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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io* s. v. FEB. 3,

(See Cott. MS. Faustina A. 3, fol. 163, a document originally of Edward I.'s reign, but with additions of a later date ) Later the name is spelt " Chelcheheth 3> (Dart, vol. i. p. 23); " Chelsehuth," * Nomina Villarum,' dated 1316, Harl. MS. 6281; and "Chelth- huth" (Harl. MS. 2191) ; but in Cart. Cott., vii. 6 it is in both cases unmistakably " Cealchylle." J. HOLDEN MACMICHAEL.

OPEN-AIR PULPITS (10 th S. iv. 430 ; v. 55). May I point out that the " Reader's Pulpit " at Chester is not entered from the cloisters behind, as mentioned by MR. HEMS?



CRICKET : PICTURES AND ENGRAVINGS (10 th S. iv. 9, 132, 238, 496 ; v. 54). The Con- noisseur for January-, p. 57, gives a photogra- vure of an oil painting by John Russell, dated 1767, representing the Rev. John Chandler when a boy in cricketing costume. He holds a strangely shaped bat in his right hand, a ball in his left. The tradition in the family is that the costume he wears was that of Eton. The Chandlers were a Surrey family, and connected with Guildford, where John Russell was born. A. R. BAYLEY.

THOMAS POUNDE, S.J. (10 th S. iv. 184, 268, 472 ; v. 14). Anne Wriothesley, aunt of our Thomas Pounde, and sister of the Earl of Southampton, was married first to Thomas Knight, of Hoo Manor, Soberton, Hants, who died in the year 1548. His will (P.C.C. 4 Populwell) is dated 1 January, 1547/8, and was proved on the 27th of the following month. He mentions therein his son John and his daughter Anne (the latter was bap- tized at Soberton on 17 April, 1547). He left his manor of Timsbury, Hants, for the bring- ing up of his children ; to his brother Hugh Knight, "Scoller in the New Colledge at "Winchester," he bequeathed the "Prebend of Warthcombe [1 G wartime wm] in Cathe- dral of Landaphe"; and to his wife Anne he left his manor of Hoo. He appointed his wife sole executrix, and Thomas, Earl of Southampton, sole overseer.

The parish register at Soberton records the marriage, on 28 April, 1549, of "Syr Oliver Lawrence, Knight, and Mistress Ann Knyght, widow, dwelling at the Manor Place." Sir Oliver was of Creech Grange, in the Isle of Purbeck. Harl. MS. 897, f. 126 states that

"Sir Oliver Larance, knight, dyed the fyrst o January, 1559, and was buryed at Fernham ; and after the seremony done, his hachementes were removed to the church of St. Mychell in Steple within th'yle of Purbak."

His will (P.C.C. 30 Welles), dated 20 March, 1557/8, was proved 18 January, 1558/9. He refers therein to Elizabeth Morgan, his first wife's daughter, and to John Nicholson, his irst wife's son ; also to his sister Elizabeth 3untley. and his brother-in-law Edward 3untley; his sister Dorothy; his daughters Julian Wryothesley and Jane Lawrence ; lis son Augustyne ; and he appoints his wife Anne, and his son and heir Ed ward Lawrence, executors of his will.

Lady Lawrence appears to have resided at Soberton after the death of Sir Oliver ; ler name appears in the register there in 1575 ("July 21, John Nycolson, brother x> Mr. Edward Lawrence, of Purbeck, by

he mother syde. He was servant to my

Lady An Lawrence, and was buried in the- church "), and, as godmother, in 1580 and 1602. There is in the Soberton register na record of her burial, but she is said to have- been living so late as 1608, when she would have reached the age of one hundred years. The following genealogical notes from her will, which I obtained from a lady copyist many years ago, unfortunately do not give the date of probate, nor state where the will is deposited :

" Will of Lady Anne Lawrence, of Subberton, widow, dated 17 July, 1602. To be buried in church of Subberton ; niece Lady Catherine Cornwallis ; niece Lady Mabell Sands; nephew Sir Walter Sands, Knt.; William Sands, Esq., nephew and godson ; Sir George Peckham, Kut., cosen ; Mr. Augustyn Lawrence, sonne-in-law ; Mr. George Lawrence (son of Edward Lawrence, deceased) ; Edward Lawrence the younger, brother of George ;. my sonne Lawrence his widow ; nephew Thomas Pounde ; nephew Henrie Pounde the elder ; John Pounde and Anne Pounde, children of Henrie; cosens William Pounde and Henrie Pounde, son& of Richard Pounde, nephew, deceased; nephew George Britton, of Miohell Park, Sussex : cosen Henrie Britton (son of George), of Subberton, and his son Beverley ; Dennis, George, Samuel, Anne, Elizabeth, and Helen, children of George Britton ;. cosen Thomas Clark the younger ; cosen Oliver Wriothesley and his brother John ; cosen Elizabeth Cornwallis, wife of Thomas Cornwallis, Groom Porter of Her Majesty's Household ; Henrie Corn- wallis, her son Henrie Pounde and Denys Britton, executors and residuary legatees; overseers, Thomas Hensloe, of Burrant, and Thomas White, of New- lands."

Lady Lawrence was related to Sir George Peckham through her maternal grand- mother, who, according to Mr. B. W. Green- feld, in his ' Account of the Wriothesley Tomb in Titchfield Church,' was " Joan, daughter and heir of Peter Peckham, by the heiress of Crowton." The arms of Drayton, Peckham,. and Crowton appear on the Wriothesley tomb. ALFKED T. EYERITT.

High Street, Portsmouth.