Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/657

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 27. 1906. I N D E X0 Chelsea, “ famous,” its derivation, 366, 434, 470, 517 Cheshire dialect words, 203, 332, 414 Chess, between man and his Maker, 169, 255; allu- sions in Shakespeare, 284 Chesterfield (Lord), his ‘ Lines on a Lady drinking the Bath Waters,’ 108, 158 Chigwell Row, Sir Francis Drake and, 230, 332, 416 Child executed for witchcraft, 38 Chimney stacks, popular theory concerning, 128, 233 China, Dresden tailor in, 469, 536 Christ (Jesus), chastised by the Virgin, 85 ; and “ Pearls cannot equal the whiteness of his teeth,” 307, 355 Christ Hospital or Christ’s Hospital, 247, 310, 355 Christening of a ship, 260 Christian names: Dilliana, 7; Sophony, 148 ; Coris- ande, 247, 352 ; Mereday, 248, 334 ; Esmeralda, 352 ; transmitted in families, 365 Christie (J. H.), his duel in 1821, 189, 252 Christmas, bibliography of, 503 Christmas bush, description of, 502 Christmas carol, “ Over yonder ’s a park,” 181 Christmas notes, 1390-1714, 501 Christmas pig’s-head supper, 505 Christ’s Hospital or Christ Hospital, 247, 310, 355 Church history in pictures, 107 Church of England, members called Protestants, 427 Church porch, bequests payable in, 369 Church spoons, 468 Churchill (C.), mural tablet at Dover, 308, 357 Churchwardens’ accounts, Worfield, 327, 416 Cipher of Francis Bacon, 188 Civil War, ballad by Thornbury, 148 Civil War earthworks, remains of, 328, 394, 453 Clapham (Henoch), bibliography of, 362 Clarges (Sir T.), portraits of Shakespeare, 368, 494 Clark (M. S.) on pillion: flails, 72 Clarke (Cecil) on hyphens after street names, 449 Royal Oak Day, 80 Clarke (Major R. S.) on Macdonell, 530 Clayton (H. B.) on J. H. Christie, 252 Jones (Paul), his birthplace, 67 Clements (H. J. B.) on Conyers, 57 Clarke (Sir Philip Jennings), Bart., 0. 1774, 429 Clinson (O.) on “ That same,” 515 Clippingdale (S. D.) on detached belfries, 415, 513 Close, as a French noun, 89 Closets, hair-powdering, 349, 417, 453 Clothes of prisoners as perquisites. 96 Club cups shaped like a hand, 327, 397 Cockle (M. J. D.) on American Civil War, 527 Coffin, flies in, 386 Coins, simple guides to, 288, 375 Coke (Alfred) on Coke or Cook, 13 Coke on Coke or Cook? 13 Coke or Cock (Sir Edward), spelling of name, 13, Cold Harbour at Llantilio Crossenny, 19 Cole (Rev. William), antiquary, his MSS , 429, 495 Coleman (Charlotte), 0. 1766, her biography, 489 Coleman (E. H.) on John Bland, 314 Bombay Grab, 177 Child executed for witchcraft, 58 Christie (J. H.), 252 Concerts of Antient Music, 49 Cricket engravings, 132 Cromwell House, Highgate, 135 78 Coleman (E. H.) on Custom of Thraves, 397 Daguerreotypes, faded, 208 Detached belfries, 290 Docking the mayor and constable, 325 Dummer family, 315 England without noblesse, 157 Farrant’s anthem, 355 George III.’s cleverness, 273 George III.’s daughters, 236 Hair-powdering closets, 417 Lamb`s Panopticon, 215 Lonning, 70 Montagu (Basil), his MSS., 156 Moon and hair-cutting, 29 Newlands, Chalfont St. Peter, 213 Parker family, 15 Pleshey fortilications, 116 Premonstratensian abbeys, 231 Radcliffe (Ann), 76 p Rushbearing, 87 Sanderson dance, 358 Scotch burial custom, 10 Snaith Peculiar Court, 334 Tunbridge Wells harvest custom, 447 Wenham (Jane), Witch of Walkern, 197 Wheel as symbol of religion, 250 Worple Way, 396 Yachting, 156 Coleridge (S. T.), notes on Herder’s ‘ K.alligone,’ 341 Coles (J .), Jun., on Joseph Anstice, 150 Atlas and Pleione, 475 Coliseums, old and new, 176 College of Arms and the right to arms, 188 Collins (F. Howard) on beside, 375 Jack and Jill, 13 Newspaper leading articles, 128 “Of” after “ inside,” “ outside,” 168 Resp., 9 Yachting, 156 Collins (Wilkie) or Charles Dickens? 255 Colman (George), the younger, his ‘ Man of the People,’ 266 Colville (David), Scotch scholar, 0. 1648, 149 Com. Linc. on ‘Jenetta Norweb,’ 389 Communion tokens, earliest use in Scotland, 387, 430 Concerts of Antient Music, their history, 49, 335, 391. Congreve (W.), an Independent at Wimborne, 148 Conscience, “ the bird in the breast,” 448 Conyers (Katherine), her family, 264 Conyers peerage, 57 Coodie, dialect word for a donkey, 70 Cook or Coke (Sir Edward), spelling of name, 13, 78 Cooke=cuckoo, 55 Cooke (George F.), Percy Fitzgerald on, 92, 135 Cookson (Dr.), private tutor to William IV., 510 Coop or ooup=to trap, 165, 296, 358 Cooper (A. E.) on Duke of Ormond, 467 Cooper family of Plymouth, 0. 1717, 88 Cop. See (Joop. Cope (Mrs. E. E.) on Robina Cromwell, 328 Cope (Mrs. H.) on Rawdon, 248 Cope family of Bramshill, 97 Copenhagen House in 1824, 205, 295, 351 Cordova(R. de) on detectives in fiction, 307 Pictures as signs, 169 Repartee of royalty, 467