Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/667

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Note* and Queriei, J»n. 27,1908. 557 INDEX. M. (D.) on Darwinian chain of argument, 169 Quotations wanted, 127 M. (D. Y.) on English army in Ireland, 1630-10, 489 M. (E.) on Duchess of Cannizaro, 265 M. (E. H.) on quotations wanted, 463 Whitehead(Paul), 468 M. (H. A. St. J.) on Incledon : Cooke, 92 Prisoners' clothes as perquisites, 96 M. (NY) & A. on gallows of alabaster, 189 ' Genius by Counties,' 330 Slipper, a surname, 150 M. (P.) on "Bombay Grab," 107 Dryden portraits. 389 M. (P. K.) on Rabt'ah, son of Mukaddam, 449 M. (R.) on W. Cole, Cambridge antiquary, 429 M. (S.) on Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wil Registers, 155 Macaria, the cry of, 28 Macaulay (Lord), and Sir Lawrence Dundas, 448,516 MacDonagh (M.) on Sarah Cumin, Robert Emmet, and Major Sirr, 111 Macdonald of Moidart, 308, 376 Macdonell (Major), executed at Carlisle, 1746, 530 McUovern (J. B.) on De Faublas, 88 Lincoln (Abraham) and Whately, 46 Virgil or Vergil I 248 Mcllquhan (Harriett) on rates in aid, 53 Mackey (G.) on Brudenell : Bough ton, 29 Mackie (E. S.) on Appleby Magna Grammar School, 288 Mackintosh (James), of Rotbiemurchus, his marriage, 448 McM. (W.) on fifteenth-century banquet, 446 London episcopal records, 469 MacMichael (J. Holden) on Academy of the Muses, 54 Appleby Magna Grammar School, 392 Badges, 55 Black and yellow, Devil's colours, 97 Bobby Dazzler, 318 Brougham Castle, 293, 373 Catalogues of MSS., 436 Ceremony at Ripon, 357 Concerts of Antient Music, 49 Copenhagen House, 295 Cricket: earliest mention, 95 ; pictures and en- gravings, 132 Cromwell House, Highgate, 135 Custom of Thraves, 397 Drake (Sir Francis), and Cbigwell Row, 332 Dudley arras, 317 Duke's Bagnio in Long Acre, 115 French Revolution pottery, 252 Horseferry, Westminster, 51 Jockteleg, 94 John (King), poisoned by a toad, 256 Kit's Coty II.',,-,, 413 Lamb's Panopticon, 215, 297 Lewis (W.), comedian, 218, 331 Lines on a mug, 92 Monro (Major), 72 Numismatic, 375 Fleshey fortifications, 116 Ply, 110 Population of a country parish, 495 Quenington, Gloucestershire, 36 Radcliffe (Ann), 76 MacMichael (J. Holden) on [Jipley arms, 374 St. Gilbert of Sempringham, 91 St. Paulinus and the Swale, 254 Scallions, 375 Scotch burial custom, 77 Touching for the king's evil, 335 Wheel as a symbol of religion, 251 McMurray (W.) on London parochial history, 288 Macpherson (James), 1738-96, on footfalls and music, 161 McPike (B. F.) on bibliographies, 135 Genealogies in preparation, 467 Halley(Dr. Edmund),526 Hudson (Henry), bis descendants, 2S8 Modern alchemy : making diamonds, 167 M'Quillin (B. L.) on Quillin or Q lillan, 206 Macray (W. D.) on Capt. James Jefferyes, 496 Madonna, black images of, 305 Maeterlinck (M.), his 'Pelle'as et Mfilisande,' 107, 15« Magdalen College School and the ' D.N.B.,' 21, 101, 154, 182, 244, 364 Maidlow, etymology of the name, 508 Maids, old, in Darwinian chain of argument, 169, 237 Malapert (Martin), in treatise by E. Southeme, 1593, 349 Maiden (A. R.) on John Bowie, D.D., 428 Malet (Col. Harold) on American Civil War verses, 296 Bathurst (Lord) and highwayman, 495 Esdaile (William), 481 Nelson's uniform, 370 Photography, 450 Royal Oak Day, 132 Malone (J.) on piccaninny, 255 Shakespeare's ' Profession of Faith,' 230 Man of noses, name for the soft clam, 125, 197 Maneis (Sir Auto.), holder of Crown land at Egham, 48 Manson (E.) on origin of 'She Stoops to Conquer,' 261 Mantegna (Andrea), his house at Mantua, 87 Mantua, Andrea Mantegna's house at, 87 Manuscripts, punctuation in, 144, 262 ; catalogues of, 368, 415, 531 March (Ausias), translations of his verse, 469 Marchant(F. P.) on Czechs and Germans, 187 Marcham (W. McB. and F.) on Hollicke or Holleck, 36 Marchant (F. P.) on Mr. Gilbert, mathematician, 369 M. for Monsieur, 45 Miners' greeting, 391 Marechal (Sylvain), his ' Dictionnaire des Ath6us,' 265 Marquee, etymology of the word, 161 Marriages, portraits which have led to, 92 Marriott (J. C.) on Cromwell House, Highgate, 489 Mars, satellites of, mentioned in ' Gulliver's Travel*,' 86 Marshall (G. V.), Rouge Croix Pursuivant of Anna, his death, 258 Vlarsham-Townshend (R.) on capillarians, 69 "Love in phantastick triumph sat," 48 Harston (E.) on detached belfries, 455 Marston (J.), Montaigne, Webster, and Dr. Donne, 41, 121, 201, 302 tfarston (Dr. Westland), his ancestry, 429 dartin (G. H.) on the screaming skull, 107 Martin (Mary Brilliana)=CoL John Wall, 14