Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 5.djvu/177

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CONTENTS. No. 113.

NOTES : -Provincial Booksellers, 141-Caxtons of Kent, 142 Mr. Bradley's ' Highways and Byways in South Wales, 143 -Pillory, 145 -Charing Cross: Bayswater Charing and Charing Cross-Burum's 'Anatomy of Melancholy' Sardinian Chapel, Lincoln's Inn Fields, 146 Omar Khayyam: a Parallel -American Emigrants, 147.

QUER'IES Doubtful Pronunciations Richard Kirby, Architect-Large-Paper Margins, 147-Millar of Earnock English Spe ling: English Culture -Gilbert Family Habitual Criminals English Exiles in France and Holland Poem in One Sentence Dr. Letsum or Lettsom Ooldborough Family Astrology in Italy Archer of Umberslade "Vendium" " Trump" as a Card Term, 148 " Barbian," Spanish Word Robert Awse Lewis Dacier Charles Arnott Lord Rowton - Ghost Story in Dickens "Pogrom" John Lytton Jervis Family of Birmingham-' The King's Seal,' by E. S. G. S., 149.

RBPLIES:-Portman Family, ISO-Sir Gilbert Pickering, of Titchmarsh Municipal Sword-bearer, 151 The Water- loo Campaign " Smith " in Latin, 153 Oolet on Peaoe and War Laconic Letters Joseph Nollekens's Library "The Two Friends," Princes Street, London, 1794 'The Epicure's Almanack' " Marmor" and the Sea in Latin Poets, 153 Major Richard Cromwell, 1648 "Brown Bess " as applied to a Musket Maidlow Open-air Pulpits Vamphorn. 154-Wheatstone-" Was you?" and "You was " Melchior Guydickens-P%digree Difficulties : Mary Stapleton or Stoughton Almanac, c. 1744 May Day: Two Poetical Tracts Jenkyn, Little John, &c., 155 St. Expeditus "Pip"-G. J. Holyoake : Chartists and Special Constables Oxford University Volunteers, 156 Dutch Epiphany Custom Selling Oneself to the Devil Hetman : Ataman, 157 Death-birds in Scotland and Ireland Lustre Ware, 158-Pin-fi e, 159.

NOTES ON BOOKS :-' Gregory the Great: his Place in History and Thought' ' Life 'in Morocco and Glimpses Beyond ' 'Studies in Poetry and Criticism ' Routledge's " New Universal Library "'Poems of Richard Crasbaw.'

PROVINCIAL BOOKSELLERS. A PURPOSE of ray own recently led me to examine a collection of more than 2,000 volumes of pamphlets. So many of them bore the names of booksellers at other places than London, Oxford, and Cambridge, that I made brief notes of them, shown on the subjoined list. It has its value as evidence of the literary condition of the provinces, chiefly in the eighteenth century. I am conscious that I did not gather all that I might have done, and the local bibliographies would easily supply many more. The few names of 1633 are taken from 'Documents relating to W. Prynne,' Camd. Soc., p. 60.

Alnwick. Thomas Alder, printer, 1786.

Alexander Graham, 1786. Banbury. William Thorp, 1695. Barnstaple. J. Gaydon, 1735. Bath. Henry Hammond, 1717-21.

Beni. Matthews, Merchants' Court, 1725.

James Leake, 1730-68.

Thomas Boddeley, printer, 1740 6.

Wn,. Frederick, 1745-72.

W. Taylor, 1760.

R. Cruttwell, printer, 1775 97.

S. Hazard, printer, King's Mead Square, 1776-89.

W. Hibbart, 1776

Bath.-Pratt & Clinch, 1781.

J. Marshall, Milsom Street, 1788.

Meyler, 1789-90. Bedford.-J. Weale, 1721.

B. Hyatt, 1773.

T. Woodward, 1773. Berwick. R. Taylor, printer, 1754-72.

W. Phorson, printer, 1789. Bewdley. Clare, 1785. Birmingham. T. Warren, Bull Ring, 1737.

Aris, 1775.

Pearson Rollason, 1778-94.

M. Swinney, 1778-89.

C. Earl, printer, 1778. R. Martin, printer, 1779. Piercy & Jones, printers, 1783. J. Thompson, printer, 1790-1. Thomas Pearson, printer, 1791.

Bishop's Castle, Salop. John Wollaston, 1713.

Bolton-le-Moors. Drake, 1780.

Boston. -H. Willson, 1721.

Bradford, Yorkshire. Dudley Rocket, 1737.

Geo. Nicholson, printer, 1789. Brentford (New). Norbury, 1793. Bridgnorth. Hallewood, 1785. Bridgwater. Robert Davis, 1716. Bridport. Akerman, 1788. Brighton (Brighthelmston). E. Widgett, 1778. Bristol. -Charles Allen, Broad Street, 1678.

W. Bonny, printer, Corn Street, 1705-12.

Richard Gravet, on the Tolzey, 1717-9.

W. Corsely, 1721-35.

Sam. Farley, printer, Wine Street, 1730.

William Evans, on St. James's Back, 1733.

John Wilson, Wine Street, 1737-45.

Samuel & Felix Farley, printers, 1738, Shake- spear's Head, Castle Green, 1738-41.

T. Cadell, 1739-75.

R. Evans, 1740.

Felix Farley, printer, Castle Green. 1742-9.

William Cossley, 1746.

B. Hickey, 1750.

J. Palmer, 1750.

E. Farley & Son, printers, 1759.

S. Farley, printer, Castle Green, 1765-72.

Palmer & Becket, 1769.

W. Pine, 1775.

M. Ward, 1775.

Becket, 1777.

Mrs. Palmer, 1777.

Lloyd, 1778.

T. Mills, Wine Street, 1783.

Sam. Johnson, Corn Street, 1788.

G. Routh, printer, 1788.

Mills & Bulgin, 1789.

R. Edwards, printer, 1796.

Buckingham. B. Seeley (writing master), 1747. Bury St. Edmunds. John Marston, 1683.

'Baily, 1725.

S. Watson, 1745.

M. Watson, 1750.

W. Green, printer, 1780.

Green Deck, 1780.

Canterbury. J. Abree, printer, near the Three Tons in St. Margaret's, 1723.

Widow Fenner, 1732-41.

Flacton, 1750.

J. Smith, 1752.

T. Smith, 1753. Messrs Flacton, 1769.

T. Smith Son, printers, 1774-81.

T. Smith, 1785-7.