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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io" 8. iv. DEO. 23, isx* NOW READY. Crown 8vo, neatly half-bound in bine leather and scarlet cloth, price 3*. 6<f. net; full dark blue morocco, with gilt edges, round corners, price 5i. net. WHITAEEB'S PEERAGE FOR THE TEAR 1906. BEING A DIRECTORY OF TITLED PERSONS AND CONTAINING An Extended List of the Royal Family, The Peerage with Titled Issue, Dowager Ladies, Baronets, Knights, and Companions, Privy Councillors, and Home and Colonial Bishops, with a Comprehensive Introduction, and an Index to Country Seats. "THE CHEAPEST AND HANDIEST WORK ON THE PEERAGE EVER ISSUED." London: J. WHITAKER & SONS, LTD., 12, Warwick Lane, Paternoster Bow, B.C. NOW READY. WHITAKER'S ALMANACK. The BEST, The MOST COMPLETE, The CHEAPEST, and The MOST USEFUL ALMANACK in EXISTENCE. Sewed, Half-bound, 1^" f f with Supplement, 906. 2s, OL NET. NET. London: J. WHITAKER k SONS, LTD., 12, Warwick Lane, Paternoster Bow, K.C. FaWUhed Weekly t>r JOHN 0. FRiNOIS, Brewi'i Billdlon. Ckonrr Lane. B.C.; »d Printed by JOHN BUWARD r&ASCII, Atbea*am Pre», Bream'• BaUdingi. Cka&oery Ju»oe, B.C.—^afwrrfay, Viceintxr 73, 19M.