Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/655

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 27, 1906. I N D E X' Books recently published:- Hawker’s (R. S.) Life and Letters, 117 Heine’s (H.) Works, Vol. XII., 439 Herrick’s (R.) Flower Poems, 518 Hierurgia Anglicana, ed. V. Staley, Part III., 19 Horace’s Works, 39 Hubbard’s (A. J. and G.) Neolithic Dew-Ponds and Cattle-Ways, 280 Humpty Dumpty, by J. Moorat, 498 Hunt’s (W.) History of' England, 1760-1801, 318 Husband’s (T. F. and M. F. W.) Punctuation, its Principle, and Practice, 240 Index Catalogue of Woodside Library, 338 Ingoldsby Legends, 418 J ackson’s (B. D.) Glossary of Botanic Terms, 497 Jessel’s (F.) Bibliography of Works in English on Playing Cards and Gaming, 338 J onson’s (B.) Every Man in his Humor, 298 Klein's (R.) Quick Calculator, 440 Koeppel’s (E.) Studicn iiber Shakespeares Wir- kung auf zeitgeniissische Dramatiker, 298 Lamb (C.): Life, by E. V. Lucas, 257; Essays of Elia, 418; Life, by W. Jerrold, 440, Lamb's (C. and M.) Tales from Shakespeare, 160 Lang’s (A.) Secret of the Totem, 478 ; The Clyde Mystery, 538 Latouche's (W.) La Roulotte, 199 Lawson’s (Sir C.) Memories of Madras, 497 Literary Year-Book, 1906, 540 Logan’s (Hannah) Courtship, ed. Myers, 240 Lowell's (J. R.) My Study Windows, 337 Macpherson (James), by J. S. Smart, 337 Magazine of Fine Arts, Vol. I. No. 1, 439 Maine’s (Sir H. S.) Ancient Law, 337 Manning’s (A.) Household of Sir T. More, 160 Memoirs of a Royal Chaplain, 1729-63, ed. by A. Hartshorne, 98 Middle Temple Records, 178 Milton’s (J .) Comus, 518 Modern Language Review, Vol. I. No. 1, 399 Muses’ Library, 159 Napoleon: First Phase, by Oscar Browning, 198 Nashe’s (T.) Works, ed. McKerrow, Vol. III., 278 Nelson Centenary: What Nelson Said, by H. Stokes-Nelson’s Homeland, by J. Hooper, 338 ; Lest We Forget, by T. Foley, 479 New English Dictionary, 58, 358 Nights at the Opera, ed. by F. Burgen, 39 Norman’s London Vanished and Vanishing, 538 N un’s Rule, ed. Morton, 80 Patmore (C.) The Angel in the House, 39, 80 Peacock’s (T. L.) Headlong Hall, &c., 337 Pedantius, ed. by G. C. Moore Smith, 298 Penny’s (Rev. F.) The Church in Madras, 239 Perrett’s (W.) Story of King Lear, 520 Photograms of the Year 1905, 498 IPlatt’s (H. E. P.) Byways in the Classics, 238, 261, 352, 435 Platt’s (W.) Child Music, 539 Poets and Poetry of the Nineteenth Century, 160 Punch’s Almanack, 479 Purchas’s (S.) Hakluytus Posthumus, Vols. V. and VI., 159 ; Vols. VII. and VIII., 278 Quarterly Review, 180 Ridgeway’s ( W.) Origin and Influence of the Books recently published:- Routledge’s Miniature Reference Library, 199, 320, 498 Ruth and Esther, Books of, 518 Ruvigny and Raineval‘s (Marquis of) Plantagenet Roll of the Blood Royal, 138 Sayce’s (W. H.) Assyrian Grammar, 19 Scottish Historical Review, 199, 419 Shakespeare : Stratford Town Edition, Vol. III. -Sonnets, 59; Works, ed. by Craig, 337 Shelley’s (P. B.) Works, ed. by Hutchinson, 258 Skeat’s (W. W.) Primer of Philology, 539 Slater’s (J . H.) How to Collect Books, 539 Smart’s (J. S.) James Macpherson, 337 Stevenson’s (R. L.) Tales and Fantasies, 100; Essays in the Art of Vriting, 298 Stow’s (G. W.) Native Races of South Africa, 197 Suffolk: its History, Vols. II.-IV., by Copinger, 99, 145 Swiftfs Journal to Stella, 80-Gulliver, 439 Swinhurne’s (A. C.) Tragedies, 39, 418, 497 Tait’s (J .) Mediaeval Manchester, 199 Temple Church Registers of Burials, 319 Thorburn’s ( A.) Mr. Ubbledejub and the House Fairies, 498 Trelawny’s (E. J.) Records of Shelley, 337 True to the Flag, ed. Ommanney, 80 Wagner, by J. F. Runciman, 440 Walker's Septem Psalmi Pcenitentiales, 117 Walpole’s (H.) Letters, ed. by Mrs. Toynbee, Vols. XIII.-XV., 459 ; Vol. XVI., 538 Vhitaker’s Almanack, 1906-Peerage, 1906, 540 Who's Who, 1906. 539-Year~Book, 1906, 540 Wilkin`s (M. H.) Quaint Sayings from Sir Thomal Browne, 320 Wilkins’s Mrs. FitzHerhert and George IV., 458 Worley’s (G.) Southwark Cathedral and See, 498 Booksellers’ Catalogues, 20, 60, 119, 200, 258, 338, 379, 400, 419, 459, 499 Borrett (Elizabeth): Henry Palmer, 288 Boulter (W. C.), on another Horatio Nelson, 441 Bourbons, the “ Black,” 206 Bowes (Richard), his parentage, 427 Bowes Castle, Yorkshire, 288 Bowes family of Elford, 408, 457 Bowle (John), Bishop of Rochester, his portrait, 428 Bowtell family, 29, 134 B-r (R.) on detached belfries, 290 Gibbets, 315 Mereday, Christian name, 248 Miners’ greeting, 391 Bradbrook (W.) on population of a country parish, 495 Bradley (H.) on Melton cloth: Melton jacket, 467 Bradley (John) his ‘ Narrative of Travel,’ 407 Brathwait (Richard), ‘ Huntsman’s Raunge,’ 1633, 467 Bray (Mrs. A. E.), her ‘ Autobiography,’ 410 Brenan (G.) on Sir Robert Howard, 141 Breslar (M. L. R.) on Irish soil exported, 113 “ Just before the battle, mother," 208 Prayer for twins, 176 Weeping willow, 115 Breviary or Missal, its use, 34, 75, 138 Bri, meaning of the name, 389 Brice and Den families, 326 Bridge, Fulham, coloured print of, 509 Thoroughbred Horse, 359 l Bridge, Staines, its proportions, 469, 536