Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/589

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io<-s. iv. DEC. 16, loos.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 487 1 .1 All Saints neck This month the papists did design, 2 e All Souls throat To spring their wicked powder mine, 3 f Winefred 4 G 21 S. aft Tri 5 a Powder Plot shoulde, arms breast To blow up king, lords, commons all, By hellish blast, and bloody fall, Hell's servants did this mischief work, 6 b Leonard stomach And Jesuits which amongst us lurk, 7 c Wildebrood heart Plotted in the infernal den, S d Claudius back And carried on by wicked men. 9 e Theodorus belly These would prince, peers, and nobles burn. 10 f Erastus bowels Saint Peter to salt petre turn ; 11 G 22 S. aft Tri reins Martinmas, Sun in Sigittary. On the reverse aide of the fragment, presumably representing the month of October, is the following:— The wither'd woods show white and hoary frost, By driving storms their verdant beauty's lost. 1 Cerberus . 6 38—5 22 2 Ransborough ... 6 40—5 20 3 Marriage was once 4 for virtue's sake, 5 Now money does the 6 marriage make. ... 7 Harrison the Butcher 8 Scot the Brewer ... 9 Hughkin the Jester 10 For haa the female 11 money store 6 42—5 18 6 44-5 16 6 46-5 14 6 48-5 12 6 50-5 10 6 52-5 8 6 54—5 6 6 56-5 4 658-5 2 The time is alter'd from Summer, the days grow short, but money shorter, and a pudding in the eating much more shorter ; But Troubles and Vexations do lengthen with them that are up to the Ears in Law, and them that have now married scolding Wives. MISTLETOE. WE must request correspondents desiring in- formation on family matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to their queries, in order that answers may be sent to them direct. SEMPER FAMILY.—I have been asked by a friend in the neighbouring island of Mont- serrat whether any information can be ob- tained as to the Semper family, a member of vhich, a Thomas Semper, emigrated from «p. Galway, Ireland, towards the end of the eighteenth century, and settled in Montserrat. Montserrat, I may say, has been largely colonized in bygone years by a good class of Irish emigrants. The crest of this Mont- serrat branch, I am informed, is a plume of feathers (similar to that of the Princes of Wales), and the motto " Semper idem," which recalls the well-known line in Macaulay's 'Armada':— The glorious Semper Eadem, the banner of our pride. No further armorial bearings have been mentioned to me. It is suggested that the family may have been originally Spanish. I may add that several members of the name have risen to legal or judicial distinction in the colony of the Leeward Islands. I promised my friend that I would com- municate with ' N. & Q.'on the subject of his request, and I am sure that he would be most grateful for any information sent to him (Mr. Dudley Johnso_n, Plymouth, Montserrat, W.I.) direct, or, if thought of sufficient interest (with the Editor's permission), to ' N. & Q.,' in which case I would gladly for- ward it on. J. S. UDAL, F.S.A. Antigua, W.I. DUGDALE'S TRUSTWORTHINESS.—Has ever any one tested Dugdale's trustworthiness as an author? In particular, are his pictures taken from life 1 or can it be proved that in i some details they are fancy-work ? The ! test cannot be difficult if buildings or monu- ments are chosen which are known not to have been altered since Dugdale's time. G. KRUEGER. Berlin. AUTHOR SOUGHT.—I shall be obliged if you will allow me to ask whether any of your readers can tell me what is the title and who is the author or authoress of the poem be- ginning :— The day was Easter Sunday ; Like a dying god in pain The organ groaned aloud, And the sunlight, Streaming through the window pane, Shone on a motley crowd. H. HAES. 28, Bassett Road, W. [Surely you are thinking of Keats's ' Eve of St. Agnes,' one line in which in stanza vii. is The music yearning like a god in pain. The lines you quote are at least directly inspired by that poem. ] STEWART OF ROTTERDAM. — Information that any one, particularly readers of