Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/663

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Notet and Queries, Jan. 27,1908. 553 INDEX. Harte (W.) on Titian's ' Venua with Mirror, 127 Harting (.1. E.) on Brathwait'a ' Huntsman's Raunge,' 467 Harvest custom at Tunbridge Wells, 447 Harvest time sixty years ago, 164 Haskoll (.1.), his bunt of Sir Isaac Newton, 329 Hastings, Wace on the battle of, 38 Haawell (F. R. N.) on smith in Latin, 409 Hatchments in churches, 488 Haultmont (M.) on ' Bathilda,' 93 Dumas, its pronunciation, 275 Hayes (T. J.) on tholsels, 387 Hays (Admiral) and Rev. William Face, 9 Hazlitt (John), miniaturist, his biography, 57 Head, called "twopenny," 69, 217, 331 Headly (C. B.) on Headly arms, 309 Hearsey (Andrew), of Middelburgb, Holland, his ancestors, 123 Heart of Louis XIV. eaten, 434 Hebb (J.) on authors of quotations, 38 Cannizaro (Duchess of), 358 Dante, unknown portrait, 205 Dante's sonnet to Guido Cavalcanti, 207 Gallows of alabaster, 276 Garibaldi, origin of name, 67 Great Queen Street, No. 56, 326 ' King Nutcracker,' 508 Pennethorne (Sir James) and ' Saturday Review,' 506 Pinchbeck family, 33 Towers of silence, 264 Hebrew tradition regarding Cain and Ham's wife, 429 Helga on Gytha, mother of Harold II., 168 Harold II. and Royal Houses of England, Den- mark, and Russia, 188 Romanoff and Stuart pedigree, 197 Helper, feudal use of the word, 469 Hemming=Stevens, 157 Hems (H.) on Lord Bathurst and highwayman, 415 Coop, to trap, 296 Copenhagen HUUBP, 295 Cromwell House, Higbgate, 135 Fate of the Tracyx, 192 Female crucifixes, 395 Hoorn, Cape, 94 Lundy Island, 16 Midsummer Day, 27 Newlands, Chalfont St. Peter, 276 Pigmies and cranes, 356 St. Gilbert of Sempringham, 94 Wheel as a symbol in religion, 250 Henry on "Vaulting ambition," 827 Hepburn=Lidderda)e, 609 Heraldry:— Argent, chevron sable charged with bezant or, 508 Arms, right to, 188 Azure, three fleurs de-lis or, 90, 135 Dudley family arms, 230 Escutcheon of pretence, 429, 496 Hatchments in churches, 488 Headly family arms, 309 Quarterly, gules and or, on a bend or two falcons azure, 349 Bipley family arms, 314, 374 Sable, an escallop nnd three pales in chief or, 349 Heralds' Visitations, Northamptonshire, 1681, 530 Herbert (F.) on pictures of 'Julius Caesar" and ' Romeo and Juliet,' 169 Herder's ' Kalligone,' Coleridge's notes, 341 Herero, pronunciation of the name, 527 Heron-Allen (E.) on Ithamar, 387 Omar Khayyam, 105 Prisoner suckled by his daughter, 432 Herrick's ' Hesperides,' 1648, 482 Hesker or Hysker islets, 69, 136, 334 Heslop (R. 0.) on Rev. John Durant, 334 Miners' greeting, 391 Scotch Communion tokens, 430 Testout, 353 Hewitt (C. E.) on ' La Belle Assembled': Miss Cubitt, 108 Scotch Communion tokens, 387 Scottish Naval and Military Academy, 274 Hewitt (Canon J. A.) on Farrant's anthem, 265 Nelson poems, 329 Hibgame (F. T.) on forests Bet on fire by lightning, 213 Hare and Easter, SOB Lyceum Theatre, 410 •Missal, The,'138 Railway, 6rst, on the Continent, 267 Hickery-puckery, meaning of the term, 87, 232 High Peak and Scaredale, MS. history, 88 High Peak words, 427 Higham (C.) on De Quincey and Swedenborg, 529 Hill (Kev. William), 235 Moon names, 350 Wilde (Lady) and Swedenborg, 331 Highgate, Cromwell House, 48, 135, 437, 489; Countess of Huntingdon at, 149, 333 Highwayman, Lord Bathurst or Berkeley, and the, 349, 415, 495 Highwayman's parting song, 187 Hill (Benson Earle), his ' Recollections,' 51, 114 Hill (Rev. William), Chartist leader, 235 Hilson (J. L.) on Easter woods, 335 Hippoclides on Pace : Hays, 9 Tripos : Tripos verses, 124 ' Historical English Dictionary,' drapier omitted, 286 Hitchin-Kemp (F.) on index of probates, 277 St. Paul's Cathedral, 114 Hobart-Hampden (H. M.) on Jack and Jill, 13 Hodgkin (J. Eliot) on Bartholomew and Charles Beale, 104 Duke's Bagnio in Long Acre, 24 George IV.: an appreciation, 365 Moon and hair-cutting, 234 Piece-broker, 391 Hodgson family, its genealogy, 349 Hoffman (Heinrich), his ' King Nutcracker,' 508 Hog, uses of the word, 407, 449, 510, 536 Hogarth (W.), sale of his ' Wanstead Assembly,' 49 Holland (J. E.) on " Fountain " Tavern, 289 tjimcoe (General) and Domingo, 290 Holland (W. R.) on Kit's Coty House, 247 ' Oxford Ramble,' 472 Prisoner suckled by his daughter, 432 Holleck or Hollicke, Middlesex, the place-name, 36, 77 Holmes (M. A. F.) on palindrome, 175 Holt (R. V.) on officers of State in Ireland, 314 Holy Thursday, rain caught on, 447, 497