Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 5.djvu/639

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Notes and Queries, July 28, 1906.



Cookson (E.) on "In light I will remember," 170

"Pightle": "pikle,"317 Cope (Mrs. H.) on Gainsborough and Pomeranian dog,


Cope, ancient Welsh, 265 Copes and cope-chests, mediaeval, 189, 254 Copinger (W. A.) on catalogues of MSS., 51

Quartering of arms, 245 Copperillo, meaning of the word, 69 Copying letters, earliest process, 287, 351 Copying process, rotary bromide, 346 Copyright in letters, 128, 176, 217, 314 Corbett (F. St. J.) on German Emperor and Poets

Laureate, 187

Cordova (R. de) on animals ennobled, 7 Laconic letters, 108 Smith in Latin, 13, 152 Corliss (G. F.) on quotations wanted, 92 Corn-rent, its definition, 448 Cornish speech : dimpsy, teening time, 186 Cornwall, Philip Nycolls and the rebellion in, 370, 408 Cornwallis (Thomas), of Porchesier, 244 Coroner, first medical, 489 Corsica, Nelson relic in, 89, 137 Court Rolls, Norwich Calendar of, 13 ; of Westhope,

Salop, 269

Courtney (W. P.) on Gray's 'Elegy,' 511 Penhallow (John), 76 Wilde (Oscar), bibliography, 133 Cousins, their marriages, 300

Coventry (Lady), minuet named after, 307, 355, 518 Cox (Major Talbot Ashley), letter to General von

Zastrow, 107, 152, 293, 373 Cox (Rev. Thomas), his ' History of Warwickshire,'

327, 372, 518 Coxe (A. C.), his ' May Morning at Magdalen College,'


Cragsley on Scottish newspaper press, 388 Crane (C. O.) on Frances Wright d'Arusmont, 307 Crane (Walter) on ballad by Heber : W. Crane, 253,


Crane family of Chester, 184, 253, 351, 413, 490 Crawford (C.) on Montaigne, Webster, and Marston,


Creed (J. M.) on Mrs. Fitzherbert and George IV., 227 Creeper (Sophia) on Hawtrey, 417 Cresset stones, 308, 394 Creswell family of Odiham, c. 1661, 345 Cricket, early pictures and engravings, 5i, 96, 177;

Fonnan, Essex cricketer, 228 Criminals, habitual, statistics of, 148, 216 Crisp (D.) on Napoleon's coronation robe, 9 Croal (George) and Sir Walter Scott, 66 Crockford (William), bis biography, 12 Cromartie (Lord), his issue, c. 1746, 28, 70 Cromwell (Major Richard), 1648, his biography, 69,

113, 154

Cromwell (Oliver), his burial-place, 205, 254 Cromwell House, Highgate, its history, 132 Crone (J. S.) on Power's ' Bibliotheca Hibernica,' 170

Tyrone history, 172

Cronert (Dr. W.), his new edition of Passow's Greek- German Lexicon, 109

Crooke (William), his ' Things Indian,' 325 Ctosfield (Mrs. C. J.) on Esther Giles : W. Carscn, 70 Cross (W, L.) on Gobesius : Sheeter, 68

Cross-Crosslet on Cecil family, 94

Heraldic, 335

Leighton's ' British Crests,' 308 Cross-legged effigies, 130, 175, 257, 314 Crossle (P.) on Earl of Shipbrook, 308 Crouch (C. H.) on hairlpowdering closets, 57

Whitehead, Paul, 56

Crowland Abbey, Benjamin Holdich on, 509 Crucifixion, earliest representation in art, 248, 289 Cruttwell (H. A.) on John Cook, Regicide, 467 Csombor (Martin) on the Isle of Man, 126 Cuckow (G. J.), his 'Our Native England,' 31, 77,


Culross Abbey, effigy of a Stewart of Lome at, 326 Culture, its history, English, 148, 198, 232 Cummings (W. H.) on authors of quotations, 137

'Cherry Ripe,' 297, 392 Cunningham (Allan), his 'King of the Peak,' 208,271,

337, 352, 518

Curry (Capt.), e. 1759, his biography, 208, 271 Curry (J. T.) on " Et tu, Brute ! " 125

German Emperor and Poets Laureate, 237

Kirby (Richard), architect, 295

Pidgin or pigeon English, 90

Smith in Latin, 193

" Was you ? " and " You was," 32 Curtis ( J.) on Cateaton Street, 429

Catherine: Katharine: Katherine, 469

Cross-legged knights, 130

Direction post v. signpost, 449

Goldsmith's ' Traveller,' 397

Holm and mastick trees, 489 _

" Now this is every cook's opinion," 397

Rebus in churches, 188 Curtler (W. H. R.) on English exiles in France and

Holland, 148 Curwen (A. F.) on Christian of Milntown, 334

Saxon kings : living descendants, 252 Cymru, its derivation, 364


D. on Roman Catholic, 327

" Sophy," the, 378

D. (B. M.) on George Fall, artist, 230 D. (G.) on dumping, 175 D. (H.) on Knightley family, 250 D. (H. W.) on rebus in churches, 297, 356 D. (T. F.) on Babington Conspiracy, 455

Dog's nose, 252

Pronunciations, doubtful, 233

Rebus in churches, 250

Welsh poem, 14

Dacier (Lewis), Westminster scholar, c. 1730, 149 Dagger money at Newcastle-on-Tyne, 280 Dally the Tall, sobriquet of Mrs. Grace Dalrymple

Elliott, 244 Dalton (C.) on "Brown Bess" applied to a musket, 21

Jeffereys, Capt. James, 211 Dalton-le-Dale, sundial in church at, 271 Daniels (H. G.) on Collop Monday, 376

Rebus in churches, 250, 297 Dante : sonnet to Guido Cavalcanti, 474 Darrell or Dorrell (John), exorcist, c. 1599, 285 Dartford, sundial in church at, 206 Darwin (Charles), his house in Gower Street, 483 Dauglish (M. G.) on Col. A. R. Dunn, 468