Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/632

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522 NOTES AND QUERIES. [io- 8. iv. DEC. so. 1905. TETE-A-TETE PORTRAITS IN •THE TOWN AND COUNTRY MAGAZINE.' (See ante, pp. 241,- 342, 462.) I NOW give the last section of my identifi- cations of these portraits :— Vol. XVIII. (1786). 3. P. 9, Dorcas and Dorinda.—Robert Merry and Elizabeth Brunton. . P. 65, The Unfortunate Adventurer and the celebrated Mrs. M...y.— and Mrs. Moseley. 25. P. 121, The Diplomatic Cicisbeo and the engaging Madame Le— and 26. P. 171, The Whimsical Lover and the frail Alicia.—Sir Sampson Gideon and . P. 233, The City Gull and the White brow.— and Mrs. Corbyn. . P. 289, Lord Crop and the Meretricious Fair.— Lord George Gordon and Miss E.... P. 345, The Persevering Lover and the false wife.—Hon. John Townsheud and Mrs. Fawkener. P. 401, The Hibernian Factor and the American Matron. — Quentin Dick and Mrs. Anne Wood. P. 457, The Hibernian Seducer and the Maid of Sensibility.—Charles Coote, First Earl of Bellamont, and P. 513. The Ungrateful Barnnet and the beetle- browed Nurse.—Sir Thomas Acland and Vol. XX. (1788). 249. P. 25, His Caledonian Grace and the Candid Wife.—Duke of Hamilton and Lady Eglinton. 250. P. 55, The Military Bishop and the Convenient WTife.—Duke of York and 251. P. 103, The Martinet and the Divorced Matron. — and Lady Wallace. 252. P. 152, Lord Promise and Mrs. A...rch...r.- and Mrs. Archer. 253. P. 200, The Dastardly Mariner and the El- ported Wanton.— and .... 254. P. 248, A Son of the Muses and a Daughter of Pleasure.—Arthur Murphy and 255. P. 295, The Unsuccessful Lover and the St. Giles's Beauty.— and 256. P. 343, The Constitutional President and the Juvenile Brunette.— and 257. P. 397, The Dapper Peer and the Obscure Beauty.— and 258. P. 440, Old Nauticus and the Fair American.— and 259. P. 487, The Insect and the Reptile. — and •3 P. 569, Anticipator and the Barndoor Fowl.— Richard Tickell and 4. P. 625, The Irish Manager and Mrs. Tomboy.— Richard Daly and Mrs. Jordan. 5. P. 681, The Methodistical Seducer and the juvenile Proselyte.— and Vol. XIX. (1787). 236. P. 33, The Seduced Fille de Chambre and the cruel husband.—Dorothy Stevenson and Andrew Robinson Bowles (?). 237. P. 51, The Pensioned Magistrate and the subtle Prude.— and 238. P. 105, The Seduced Soldier and the subtle Countess. — Lieut. Charles Bourne and Countess of Crequy Canaple. 239. P. 147, The Petulant Barrister and the Sedate Mistress.— and 240. P. 201, The Fortunate Fortune Hunter and the diminutive Hunchback. — and 241. P. 249, The Gallant Sea Captain and the Irish Adventuress.— and 242. P. 297, The Fugitive Israelite and the dege- nerate Countess. — John King and Lady Lanesborough. 243. P. 345, The Military Adventurer and the Ger- man Countess.— and 244. P. 393. The Prudent Black Leg and the Parisian Courtezan.—Capt. Crofts and 043 P 441, The German Providore and the Cast Fille.—Weltzie (?) and 246. P. 484, Lord Toper and Clorinda. — and Mm. Martyr. 247. P. 537, The Disappointed Secretary and the Mortified Spinster.— and ...... 248. P. 585, The Reverend Oxonian and the Repu- diated Matron.— and 260. P. 535, Tancred and Sigismunda. — Joseph George Holman and Miss Hughes 261. P. 589, Parson Pasquin and Mrs. D —Rev. Sir Henry Bate Dudley and Mrs. Dodswell. Vol. XXI. (1789). P. 9, The Jerusalem Pilgrim and the Fille de Chambre.—Thomas Whalley and... P. 51, The Literary Traveller and the German Correspondent. — Lady Craven and the Margrave of Anspach. P. 99, Mr. Muss...l and Mrs. F...s...r.—Lient Mussel and P. 147, Lord Limp and Miss T.. sd...ay.—... and...... P. 195, The Treacherous Host and Miss R —Richard Wilson and P. 243, The Duellist and the Little Gipsey.- Col. Charles Lennox and.... P. 292, Mr. St. G...e and Mrs. A...b...n.-Mr. St. George and Mrs. Arabin. P. 340, The Gallant Distiller and Mrs. W.. d.- Mr. Cooke of Stratford and Mn. Walford. P. 388, The Old Seducer and the Young Milliner.— and P. 436, Becky and the Little Major.—Mr*. Wells and Major John Scott. P. 483, Mercator and Lucinda.— and P. 531, The Treacherous Guest and the L'n- grateful Wife. — Francis William Sykes and Mrs. Parslow. P. 579, Parson Prigg and Miss Termagant — Rev. Charles Eate and...... Vol. XXII. (1790). 275. P. 9, The Royal Sailor and Polly Finch.—Dnke of Clarence and Polly Finch 276. P. 51, The Royal Soldier and the Beautifal Genevese. — Duke of Orleans and Madame de Buffon. 277. P. 99, The Theatrical Peer of Berks and Antouietta.—Earl of Barrymore ami 278. P. 147, TheTpremier Git and the Nonpareil of Portsoken. Alderman Picket! and 2<>2. 263. 2G4. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274.