Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/665

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Hote* and Queries, Jan. 27,1906. 555 INDEX. Jerrold (Douglas), bin portraits, 428 Jerrold (W.) on Thomas Hood and Douglas Jerrold, 428 Jessel (F.) on ' Edward and Ellen," 47 Grin (Geoffrey), Gent., 428 Packs of sixty cards, 28 Pitts (J.), printer, 469 Jesua. See Lhriit. Jiggery-pokery, use of the term, 166, 232 Jockteleg, 94 John (King), poisoned by a toad, 168; 256, 492 Johnson (H.) on Cromwell House, Higbgate, 48, 437 Huntingdon (Countess of), at Highgate, 149 Johnson (Isaac), of Massachusetts, 227, 314, 491 Johnson (Samuel), use of the word "pelfry," 97; his ' Irene ' and Charles Goring, 609 Johnston (H. A.) on Jack and Jill, 93 Jolifte family of;Dorset, 307, 392 Jonan (A. C.) on Bishops' signatures, 276 Brigstocke (Owen), 118 Caldwell family, 73 James V.'s poems, 476 Punctuation in MSS. and printed books, 262 JUMUS (J. J*>.) on Dover pier, 491 Jones (Paul), his birthplace, 67 Joy (J. It.) on quotations wanted, 492 Julian II. (Pope), letter of Emanuel of Portugal to, 10, 154 Juvenal on ' Doctrinal! Alani,' 150 K. (A. A.) on motor index marks, 297 K. (F.) on Italy, a " geographical expression," 330 Seven sacrament foots, 386 K. (II.) on Icelandic dictionary, 331 Kniaz, 152 Welsh poem, 392 K. (L. L.) on archiepiscopal cross and ' Becket,' 157 Ascham ( Roger): schedule, 169 Catzius (Joeias), 77 Churchill (Charles): T. Underwood, 308 Italy, a "geographical expression," 330 Klimius (Nicholas), 153 Ostermayer (Jehan), 287 Pop goes the weasel, 209 Railway, first on the Continent, 475 Renyi (Francis), ballad on, 69 Staines Bridge, 536 Tailor in Dresden china, 536 Kabafutoed, use of the word, 246, 335 Keats (J.) has ' Eve of St. Agnes,' 449 Kempe (Archbishop), bis portrait, 348, 434 Kendale (W. C. G.) on Snaith Peculiar Court, 267 Kenhew on Virgil or Vergil ? 309 Kenrick (C. W. H.) on hatchments, 488 Kentish Town, Prebend of Cantlers or, in St. Paul's Cathedral, 410, 472 Kenyon (G.) on " There shall no tempests blow," 12 Ken family of Lothian and Viscount Brien, 448 King, the first warlike, 305 King (F.) on Wellington badge: Waller's, 1814, 155 Yorke (Eliot). 488 King (J.) on dowries for ugly women, 247 King's Bagnio. See Duhe'i Bagnio. . King's evil, touching for, 287, 335 King's money, letter money or bounty, its origin, 428 Kingsley (Charles), 'Old aod New: a Parable,' 125,212 Kingsway and Aldwych, their inauguration, 361, 410, 433, 451 Kirk (R. E. G.) on a Chaucer tragedy, 5 Kissing bush, Christmas, described, 502 Kit's Coty House, origin of the name, 247, 413 Klimius (Nicholas), his'Journey to the World Under- ground,' 108, 153 Kniaz, its meaning and pronunciation, 107, 130, 152, 193, 334 Knight (W.) on ' Lyrical Ballads' motto, 350 Knights Templars, in Scotland, 10, 34, 97 ; their registers, 167, 235 Kom Oinbo on printed catalogues of public libraries, 388 Krebs (H.) on Berlin, 466 ' Don Quixote,' 1595-6, 158 Dover pier, 451 M., 134 Piccaninny, 255 Trafalgar, 385 Krueger (G.) on duelling in Germany, 516 Dugdale's trustworthiness, 487 Pop goes the weasel, 209 Quotations wanted, 91 Shakespearian*, 443 Yorkshire dialect, 192 Krug on Slavery, 429 Kyd's ' Spanish Tragedy ' and ' Richard II., 323 Kyle (W. T.) on Robert Wood, 108 Kynaston's translation of Chaucer's ' Troilus,' 109 L in "alme," 16 L. on Brt : The Planche, 389 L. (A. S.) on Lawrence, 388 L. (E. W.) on prisons in Paris, 349 L. (F. de H.) on Jack and Jill, 93 Pinchbeck family, 77 Prebend of Cantlers, 410 L. (G. D.) on prisoner suckled by his daughter, 353 L. (H. P.) on ASery Flintwinch in 'Little Don-it, 466 Haswell family, 35 Pop goes the weasel, 54 Resp., 50 Testout, 854 Trudgeon-stroke in swimming. 205 L. (M. C.) on American Civil War verses, 354 " Unanswered yet, the prayer," 346 L. (W. J.), Dublin, on Shatford's ' Histriomastix,' 209 L. (W. J.), Savile Club, on translated surnames, 205 L. (W. U.) on Windsor uniform, 527 Labyrinth at Pompeii, photograph of, 168 Lackington (J.), bis Temple of the Muses, 54, 177, 233 Lamb (Charles), his use of " cupillarian," 69 ; on the Panopticon, 127, 215, 297 ; and Thomson, 306 ; his grandmother's gravestone, 328, 414 ; his con- tinental tour, books from his library, " Enort," 445, 512, 538 ; his essay' My Relations,' 464 Lamberton (J. P.) on English ancestry of General Grant, 47 Izard, 287 Pop goes the weasel, 55 Lancaster (Joseph) and Harriet, 1811, 29 Landolphe (F. E.) on first National Anthem, 249 Langworthy (C. D.) on " The Star and Garter," 1842, 150 Latham (E.) on Adolphe Belot, 177