be subscribed for through the Booksellers at the price of £4 net, payment being made at the rate of 6s. 8d. net on the delivery of each Volume. Vol. I. TO 1066. By Thomas Hodgkin, D.C L. Litt.D., Fellow of University College, London, [/» February, Vol. II. FROM the NORMAN CONQUEST to the DEATH of JOHN (1066-1216). By GBOHGB BUBTON ADAMS, Professor of History In Xale University. With '2 Map*. " It la a piece of very sound and capable workmanship, and will be of immense service to Hngllsh scholarships." [Kotts cad Quria. Vol. III. FROM the ACCESSION of HENRY III. to the DEATH of EDWARD III. (1211-1377). li.v 1. F. TOUT. M.A., Professor of Medieval and Modern History in the Univmlrj of Manchester. With 3 Maps. Vol. X. FROM the ACCESSION of GEORGE III. to the CLOSE of PITT'S R1KST ADMINISTRATION (17iSO-18Cl). By the Hev. WILLIAM HUNT, M.A. D.Litt., Trinity College, Oiford. " This admirable work, by the President of the Eoyal Historical Society, Is the first volume of a new series underUito by Messrs. Longman, the Importance and value of which it Is difficult to exaggerate. We regard t he entire work witb admiration. If continued with equal brilliancy, the series will be invaluable, and we unhesitatingly pronounce tte present volume statesmanlike, scholarly, and erudite." — Notes and Queries, " The name of Dr. William Hunt on the title-page has deservedly come to be regarded as a guarantee of wual historical workmanship. His contribution to this important series of volumes cannot fail to enhance his reputation.11 V FULL PROSPECTUS ON APPLICATION. LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. 39, Paternoster Row, London, B.C. ; New York and Bombay. BOOKSELLERS' CATALOGUES (DECEMBER). SECOND HAND BOOK CATALOGUE, No. 42, Comprising over 1,000 Items, Including MSS., ILLUMINATIONS, INCUNABULA, and THOMAS BAKER, Bookseller and Publisher (Late of Soho Square), Miscellaneous Literature of the nn XT T* JTUT AM OTDIPTPT T nMnnxi TIT S.™n.«mth. and Bltfhteenth Centuries. 72' NEWMAN STREET, LONDON, W. Sixteenth, Seventeenth, and Eighteenth Centuries. Illustrated icitA numerous Facsimiles of Illuminations, HORACE G. COMMIN, New and Second-hand Bookseller, BOURNEMOUTH. Speciality in Theology. Philosophy, Archaeology, -«- siastlcal History, and Antiquities, Mngilsb and Foreign. Catalogues published Monthly, and sent free aptf application. LIBRARIES AND SMALLER LOTS OF BOOKS BOUGHT FOB CASH. ESTABLISHED It4». (Continued on Third Advertisement Page).