Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 5.djvu/209

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10<" 13. V. MARCH 3, 1906.] NOTES ANt) QUERIES.


second marriage has a son, is the daughter C entitled to quarter the arms of both her father and mother ?

2. If A dies leaving B, a son, arid C, a daughter, and B has issue for one or two generations, but they all become extinct, say in the lifetime of C's son, would the latter then become entitled to quarter the arms of A 1 J. M. E.

GEORGE BAKER, OXFORD PRIZEMAN. George Baker, who matriculated at Corpus Christi College, Oxford, in 1794, won the Chancellor's prize for Latin verse (' Classis Britannica') in 1795, and graduated Master of Arts in 1802 I should be grateful for par- ticulars of his later career, which is not given in Foster's ' Alumni Oxon.' He was son of the Rev. Philip Baker, and was baptized at Michelmersh, Hants, on 25 Feb., 1777.

VOWELS ON MONUMENT. What is the interpretation of the vowels A. E. I. O. U. at the end of the inscription on one of the altar-tombs of the Petres at Ingatestone, Essex? R. J. FYNMORE.


[The only meaning given to these abbreviations in Mr. Howard Collinses 'Author and Printer' is

  • ' Austrhe est imperare orbi universe (it is given to

Austria to rule the whole earth)-"]

KYNAN. Is the descent of Kynan, grand- father of Owen Gwynnedd, known ? He is said to have descended from Anarawd ap Rhodri Fawr. What are the intervening names?

Is the descent of Sihtric the Dane, grand- father of Kynan's wife, known ?


Grindleton Vicarage, Clitheroe.

SIR WILLIAM LEACH. In Evelyn's ' Diary ' is a mention of the purchase of the estate of Squerries, Westerham, by Sir John Evelyn

for his son-in-law, Leach. I should be

glad to know if this Sir William Leach left a daughter Hester, who subsequently married Col. Miller, of the Guards, who was living in 1714. P. M.

SIR T. BROWNE'S DAUGHTER AND HER DESCENDANTS. In the pedigree of SirThomas Browne drawn up by Simon Wilkin ( k Works,' vol. i., 1836) is the following :

" 12 (child). Frances, bap. Sep. 5, 1662, survived her father [Sir T. B.], and supposed to have married Bosville, Esq., of , co. York."

Can any one tell me in what part of York- shire this family lived, and who is its repre- sentative? CHAS. WILLIAMS.

CANDLEWICK OR C A NDLEWRIGHT STREET. I shall be pleased to learn if the corruption into Canning (Pepys, 2 Sept., 1G66) and Cannon Street has been explained. There is probably some reason why the name of the Ward should be unaltered, while that of its principal thoroughfare should so change as to lose all value for indicating a trade loca- tion. Reference to any discussion of the subject will be appreciated.


39, Hillmarton Road, N.

THOMAS HOWARD, OF DUBLIN. Can any reader of 'N. & Q.' favour me with infor- mation respecting the ancestry of ll Thomas Howard de Dublin, Armiger," deceased about

ABELARD'S VISION OF HELL. St. Leonard of Port Maurice mentions that Peter Abe- lard was converted by a vision of hell in which he saw devils building a house to which only one brick was wanting the' house being destined for Peter Abelard if he committed one more sin. Who is the earliest author in whom this story is found ? F. C. W.

THOMAS PERKS. I have a small engraving, six inches by five. It represents a cowering individual surrounded by a crowd of evil- looking forms. The title runs : ' Thomas Perks raising a Spirit to his own Destruc- tion. Engraved on steel by Rothwell from a drawing by Fuseli [the last name doubtful]. London, John Bennett, Three Tun Passage, Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row."

I should be glad of any information con- cerning this print or its legend. Who was Thomas Perks ? INQUIRER.

STEEMSON AND CLIFFE FAMILIES : THORNE QUAY. Can any of your readers add to the following note in a family Bible 1

"Thomas Steemson married Susanna, daughter

of J Cliffe, on 29th Dec., 1792, and had issue :

(i) Susana-Maria, born 1 Sept., 1799, at Thome Quay, (ii) Mary-Stauiland, born 26th Dec., 1800, at Thome Quay."

The surname Steemson is surely very un- common. Where is Thorne Quay 1


Pendeen, AValton-on-Thames.

" WALKING" CLOTH. My surname, Walker,

,o derived from an occupation in the old

method of manufacturing cloth, the process

of walking, fulling, or tucking, as it was

ariously called. This is described fully in