Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 5.djvu/633

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Notes and Queries, July 28, 1906.



Baker (C. T.) on George Baker, Oxford prizeman, 215 Baker (George), Oxford prizeman, d. 1811, his bio- graphy, 169, 215

Balasore, handkerchief, its name, 449 Balfour (Eight Hon. A. J.), his descent from Robert II.

of Scotland, 201

Ball-games played on festivals, 376 Balliol family, their descendants, 130 Bang (W.) on pip, 156 Bankes family of Corfe Castle, 289, 372, 395 Banner or flag, triangular, its name, 450, 493 Barbian, Spanish slang term, 149 Barker (Robert), priest, 1626, 229, 299 Barnes, origin of the name, 308, 352, 472 Barnes Pikle, origin of the name, 409, 498 Baronet on dignities hereditary created, not made, 186 Barriff (Capt. William), his 'Military Discipline,'

1635, 12

Barry (Thomas), Westminster scholar, 1758, 8 Baskish inscriptions in Newfoundland, 328, 513 Baskish verses on marriage of King and Queen of Spain,


Bath, list of Kings of, 28, 75, 132, 215 Bay ham. Abbey, its date, 31 Bayswater. derivation of the place-name, 146 Bay ley (A.'. R.) on Bankes of Corfe Castle, 395

Brerewood (E.), 337

Cricket : pictures and engravings, 96

Cross-legged knights, 175

Crucifixion, earliest representation, 289

Duke of Guelderland : Duke of Lorraine, 313

Fitz Urse (Reginald), 112

Hawtrey, 417

Hopton (Ralph, Lord), 456

Magdalen College School and ' D.N.B.,' 22, 122, 284, 362

Miserere carvings, 29

Quotations wanted, 248

1 Reliquiae Wottonianae,' 93 Bayley (W.) on "Misicks," 128 Bayne (T.) on anon, 274, 496

Brock : badger, 432

Burns's ' Bonnie Lesley,' 345

" Cast not a clout till May be out," 433

1 Charlie, He 's my Darling,' 45

Dekker's ' Sweet Content,' 106, 217

English spelling : English culture, 232

Falstaff on honour, 176

Hoast, 66

Jonson (Ben), his ' Underwoods,' 25

Misicks, 175

Plane= sycamore, 452

Poem in one sentence, 217

Pour, 329

Pronunciation, doubtful, 233

Revenue, its pronunciation, 427

Splitting fields of ice, 31

War, its old pronunciation, 310

Wilde (Oscar), bibliography, 355 Bayne family, 209 Bayntun (William Henry), Westminster scholar, 1817,


Bbl., abbreviation for barrel, 27, 74, 112 JBeardshaw (H. J.) on Place, 316, 371 Beatrice on heraldic, 230 Beaumont (Annabella) = Francis Prior, 1708, 8, 78

Beaumont and Fletcher, folk-lore medicine in, 129.

195 Bedfordshire, archdeacon's marks in church in, 209.


Bees, gold, on Napoleon's coronation robe, 9, 76, 115 Beldornie Press, its history, 269 Bell foundry at Wigan, 168, 216, 257, 377 Belloc (Hilaire) on Dover- Winchester road, 451 Bell-ringing, " place " and " place-making " in, 267 Bells, their dimensions, 34, 213 Beltin' : eshin'== caning, 466, 518 Benham (W.) on " Ocean 'mid its uproar wild," 77 Bennet (William), his ' King of the Peak,' 337, 352 Bensly (E.) on Sir Thomas Browne's skull, 346

Burton's ' Anatomy of Melancholy,' 146

'Epicure's Almanack,' 153

Greek and Roman tablets, 350, 473, 512

Jonson (Ben), ' Underwoods,' 337

'Pancharis' : Minerva,' 1735, 517 Bermondsey, eighteenth-century gin distillery, 349 Bernau (C. A.) on Andrews of Walton-on-Thames, 289

Born with teeth, 78

Guydickens (Melchior), 93

Inscriptions at Lucerne, 466

Latton (John), 216

Place, 371

Portmanteau words and phrases, 23*5, 512

Prior (F.): Annabella Beaumont, 78

Quartering of arms, 275

Quotations wanted, 76

Rebus in churches, 250

Steemson and Cliffe families : Thorne Quay, 169

Surnames in England, their number, 370 Berne, Canton, Lake of St. Lampierre in, 489 Best (Capt.), his duel with Lord Camelford, 162, 218,


Betterment as a doctrine in 1(567, 166 Bettesworth (Thomas), J.P., Southampton, 1650, 308,


Betts family, 270

Bewley (Sir E. T.) on Gunnings of Castle Coote, 436 Bewray, its use in the Revised Version, 226 Bible : bewray in Revised Version, 226 ; Dickens on, 304, 355, 391

Bibliography :

Alciatus, his 'Emblems,' 468, 512

Bariff (Capt. W.), 'Military Discipline,' 12

Bohemian language, 168, 217, 297, 315

Book auctions in England, 43

Book signatures, 487

Booksellers, provincial, 141, 183, 242, 297, 351,


Bookselling and publishing, 361, 476 Book- trade terms, 69 Bridewell, 29 Brougham (Lord), 511 Burton (Robert), 146 Catalogues of MSS., 51 Census Report, 1851, 9 Copyright, 128, 176, 217, 314 Dekker (Thomas), 106, 194, 217 Dickens (Charles), 14 Dogs in war, 36, 195 Duelling, 112, 394 Easter, 281