Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 5.djvu/521

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on Ireland,' ended ingloriously with the first volume. J. B. McGovERN.

St. Stephen's Rectory, C.-on-M., Manchester.


POUND OF NONSENSE." Could you enlighten ine as to the origin of this proverb, or the author of if? I am not quite sure about the second portion, and I am unable to find it in the ordinary dictionaries of proverbs.


TUILERIES GARDEN IN 1796. The following paragraph occurs in The Hull Advertiser, 26 March, 1796. Are we to accept it as a true statement ? We have not met with the fact if fact it be recorded elsewhere.

"The garden of the Thulleries at Paris, once planted with potatoes, when the wants of the people required the sacrifice, offers now a beautiful and correct map of France. It comprises Jemappe, Savoy, and the other departments which have been conquered and united to the Republic. This idea, which is most artfully conceived to flatter the vanity of the Parisians, is as beautifully executed. Each path marks the boundary of a department; every mountain is represented 'by a hillock ; every forest by a thicket ; and every river has its corre- sponding streamlet. Thus every Parisian in his morning walk can now review the whole of the Republic and of her conquests."

N. M. & A.

  • ARYAN SUN-MYTHS.' I have tried for

some time to get a copy of 'Aryan Sun- Myths,' published by Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., -but out of print for several years author's name not mentioned. The book was written by a Bostonian, so perhaps

Lincolnshire, as printed by Nichols in 'Illus- trations of the Manners and Expenses of Ancient Times in England,' the following entries are given, with mention of other lights :

[1505.] Itm. recevyd of y e may lygthe of Est- thorppe, 01. 3$. '3d.

[1532.] Itm. of M. Wyllm lyncolne, for kyr chowsse [church-house] may lyght, QL 13-s. 4o?.

[1535.] Itm. of Esthorpe lyght, 01. 13*. 4rf.

Itm. kyrchowse niaylyght, (M. 13s. 4d.

[1500.] Imprymys, It. recevyd off y e yomen leyght, 01. fa. Sd.

[1500.] It. for y e yomen leyght, Is. 3d.

[1535 ] Itm. of the yongmenis lyght, 01. 10-9. Od.

The young men's light was not the plough- men's light, for the plough-light is also mentioned. LINCOLN GREEN.

OLVARIUS'S HISTORY. In Douglas's 'Peer- age of Scotland,' vol. i. p. 754, it is stated that

"John Carmichael of Howgate had a 8on who

went abroad into the Russian service, where, by his gallant behaviour, he was advanced to the rank of colonel, by John Basiliowitz, the then Czar, and distinguished himself at the siege of Plescow, where he commanded 5.000 men, and afterwards was made governor of that place." The authority for this statement is " Olvarius's History."

I have searched, with the help of the officials, the British Museum Library, and am quite unable to get any clue to the identity of Olvarius or his work. Perhaps some reader of ' N. & Q.' can help me.

E. G. M. C.

some American reader of ' N. & Q.' can help [Olearius, Adam, otherwise Oelschlaeger, wrote a me. E. MUNRO. ' description of a journey in Muscovy and ^Persia,

Hillcrest, Westward Ho, N. Devon.

ITALIAN SONGS. Is there published any good anthology of Italian songs translated into English, without music?

S. J. A. F.

JAPANESE AND CHINESE LYRICS. Are there any anthologies published of these in English? S. J. A. F.

SIR WILLIAM NOYE'S WIFE. Can any correspondent of ' N. & Q.' tell me the name of the wife of Sir William Noye, of Carnan- ton, Cornwall, Attorney-General to King Charles I. ? WM. JACKSON PIGOTT.

Manor House, Dundrum, co. Down.

[Sara, daughter of Humphrey Yorke, of Phi Hack,

near Redruth, Cornwall. {See life in

xli. 253-5.]


journey 10 ___..

published in Schleswig in 1647, folio. An English translation by John Davies was published in 1666. The work was frequently reprinted, and translated into French, Dutch, &c. See under 'Olearius' Brunei's 'Manuel du Libraire,' and ' Nouvelle Biographic Generate,' by Dr. Hoefer.]

CATEATON STREET. This name appears in The Pickwick Papers,' and is, I believe, referable to Gresham Street, E.G. Deriva- tion of Cateaton is desired, and date of change of name. JAS. CURTIS, F.S.A.

SEVENTEENTH - CENTURY LIBRARIES. (See 10 th S. iv. 222, 303.) Have similar lists been published ? If so, references would be much appreciated. M. J. D. COCKLE.

' D N B ' I SHAKESPEARE'S CREATIONS. In the present day, when Shakespeare is belauded to the skies, and by too many because others do it, it is as well that every real admirer of Shake-

IE-KEFORMATION CHURCHES. What special speare should be able to give a reason for signification had these lights? In the the faith that is in him, and that when churchwardens accounts of Wigtoft, in | challenged as to Shakespeare's supremacy on