Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 5.djvu/579

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lo* s. v. Jus* ie. isoe.] NOTES AND QUERIES.



MESSRS. DEIOHTON & BELL, of Cambridge, have

a set of The Ancestor, 21. ; * Modern Artists,' edited

by F. G. Dumas, imperial folio, '31. 3s. ; Batty's

  • Copper Coinage of Great Britain,' 21. 2s. ; first

VV ttlCO, I VUiS., OCi., O-UVA JL.ynJU c \JIXYO, ^UJV^VA i

Coleridge and Prothero, 13 vols., 4to, 131. 13*. (one of the 250 copies of the edition de luxe). A com- plete set of Arthur Cayley's collected mathematical papers, edited by Prof. Forsyth, 14 vols., 4to, Cam- bridge, 1889-98, is priced 10?. 10*.; a set of The Cornhill to March, 1882, 21 5s. ; the second edition of Froude's * Nemesis of Faith,' 9*. 6d. ; ' The Jewish Encyclopedia,' 12 vols., 91. ; Lodge's 'Portraits,' 12 vols., 1835, 61. 15s. ; Luther's ' Werke,' complete edition, Weimar, 1883-1902, 2 vols., roy. 8vo. , 12?. 12*. ;

  • The Works of William Morris,' 8 vols., large 4to,

16?. 16-5. (one of the 300 copies printed for sale) ; and Shakespeare's 'Works,' edited by I. Gollancz, 12 vols., III. Us. The catalogue contains a long list of Early English Text Society's publications.

Mr. Francis Edwards has* a complete set of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 151 vols., 70?.; Barrett's ' Lepidoptera of the British Isles,' 10 vols., 261. and Binns's ' First Century of English Porcelain, II. 15-s. The books on birds are very valuable, among these being Dresser and Sharpe's ' Birds of Europe,' 50?., and Gould's 'Birds of Great Britain,' 70?. Other items are Britton's 'Cathedral Anti- quities,' 25?. ; Cruikshank's Magazine, edited by Frank Smedley, 2 parts (all published), very rare 31. 7. 6d. ; Du Sommerard's ' Les Arts du Moyen Age, avec Album,' 510 beautiful plates, 45?. (from the library of Sir Henry Irving, with his book- plate); first edition of ' Festus,' II. 10*. ; complete set of the Harleian Society, 50?. ; ' The Complete Works of Rembrandt,' 38?. (this magnificent issue was subscribed at 50?.); Spenser Society's Publica- tions, 36 vols., 9?.; Dallaway's 'Sussex,' 151. ; Hutchins's 'Dorsetshire,' 10?. 10*. ; Havell's 'Views of the Thames,' 13 large coloured engravings, 23?. ; BoydelFs ' River Thames,' 2 vols., 1794, a fine tal copy, 14?. ; and Williamson's ' Oriental Fielc Sports,' 31?. 10s. There is a choice list under Dickens, including first editions of the Christmas books, 5 vols., 14?.; and 'Great Expectations,' 3 vols., uncut, 12?. 10*. Under Gardens will be found Edwards's ' Botanical Register,' 33 vols., 60?. and Loddiges's 'Botanical Cabinet,' 36^. Under Scott are many first editions ; and there are in teresting collections of playbills.

Mr. H. J. Gadney, of Oxford, has a large-paper copy of Neale and Le Keux's 'Collegiate anc Parochial Churches,' 1824, 2?. 2*.; ' Romney Me moirs,' 1830, 36*. ; ' Turner's Water-Colour Draw ings,' text by T. A. Cook, 27*. 6d. ; Petit's 'Church Architecture,' 21*. ; Balzac's 'The Chouans,' 1890 37s. 6cl. ; Elzevir New Testament, 1633, 2?. 10*. Godwin's ' Lives of the Necromancers,' 1834, 14$. Fosbroke's 'Antiquities,' 1843, 16*. : Knolles's 'His torie of the Turkes,' 1638, 15-9. ; 'Lord Leighton's Drawings,' preface by Cockerell, 30s. ; Pine's ' Tapestry Hangings of the House of Lords,' 1753 31. 3*. : and North's translation of Plutarch's ' Lives Cambridge, 1676, 2?. 2*.

MM. A. Geoffrey Freres, of the Rue Blanche Paris, have a Catalogue d'Estampes et de Livres There are over two thousand items, well classified

Under Estampes sur Paris we find * Fete de 1'Anni- versaire du 14 Juillet, 1801,' ' Review of the British Troops at Montmartre, 21 Oct., 1815,' and 'Paris ,n 1552.' ' A Selection of Twenty of Girtin's Views )f Paris ' is 325 francs. Other headings are Etran-

ers, Premier Empire, Restauration, Portraits

I'Hommes, de Femmes, Caricatures, &c. a most nteresting list for reference.

Messrs. W. Heffer & Sons, of Cambridge, send us two catalogues, Nos. 16 and 17. The first, which contains 2,722 items, is devoted to Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy, Meteorology, &c. The list is divided into groups : Transactions, Journals, and Scientific Periodicals ; Books previous to 1800 ; and Books subsequent to 1800. The second list con- tains works on Art and Archaeology, Biography, Folk-lore, General Literature, &c., many of the Dooks being suitable for prizes.

Mr. George P. Johnston, of Edinburgh, has a catalogue of books relating to Mary, Queen of Scots, and of rare editions of the writings of George Buchanan. There are only 250 items, but they are all of interest. Wealthy book-collectors are out of it so far as the first item is concerned, the word

sold " being put against it. This is Patrick Cockburn's 'In Dominican! Orationem Pia Medi- tatio,' and was priced 140?. It is the first printed book to mention the name of Mary, Queen of Scots, and was either the second or third book printed at St. Andrews, and the twenty-third book printed in Scotland. Only two copies are known : this and the one in the Advocates' Library. There is a beautiful copy of Buchanan's ' Ane Detectiovn of the duinges of Marie Quene of Scottes, touchand the murder of hir husband, and her conspiracie, adulterie, and pretensed mariage with the Erie Bothwell,' 1571,32?. Maurice Kyffin's 'A Defence of the Honorable Sentence and Execution of the Queene of Scots,' one of the rarest books relating to Mary, small 4to, 1587, is 154. Another extremely rare book is ' De lezabelis Anglse Parricido Varii Generis Poemata Latina et Gallica,' 1587 (?). The poems refer chiefly to the execution of Mary, and contain severe strictures on Elizabeth's action.

Messrs. Macmillan & Bowes, of Cambridge, have Baker's 'Chronicle,' 1660, 4?. 4*. ; and Chalmers's 'Biographical Dictionary,' 32 vols., 21s. Many interesting books and pamphlets occur under Birmingham ; also under Children's Books, 1758 to 1866, published mostly by Baldwin, Cradock & Joy and Harvey & Darton. Under Classics is Anacreon, 1742, 3s. 6d. This was edited by Joseph Trapp, the first Professor of Poetry at Oxford. Under Drama are Collections of Plays, 1744-71 ; and under Eton is The Microcosm, Nos. 1-6, Windsor, 1787. George Canning, J. and R. Smith, and John Hookham Frere were the chief authors. Other items include an account of the Handel commemoration in Westminster Abbey and the Pantheon, May and June, 1784, 10*. 6d. ; Stow's ' Survey of London,' folio, calf, 1633, 30*. ; the first edition of Percy's 'Reliques of English Poetry,' 3 vols., 1765, 12s. (including a few poems not in later editions); Hay ley's ' Life of Romney,' 4to, calf, Chichester, 1809, 4?. 4*. ; and ' Rump Songs,' 1731, 2?. 2s.

Messrs. Parker & Son, of Oxford, issue two catalogues : one of 1,600 items devoted to classical books ; the other, a general list which includes the library of the Rev. T. H. Grose. We find among the items the Edition de luxe of Matthew Arnold's Works, 15 vols., 8?, ; Gailhabaud's ' Architecture,'