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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io s. v. APRIL u, im

near the Oxford Arms, Warwick Lane, 8vo, pp. 112, 1729.

[Grove, Henry, of Taunton]. The Evidence for our Saviour's Resurrection considered : with the improvement of this important doctrine. Anon. London, 8vo, 40 leaves, 1730.

Webster, William, M.A. The Fitness of the Witnesses of the Resurrection of Christ, con- sider'd ; In Answer to the principal Objections against them. Dated Temple-bar. London, 8vo, 16 leaves, 1731.

Felton, Henry (see above). A Discourse con- cerning the Universality and Order of the Resur- rection : being a Sequel to that, wherein the Per- sonal Identity is asserted. On 1 Cor. xv. 23; dedicated to Richard (Smallbrooke^, Bishop of Coventry & Lichfield. London, 8vo, 28 leaves,

Felton, Henry. The Scripture Doctrine of the Resurrection as it stood before the Law. A Sermon before the University of Oxford. 24 Nov., 1734. On St. Matt. xxii. 29 ; dedicated to the Duke of Rutland. Oxford, 8vo, 18 leaves (1734).

Webster, William, D.D., Rector of Depden, Suffolk. The Credibility of the Resurrection of Christ upon the Testimony of the Apostles ; being a sequel to Two Letters in the Weekly Miscellany, No. 121. 122 ...... Dedicated to Coel Thornhille,

Esq., of Depden Hall. London, 8vo, 24 leaves, 1735.

Browne. Robert. Propositions for Correcting our Calendar ; theologically, theoretically, and mathe- matically demonstrated ...... iii. The solemn Feast

of Easter ...... controversies about the time and day

...... new and correct tables of Easter. London,

8vo, 18 leaves, 1736.

Wilson, Henry. Easter still Recoverable : or, a Method proposed for Rectifying that great and fundamental Solemnity ...... it is this year kept later

by five weeks, in the Church of England ...... than

the time found in the corrected Calendar. Dedi- cated to Edmund (Gibson), Bishop of London. London, sm. 8vo, 16 leaves, 1736. See 9 th S. vii.264.

Anonymous. A Sermon on the Resurrection. By a Layman. 4 ' The Incarnation put the truth of the Resurrection out of doubt.'"' London, 8vo, 9 leaves, 1738

[Morgan T., M.D.]. The Resurrection of Jesus considered'; in Answer to the Tryal of the Wit- nesses. By A Moral Philosopher. Anon. London, for the author, 8vo, 56 leaves (1744).

[Moss, Charles]. The Evidence of the Resur- rection cleared from the exceptions of a late pamphlet, entitled, The Resurrection of Jesus con- sidered by a Moral Philosopher ; in answer to The Tryal of the Witnesses, &c. Anon. London, 8vo, 84 'leaves, 1744.

Benson, George, D.D. A Summary View of the Evidences of Christ's Resurrection. London, 8vo, 42 leaves, 1754. See Newcome, below.

Johnson, Samuel, A.M. The Resurrection of the Same Body, as asserted and illustrated by Saint Paul ...... Third ed., London, 8vo, 27 leaves, 1755.

Sykes, Arthur Ashley, D.D. An Enquiry when the Resurrection of the Body, or Flesh, was first inserted into the Public Creeds. Publish'd from the Author's Manuscript by his brother, G. Sykes, A.M. London, 8vo, 31 leaves, 1757.

Scott, Rev. William, M.A., late scholar of Eton & Trin. Coll., Camb. The Third Panegyric, or Sermon in Honour of Easter Day ...... of ......

St. Chrysostom ; translated. London, 8vo, 12 leaves, 1775.

Holmes, Robert, M.A., Fellow of New College. The Resurrection of the Body, deduced from the Resurrection of Christ. Sermon before the Univer- sity of Oxford at S. Mary's, Easter Monday, 31 March, 1777. On Philipp. iii. 21. Oxford, 4to, 14 leaves, 1777. The same, seconded., Oxf., 8vo. 20 leaves, 1779.

Newcome, William, D.D., Bishop of Waterford.

A Review of the chief difficulties relating to

our Lord's Resurrection Doctor Benson's

hypothesis is satisfactory. Dublin, 4to, 8 leaves. 1791.

Priestley, Joseph, LL D., F.R.S., &c. The Evidence of the Resurrection of Jesus considered, in a Discourse first delivered in the Assembly- room, at Buxton, on Sunday, September 19, 1790. To which is added, an Address to the Jews. On 1 Cor. xv. 20. Birmingham, 8vo, pp. xxiv+56, 1791.

Whately, Richard, D.D., Archbishopof Dublin. Sermon xxix. Easter Day. The Resurrection of Christ. On Acts xxvi. 22, 23; signed D. 12mo, pp. 397-411. From some collection of sermons.

Grover, H.M., Rector of Hitcham, Bucks. The History of the Resurrection authenticated. A review of the four Gospels on the resurrection of our Lord. London, 8vo, 14 leaves, 1841.

Suffield, Rev. Robert Rodolph. The Resur- rection. An Easter Morning Sermon at the Free Christian Church, Croydon. n.d , about 1860-70.

Gregg, Tresham D., D.D. The Times of the

Restitution of all things. Lecture on great

truths in the predicted year 1866. Tables

for finding Easter. 1863.

Heales, Alfred, F.S.A. Easter Sepulchres ; their object, nature, and history. Archceoloma, xlii. 263-308. 4to, 1869.

[Birch, Charles Edward, Rector of Wiston, Colchester]. Easter Eggs Easter Birds. In verse Anon. 8vo, pp. 16 (1873).

W. C. B.

SMUGGLERS' CAVES. THERE are, I believe, many caves in Corn- wall that have been used by smugglers, but most of them are said to be not human excavations, but of natural origin, in some cases more or less adapted by the hand of man to the purposes for which they were required. An exception to this is recorded in Mr. C. E. Byles's excellent life of the Cornish poet, the Kev. 11. S. Hawker, vicair of Morwenstow. Hawker tell us that an old Morwenstow man says: 'In former times Marsland Mouth, Duckapool, and Stanbury Mouth were rare places for smuggling. There was [sic] great caves where hundreds of kegs could be stored. When my father had the farm of Croy, the floor of a barn fell in, and there was a great hollow under- neath. There must be many such caves still hidden.'"-?. 62.

Such artificial caves are not confined to Cornwall. They have been found in Lincoln- shire, in Liassic and Oolitic strata, in places- where it is not likely that natural caverns should exist.

About thirty years ago I was asked to visit Kirton-in-Lindsey to examine one that