Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 5.djvu/124

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io s. v. FEB. a. me.

edition of Dryden's 'Conquest of Granada,' blue morocco by Riviere, 1672, is 211. : Lavater's ' Of

ex. off. H. Stephani," 1557 ; a Paris Catullus of

1534; a Euripides of 1544 (the third edition of the . ^ .., ^ t ^ JS ^ lt . i^avate

dramatist) ; an edition of Valla in Gothic type, Ghostes and Spirites walking by Nyght unknown to Lowndes;and several other specimens 121. 12s. ; Vair's ' Trois Livres des Charmes' Sorce' .nf oarKr virago f nrr^af. ,r a in O I lages, ou Enchantemens,' 1583, 31. 3s. (the rare first

French edition) ; and a genuine copy of the second

of early presses of great value.

Mr. A. Russell Smith has a very interesting Cata- logue of Engraved Portraits, at very low prices. Among the few more expensive items we note Bartolozzi, Carlini, and G. Cipriani, representing

edition of Boccaccio, 1625, price 251.. This is muc rarer than that of 1620. The entry of the 'De- cameron' at Stationers' Hall states- "Master

, , * ^,f A, 121. ; and a portrait of buryes command. It is evident, however that

verell, 11. Is. Under Robert Emmet is a folio the prohibition was soon withdrawn. Under Oxford

side, nearly half being occupied by an en- Presses we find Alfonso de Valdes's 'Dialogue of

g of the interior of the court, and Emmet the Sack of Rome' and the ' Reglas Gramat.i'oalpQ '

Animals,' 30 beautifully coloured plates; a set of the publications of the Ethnological Society, the Anthropological Society, and the Anthropological Institute, exceedingly rare, 25^. ; and a set of The Athenceum, 1828-1901, 421. We cannot object to the comment, " The Athenaeum needs no recommenda- tion." Burton's 'Arabian Nights,' very scarce, is 3R 10$. ; Lycett's ' Australia,' 1QI. 166'. ; a set of the

the three arts of painting, engraving, and sculpture, William Jaggard, recalled by my lord of Cal ter

=a magnificent engraving, lu " J

Sacheverell, broadside,

.graving of the interior of the court, and" Emmet I the Sack of Rome' and the ' Reglas Grama'ticales"' pleading, " If the French land in Ireland," &c., 186, 211. There is a long and interesting note as Dublin, 1803, very rare, 21. 2s. to these in the catalogue. Both have the Paris

Messrs. Henry Sotheran & Co. have a splendid ^""Mi/Vn 6 c b . e no doubt that Barnes, py of Daniell's rare work, 'African Scenery and nding that the publication of Spanish Protestant

1 ^oks was very unpopular at the time, changed the ipnnt on part of the edition of the ' Grammar ' d placed the Paris imprint on the 'Dialogue '" . rarity head s the list of Incunabula el Mar, Barcelona, 14 July, 1494, 1201 first copy of the second edition offered sale in modern times. Only two other copies

oi6. i w . ; i^ycetbB Auatraim, iw. iu. , ^ u u, uie I Fr J"^" 1 ?h ?! **** ^ 1 , bli T T th - <;!( l Ue . Rationale of Delphin Classics, 151. ; an extra-illustrated copy of ^- Ce '. a ? d ^ he U . ier J " , l . he University Library of Burnet's | History of his ^Own Time,' 1724-34, 35?. ; | ^-^V l **^ t ^fr t ^ as th , foun ' Caxton s Golden Legend, Io20. very rare, 211. and a choice set of Coleridge, Pickering, 1836-53, 18Z. 18-s. Under Cornwall we find Carew and Pol- whele. There are a number of first editions of Dickens. Books on the drama include the ' Memoirs of Charles Mathews,' further illustrated by 200 fine portraits, and with 28 autograph letters, 1838-9, 521. IQs. A fine uncut copy of Boydell's ' History of the Thames,' 1794-6, 12. 12*. Other general item's include Nichols's 'Literary Anecdotes,' 17 vols., I. 9s. ; Hodgson's 'Northumberland, 'very rare,

When will some wealthy lover of books be found to purchase Mr Voynich's unique collection of " unknown books" ? ' the advertisement still appears at


We must call special attention to the following notices : ON all communications must be written the name

. . ,

Sir Joshua Reynolds, large paper, Graves, 95^.; and address of the sender, not necessarily for rmh

oo/ in. There I lication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately. . _ .. To secure insertion of communications corre-

Trattato di fecientia d Arme, first edition, 1553, spondents must observe the following rules. Let 10/. ; Bohn's extra volumes, 21. 10s. ; 'The Kama each note, query, or reply be written on a separate Sutra of Vatsyayna,' 7 parts as issued, Benares, slip of paper, with the signature of the writer and 1883, 11. 15$. (only a few printed for private circula- such address as he wishes to appear. When answer- t.irmt -'nnr'a HhrnniVla nf the. Kinora of "NTnr,-aw ' I ing queries, or making notes with regard to previous

and a long set of Ritson, 1783-1833, 28Z. 10*. are also choice works under Furniture. Mr. Albert Sutton, Manchester, has Agrippa's

P ...^ 4 ., , . ^1 C , .C ,, .. 4 ; .. , 1 " \ ,*.-*/-* * 4^Mr%4- ^/l f i , ,.^ 1 KXO

tion) ; Laing's ' Chronicle of the Kings of Norway,'

1844, 11. 4s. ; Quarles's ' Divine Poems,' J664, 11. 4s. ; I entries in the paper, contributors are requested" to

1 put in parentheses, immediately after the exact heading, the series, volume, and page or pages to - refer. Correspondents who repeat requested to head the second com-

which they queries are munication "Duplicate.'

complete set of the publications of the Type Facsimile Society, 6 portfolios. 4to, 10. 10s. ; and Law's ' Hampton Court Palace,' 1. 14.$. There are a number of interesting items under America, Angling (including the first edition of Hawkins's

- Walton and Cotton,' 1760, 21 7s. 6d.), Devonshire I ST . SWITHIST ("A poor thing, but mine own ") - and Lancashire where we find an account of The j s it not an abbreviation of Touchstone's " A noor Surey Demoniack,' 1767-8, 3^. 3s.). We note among genera] items a set of Household Words, of The Recreative Review, and several volumes of The Reasoner, edited by Holyoake.

Mr. Wilfrid M. Voynich sends us Short Cata- logue No. 16. Each of the four hundred and fifty items contains matter of interest. Among these we note a few : Freind's ' Proelectiones Chymic?e,'

virgin, sir, an ill-favoured thing, sir, Lut mine own" ('As You Like It,' Act V. sc. iv.)?

A. L. MAYHEW ("Man in the street "). The quotation from Emerson's 'Conduct of Life' was given at 9 th S. ii. 131.

E. LATHAM ("Oh for a blast of that dread horn !").' Marmion,' canto vi. stanza xxxiii. See also ' Rob Roy,' chap. ii.


1726, is 16*. The work is a eulogy of Newton's principles, and was attacked in the ' Acta Erudi- torum,' 1710, which attack the author replied to I Editorial communications should be addressed {Phil. Trans., xxvii. 330). The first edition of to " The Editor of ' Notes and Queries'" Ad ver- Paracelsus, 1578, is 11. IQs. Under China is the tisements and Business Letters to " The Pub- rare first edition of Baudier's 'History of the Court lisher" at the Office, Bream's Buildings. Chancerv of the King of China,' 1635, 21. 10s. The first Lane, E.G.