Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/672

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562 Notes and Queries, Jan. 27. 1906. INDEX. Pollard-Urquhart (Col. F. E. R.) on Hurstmonceaux Caatle, 228 Lytton (Sir Robert), 455 St. Thomas's Day custom, 527 Pollard (H. P.) on Cromwell Fleetwood, 74 Polton (Thomas), Bishop of Worcester, 1126-35, 347 Poltroon, derivation of the word, 466 Pompeii, photograph of labyrinth at, 168 Pomple=trefoil, 126 Pope (F. J.) on private library, c. Charles I., 303 Population of a country parish, 428, 495 Portraits, engraved index of, 2<)0 Portraits which have led to marriages, 92 Poterukin, its transliteration and pronunciation, 152, 193 Potter (G.) on beating the bounds, 31 Pottery, French Revolution, 228, 252, 292 Potto, etymology of the word, 286 Potts (R. A.) oninerlited poem by Kinggley, 212 Lamb'a Panopticon, 127 Quotations wanted, 134, 249 Pound, The, Rochester Row, 288 Pounde (Thomas), S.J., his biography, 184, 268, 472 Praty, its origin, 346 Prayor for twins, 176 Preaching in New England, 1652, funds for, 329 Premonstratensian abbeys, list of, 169, 231, 298 Prentis (C.), his picture of the ' Star and Garter," 160 Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Will Registers, 95, 15S Prescot (Bartholomew), his writings, 67, 137 Press, English, and the Treaty of Peace, 1815, 167 Price (F. G. Hilton) on Brougham Castle, 293 Greyfriars burial-ground, 352 dPrideaux (Col. V. F.) un Amir of Afghanistan's title, 66 Anstice (Joseph), 150, 172 'Arabian Nights,' 513 'Chevy Chase,' 155 Christ's Hospital, 355 Coliseums, old and new, 176 Concerts of Antient Music, 49 Correct, 294 'Coryate's Crudities,' 195 Cromwell House, Highgate, 489 Crown Street, Soho, 373 Dekker's • Gull's Hornbook,' 227 Evans : Symonds : Hering : Garden, 454 "Famous" Chelsea, 470 •Greyfriara burial-ground, 253 Herrick'a ' Hegperides, 1648, 482 Hollicke or Holleck, co. Middlesex, 77 Hookes's ' Amanda,' 301 Ithamar, 516 Kempe (Abp.), 434 Kingsway and Aldwych, 410 Lamb (Charles), 445 JMonro (Major), 72 Norden's 'Speculum Britannim,' 75, 193 Prebend of Cantlers, in St. Paul's Cathedral,' 472 Punch, the beverage, 531 Rabl'ah, son of Uukaddam, 515

St Nicholas Shambles, 348

Swedish royal family, 196 Terry's ' Voyage to East India,' 1655, 347 Theatres, old, of London, 125 Prideaux (Col. W. F.) on Trafalgar, 534 Wilde (Oscar), ' De Profundis,' 233 'rideaux (W. R. B.)on DavidColville, Scotch scholar, 149 Gibbets, 315 Lucca, plans of, 457 'rime Ministers who do not read newspapers, 146 'rincess's Theatre, its history, 50 'rinters' errors, 98 'risoner suckled by bis daughter, 307, 353, 432 'risoners' clothes aa perquisites, 96 'risons in Paris during the Revolution, 349, 394 •rebates, index of, 188, 277 'renunciation, nouns and verbs, 64 'rorogation of Parliaments, 145 'rotestant, for member of the Church of England, 427 'roverbs and Phrases :— A d'autres, de'nicheur do merles, 504 Bird in the breast, 448 Bush and grease, 207 Character is fate. 405 Crying down credit, 40 Dying beyond my means, 127 Eau be'nite de cour, 505 Facts are stubborn things, 204 Fate of the Tracys, 128, 192, 274 Graisser la patte, 505 Growing down, like a cow's tail, 264 11 ne faut pas mettre tous ses oeufs dans un panier, 505 Infant phenomenon, 507 Pillar to post, 528 Poeta nascitur non fit, 35 Rising of the lights, 66, 135 That same, 448, 515 Towers of silence, 264 Ptolemy III. Kuergetes. his wife Berenice, 128, 193 Public-house, evolution of caravanserai to, 308, 413 Public meeting, use of the term, 148, 213 Puckeridge and pickeridge, their connexion, 367, 415 Puckery-hickery, meaning of the term, 87, 232 Pudding made by North American Indians, 288 Puggle, Essex dialect word, 486 Pulpits, open-air, 430 ' Punch,' John Leech and, 107 Punch, the beverage, origin of the word, 401, 477, 531 Punctuation in MSS. and printed books, 144, 262 Purchas (V. R. P.) on Shakespeare's portrait, 494 Puzzle pictures, 247 Pychard, name for a woodpecker, 55 Q. (A. N.) on " Mr.," 67 ' Oxford Ramble,1 78 Quenington, Gloucestershire, its history, 36 Quillan or Quillin surname and arms, 206, 253 Quince and mulberry folk-lore, 386, 438 Quotations: — A maiden's dreaming, 509 A pagan suckled in a creed outworn, 460 A peacock on every wall, 468 A rose-red city half as old as Time. 435 Alas ! for man who has no sense, 68 All quiet along the Potomac, 230, 297, 354 Aliudqtie cupido, Metis aliud suadet, 480 An original something, fair maid, 529 As Dutchmen hear of earthquakes in Calabrit, 247