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500 NOTES AND QUERIES, now s. Iv. nw. 16, not l authors, all best editions: F roude, 28 vols., 221. ; Macaulay, 15 vols., 41. l0~f.: Motley, ll vols., 81.; Grote, 20 vols., 71.; Thomas Hardy’s novels, 36 vols., 181. 10a.; Abraham Ha ward, 7 vols., 61.; and Martha Walker Freer, lg vols., 211. Mr. Francis Edwards has also a short separate list of a few new books at reduced prices. Among these we note The Ancestor, 12 vols., and 3 indexes, 21.; ‘ Rabelais,' Urquhart and Motteux's transla- tion. 3 vols., 1904, l8s.; Fleay’s ‘ Eaglish Drama,’ 11. ls.; The Koran, Commentary by herry, 4 vols., 11. : and VVood-Martin’s ‘ Traces of the Elder Faiths of Ireland,’ 10s. 6d. Mr. Villiam Glaisher sends us two lists: one a Short Catalogue of Popular Current Literature, .and the other Christmas and New Year’s Gifts, the latter including fine-art books. Mr. Charles Higham’s catalogue of Theological Vorks includes a complete set of the Henry Brad- shaw Society, 189|-1904, 161. 1614. Mr. John Jeffery has under Cromwell a catalogue of Ordinances from 16 December, 1653, to 3 Septem- ber, I654, 308. In the catalogue are some interesting ~chap-books, also curious ol deeds. as well as works relating to the Quakers and the Wesleyans. Messrs. J. & J. Leighton announce their Cata- logue of Early-Printe Books, Manuscripts, and Fine Bindings. The catalogue contains 6 200 items, illustrated with upwards of 1,350 reproductions in facsimile. Mr. A. Russell Smith sends us Part 11. of his Catalogue, chiefly of Old English Literature. Ve note Peacham’s ‘Minerva Britanna,' 1612, 71. 7.s., and his ‘ Vorth of a Penny,’ 1667, 21. 2s. A copy of ‘Piers Ploughn|an,’ 1813-14, is priced 11. l5s.; ‘Curll`s rare edition of ‘ Mr. Pope's iterary Corre- spondence] 17356, 11. 15-e.: and the first edition of Pope’s collected works. 1717, 51. 159. An extremely rare poetical volume, Pricket’s ‘ Time’s Anatomie,’ 1606. is 51. 59. Under Psalms is the first edition of the Brownist version compiled by Henry Ainsworth, the leader of the sect, 1612, 61. 6.4. Under Sir Joshua Reynolds is the discourse he delivered at the Royal Academy, 1772, 31. 3»»¢. This is a presentation copy with the inscription, “To his Grace the Duke of Marlborough from the author.” The catalogue _abounds in interesting items. Messrs. Henry Young & Sons, of Liverpool have, among other interesting items, an original Second Folio Shakespeare. full bound by Riviere, 851.; a handsome set of Dickens, all first editions. 451.; a -complete set of the “ Tudor Translations,” 401. ; the rare first edition of N ewman’s ‘ Apolrwzgia’ (together with Kingsley’s still rarer pamphlet ‘ hat then does Dr. Newman Mean ? '), 51. 58. ; the special édition de .luxe of Brinkley’s ‘Japan and China,’ 251. 4s. ; and the first edition of Lacroix and Sere’s ‘ Le Moyen Age et la Renaissance] 121. 11%. There are hand- some sets of Austen, George Eliot, Meredith, and others ; also some line old portraits and prints. ° gntins is Gamsgsnlmzts. ON all communications must be written the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for pub- lication, but as a guarantee of good faith. WI cannot undertake to answer queries privately. BRUTUS (“ Isis and the Thames"). -See 8"' S. ix. 368, 455 ; x. 57. NOTICE.-CHRISTMAS DAY.-NOTES and QUE RIES for December 23 will be pub- lished on THURSDAY NEXT, Decem- ber zt, at xo o'clock. The latest time for receiving Advertisements for this issue will be on WEDNESDAY morning. NOTES Asn QUERIES.-The SUBSCRIPTION to NOTE!! urn QURRIBS tree by post ls 10s. ll. for hlx loathe; or ma ed. for Twelve Months. lncludlng the Volume I dea.-JOIUI 0. FRANCIB, Notes and Queries Ullee, Ilream'e Bnlldlngs, Chancery Lane. Losnos TOPOGRAPHICAL °SOCIETY. PUBLICATIONS OF THB SOCIETY PDR THB YIAR 115. l AGA8`8 IAP I L0 i ( ) o NDON. c rm lbw. 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Antiquarian and Bclentllle Material searched fer and eopled at the Brltlsh Museum and other Areblves. “ ltxamlne well your blood. I-le I-‘rom J ohn ot Gaunt doth brlng hls pedl¢ree."-Brunssrasan. ANCESTRY, English, Scotch, Irish, and American, 'l‘ltAOlDfrom STATE ltlnnlths. llgelallty = West of England and lmlgrant Farnllles.-Mr. RBYNBLL-U HAI. 7. Cathedral Clue, Exeter, and 1, Upharn Park Road, Chlswlck. London, W. BOOKS.-ALL OUT-OF-PRIN T BOOKS matter on what subject. Aehnewledned the world over as the most expert Boohllnders extant. Please state wants.- BAKBBJ8 Great Bookshop, M-ls, John Brlght Street, Blrlrungham. THB OBNBAIJOGICAL CLASSIC. RURKEVS PICERAGE and BARONRTAGE. The PRIVY tX)UNfllL, KNIOHTAGB. and OOUPAHIONAGI. Bv ARRWORTR P. BURKE 08th Baltlon llllel. Published at sb- stables; to Caahjmseount Burke contains more infomation than any o er eeragc. ' O! all Booksellers, or the Publlshers, HARRISON A 8088, 45. Pall Mall, 8.1. '1‘HE AUTHOR38 HAIRLICSB PA PER-PAD. (The LBADBNHALL Pltltlls, Ltd., Publlshers and Printers, 50, Leadenhall street. London, BC.; Contalns halrless paper, over whleh the pen sllps with grad freedom. Slxpence each 5; per dozen, ruled or plaln. New U llze, ss. per dozen, ruled or plaln. Authors should note that The Leadenhall Press, Ltd. cannot be ursponslble for the loss of UNB. by Dre or otherwlse, Duplicate copies should be retained. g QTICKPHAST PASTE is miles better than Gum

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