Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 5.djvu/387

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tismal names occurring therein. Florence is found conforming to the Irish custom by appearing as a male name ; and we find boys burdened at their baptism with un-English forms such as Vulcan and Aristotle.

WE have received through Mr. E. S. Dodgson a reprint of the Christiftdu Doctrinea of Padre Agustin Cardaberaz, printed in 1762, and now re- issued from Bayonne.

DR. RICHARD GARNETT. In common with all literary undertakings, we have to bewail in the death of Dr. Richard Garnett the loss of a loyal, valuable, and trustworthy friend. A better English scholar, and one more helpful to all those engaged in kindred pursuits, the deceased gentleman does not leave behind. In his hands the management of the Reading-Room became almost ideal. No chill formalism depressed the applicant ; the request was granted with a graciousness that enhanced its value. In regard to Dr. Garnett's services to letters it is needless to speak. Eminently a man of his age, he was an active participant in its most strenuous undertakings, on the more important of which he stamped his own cachet.

P. J. F. GANTILLON. (Sea ante, p. 240.) The following obituary notice appeared in The Guardian of 14 March : " The Rev. P. J. F. Gantillon has just died at his residence in Cheltenham. The deceased graduated from St. John's College, Cambridge, of which he was a scholar, and was placed in the Second Class of the Classical Tripos, 1851. In 1852 he became second master of Leicester Collegiate School, holding also, after his ordination in 1856, a curacy at St. John's, Leicester, until 1861, when he was appointed classical master at Cheltenham Col- lege. The latter office he successfully filled until 1885. In the following year he was appointed chaplain of the General Hospital at Cheltenham, and held this post till his death." Mr. Gantillon's first communication to ' N. & Q.' was at 1 st S. iii. 75.


THE sellers of old books keep to old-fashioned ways in regard to Easter, and make no pause in the issue of their catalogues. Many of those we here notice came to us on the eve of Good Friday.

Mr. Thomas Baker has a Spring Clearance List, comprising a large and varied assortment of theo

the Sixtine Bible, 10/. 15s. ; Migne's 'Patrologia Latina Cursus Completus,' 222 vols. bound in 215, 1201. ; ' Duns Scoti Opera Ontnia,' Paris, 1890, 387. ; Suarez, ' Opera Omnia,' 28 vols., 187.. ; ' Bibliotheca Classica Latina,' edidit L. E. Lemaire, Paris, 1819, 107. 10s. ; Rock's ' The Church of our Fathers,' 4 vols., 47. ; Church Congress Reports, 1861-94, 34 vols., '21. 7s. 6<7. ; Roe's ' Ancient Coffers and Cup- boards,' 1902, 1/. 2s. 6(7. ; Reports of the Commission on Historical Manuscripts, complete as far as pub- lished, 137. ; Bunsen's 'God in History.' 3 vols., 1870, scarce, 11. 10s. ; and Bishop Ken's ' Conference between the Soul and Body,' containing the rare (spurious) version, not reprinted, of Ken's Morning and Evening Hymn, 1705, 2s. Gd.

Mr. B. H. Black well, of Oxford, devotes a large portion of his new catalogue to music. A selection

of favourite catches, entitled ' Amusement for the- Ladies,' published by Longman & Broderip, 1775, is priced 8*. 6(7. This contains the glee by Norris- on the death of the Duke of Cumberland, O'er William's tomb, with silent grief opprest, Britannia mourns her hero now at rest, afterwards adapted for 'The Death of Nelson.' Under Handel is 'The Messiah, in score, as origin- ally performed, to which are added his additional 1 Alterations,' Is. 6d. Among general items are Boydell's 'Celebrated Persons,' folio, 1811, 11. 7. ? Creeny's ' Monumental Brasses,' '21. 10s. ; Crowe and Cavalcaselle's 'History of Painting in Italy,'

13 vols., 187. 18*.

Messrs. William George's Sons, of Bristol, have ArclicKologia, published by the Society of Anti- quaries, complete, 1770 to 1901, 58 vols., royal 4to r 247. 15s. ; Atkyns's 'Gloucestershire,' 1712, dark crimson morocco, 187. 18s. ; Bewick's ' British Birds,' 2 vols., Newcastle, 1805, 47. 10s. ; Brinkley's 'Japan

anrl r'lKinft * 1 *? vnla fi/ fvo f^ai*l-**o * FTlstorV "^^

tume et de I'Ameublement, sous la direction de Hangard-Mauge> Introduction par Ch. Louandre/ 300 plates, 4 vols. in 3, 4to, calf antique, 67. 15s. ; Gilchrist's ' Life of Blake,' 2 vols., 1863, 26s. 6c7. ? Sauzy and Delange's ' Monographe de 1'CEuvre de Bernard Palissy.' 100 coloured plates, 1862. 87. 17s 6(7 - Coleridge's Works, 12 vols., Moxon, 1847-53, 47. 10s. Cooper's Novels, all first British editions, 1823-43, 45 vols., 97. 9s.; Dryden's 'Fables,' 1797, 37. 10s. (choice copy from the library of the late Duke of Cambridge) ; the late Dr. Symonds's copy cf the wall-paintings of Raphael in the Vatican, repro- duced by Volpato and Ottaviani, 86 large plates, Rome, 1772-7, 147. ; a magnificent copy of Roberta's ' Holy Land,' the complete series, 1842-9, 6 vols atlas folio, 487. 15s. ; Price's ' Spanish Bull-Fights,' illustrated, 8 vols., 1805, 37. 10s. ; YVestwood's 'Palreo- graphia Sacra Pictoria,' 50 plates in gold and colours, 1843-5, 37. 10*. ; and Inman's ' Ancient Faiths,' 1S68> 27. 12s. 6(4.

Mr. William Glaisher has a Supplementary Cata- logue of Publishers' Remainders. We note a few :.

Bateson's 'Materials for the Study of Variation,' 4s. 6(7. ; Barker's 'Two Summers in Guyenne.' 3s. r

51. ; Rabelais, 3 vols., imperial 8vo, A. H. Bullen r 17*. 6<7. ; Williams's ' Land of the Dons,' 6s. ; and 'Nova Solyma: the Ideal City,' attributed to Milton, introduction, translation, and a biblio- graphy by the Rev. Walter Begley, 2 vols., 5s. The Standard in its review of the last work stated that a strong case had been made out for its presumed authorship.

Messrs. W. N. Pitcher &Co., of Manchester, have- Sowerby's ' Botany,' 13 vols., 1902, 207.; Williamson's- 'Lives and Works of the Miniature Painters,. Andrew and Nathaniel Plimer,' Edition de Luxe, limited to 75 copies, 1903, 407. ; Higgins's ' Anaca- lypsis.' 1836, excessively scarce, 117. II* ; Hewitson's 'Exotic Butterflies,' 5 vols.,4to, 1851-66, 227. 10s -