Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 5.djvu/448

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io s. v. MAY 12, im

of the house. When there, he displayed a flag, bearing the inscription, 'I don't intrude now,' to the no small gratification of many who witnessed the ascent." The Age, 30 July, 1826.

Ultimately it was restored to its position above the first-floor window over the archway, and there it remained until Wednesday, 18 May, 1904.

ALECK ABRAHAMS. 39, Hillmarton Road, N.

FANSHAWE INSCRIPTION. On 4 January a small monument bearing the following in- scription was erected in the south-west corner of St. Mary's Chapel in Ware Parish Church :

In piam memoriam


lohannis Harrison equitis filiee uxoris autem Ricardi Fanshawe baronetti

Quse vivo marito

gaudiorum serum narum discriminum donii et peregre censors

Postea mortui

virtutem resque gestas

et narrando commemoravit

et monumento huic proximo dedicando

nunc ihidem sepulchri quoque consors requiescit

Nata A.D. yiii Kal. Apr. A.S. MDCXXV.

Obiit Kal. Ian. MDCLXXX.

Par nobile coniugum

grato animo recordantes

eiusdem gentis posteri

hoc marmor ponendum curaverunt



" MORAL POCKETHANDKERCHIEFS." (See 9 th S. v. 147, 423.) My previous reply on this subject may be supplemented by the follow- ing extract from the * London Correspond- ence ' of The Manchester Guardian of 25 April :

" I have had sent to me a sample of a hand- kerchief just designed, printed, and published for the use of the 1st (Herts) Volunteer Battalion of the Bedfordshire Regiment. It is of great size, and must contain some five thousand words, printed in large and very readable type. Its object is to assist non-commissioned officers in the training of their men. It is always to be brought on to parade, and on resigning the non-commissioned officer must return it with the remainder of his kit. There is no exercise in the field which is not touched upon on this extraordinary article of toilet. Its compilation and design are the work, I believe, of the very energetic adjutant of the regiment. The idea is not entirely new. There was a signaller's handkerchief flag published some years ago, and later a handkerchief guide to com- pany training by Captain R. Timperley, 3rd Volun- teer Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers. Lord Methuen at an inspection last year was pleased with the answer of a sergeant on picket, who, when asked by the General what he did with his time on picket, said that he read his handkerchief."


WE must request correspondents desiring in- formation on family matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to their queries, in order that answers may be sent to them direct.

HEIDELBERG MATRICULATIONS. In the Matriculation Register of Heidelberg Uni- versity, which is being prepared for publica- tion, difficulties in the decipherment of English and American names occur from time to time. I should be grateful to any reader who could throw light on the doubtful points in the following entries. The seven columns of the register contain respectively the date of matriculation, student's name, age, birthplace, father's profession and resi- dence, religion, subject of study.

1. 1861, May 11 | William Addison I 29 | Forbury Maine | Land Steward, Preston Prot. | Phil.

2. 1863, May 2 | Alfred Tribe | 22 \ London | Decorator, London Prot. | Chem.

3. 1863, May 2 | Alexander J. Macfarlan, M.D. | 25 | Edinburgh I Surgeon now dead. Scotland | Prot. | Chem.

4. 1863, Nov. 10 | Rob. U. Strachan | 30 | Edinburgh | 9, Lauder Road, Edinbr. | Prot.

| Jur. The doubtful points are :

1. The birthplace of William Addison, which might conceivably be read as Forberry Maior, the letters between F and -bury being extremely doubtful.

2. The profession of Alfred Tribe's father.

3. The second initial of Alexander Mac- farlan, which might equally well be G. Should the doctor's name be Macfarlane 1

4. The second initial of Robert Strachan, which might equally well be H.

Replies direct or through these pages will be thankfully received.

LIONEL R. M. STRACHAN. Heidelberg, Germany.

PORTICO LIBRARY, MANCHESTER. I shall be greatly obliged if any of your readers who have papers, documents, newspaper cuttings, &c., relating to the early history of the Portico Library, Manchester, will kindly communicate with me.


MAY MORNING AT MAGDALEN: ITS Music. The choral service on the roof of the tower of Magdalen College, Oxford, is well known. Into the changes the character of the service has undergone it is not my wish to enter, nor into the reason for its establishment. I only want to know if the words and music