Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 5.djvu/641

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Notes and Queries, July 28, 1906.



Earthquakes in fiction, 388, 436, 492

Easter, and eggs, 285 ; and the hare, 292, 375

Easter bibliography, 281

Easton (W. M. G.) on Stewart of Lome effigy, 326

Edgar (King) and the peg-cups, 46

Edgcumbe (R.) on Abbs' Campbell and Mrs. Fitz-

herbert, 307

Canada's last Imperial troops, 266 Nelson Trafalgar Memorandum, 244 Edinburgh, Hell- Fire Club, 90 Editor of ' Bibliographical Register ' on novel wanted,


Editor of ' Dod's Peerage ' on Princess Royal's daughters, 236


A poor thing, but mine own, 100

Behold this ruin ! 'tis a skull, 40

Black cat folk-lore, 40

Campaniles, 80

Caroline (Queen), her trial, key to portraits, 300

Chin-a-chin-a-chop-sticks, 120

Christening a ship, 120

Commerce, card game, 40

Dagger money at Newcastle-on-Tyne, 280

Decus et tutamen, 200

  • De Tribus Impostoribus,' 240

Get in the shire what one loses in the hundred, 120

Great Jove has lost his Ganymede, I know, 500

Hail, beauteous stranger of the grove, 240

He saw a certain minister, 220

I have fought for queen and faith, 180

I shall pass through this world, 260, 393, 498

Keen = eager, 60

Kodak, inventor of the word, 400

Kotow, its early use, 500

La vie est vaine, 220

Life's work well done, 460

Man in the street, 100, 167

Marriages of cousins, 300

Oh for a blast of that dread horn, 100

Parish constables, 240

Poets that lasting marble seek, 60

Kememberable, 20

Seeds, their germination, 340

Slander, meanest spawn of hell, 260

Sleep the sleep of the just, 20

Spick and span, 160

Split infinitive, 280

Stars and stripes, and Washington's arms, 60

Straight is the line of duty, 160

Such lands as lie 'twixt Rake and Rye, 480

Sun putting out fire, 300

That very law which moulds a tear, 40

The dead but sceptred sovereigns who still rule, 320

Voice an opinion, 260 Edmonds family, 89

Edward iV. in the National Portrait Gallery, 426 Edwards (F. A.) on Blandina, 450

Hampshire booksellers and printers, 481 Effigies, cross-legged, 130, 175, 257, 314 Effigy discovered at Culross Abbey, 326 Egg : Easter-egg customs, 292, 375 Eggs, Easter, as tithe, 285

Egoteles, meaning of the word, 488 Eland on habitual criminals, 148 Election jingle, 67

Elections, party colours at, 65, 194, 271, 396 Elgin marbles, Canova on, 52 Ellacombe (H. N.) on ' Oliver Twist, ' 127 Elliott (Capt. Richard) and the Ponsonby family, 26 Elliott (Mrs. Grace Dalrymple), her sobriquet, 244 Ellis (A. S.) on Cecil family, 94 Elsdon village, lines by George Chatt on, 45 Emeritus on Irish bog butter, 308 Meriah, 190 Vendium, 197

Emigre's, French, English Government fund for, 327 England, first book auctions in, 43 ; suppression ot

duelling in, 112, 394 ; number of surnames in, 370 England and Spain, old saying, 430 English, pigeon or pidgin, the appellation, 46, 90, 116, English (R.) on ' Modern Universal British Traveller/


English culture, history of, 148, 198, 232 English Government fund for French e'migre's, 327 English pennies dated 1670-1859, 309 English records, references to Americans in, 163, 432,.

476, 497

English spelling, its history, 148, 198, 232 Englishmen, "pale ale" as nickname for, 447 Engravings wanted, 230 Enigma, " What though some boast," 32, 97 ' Epicure's Almanack,' 1815, described, 4, 116, 153 Epiphany custom, Dutch, 110, 157

Epitaphiana :

Baskish, at Placentia, 513

Bowes, epitaph at, and Mallet's ' Edwin and Emma/ 370, 431

From lives thus spent thy earthly duties learn, 245

Gould (Samuel), 492

Great Jove has lost his Ganymede, I know, 500

Here underlies too sad a truth, 395

Hee liv'd while age agreed to beare him, 508 Eshin': beltin'= caning, 466, 518 Eton College arms and Winchester College, 285 Eton swishing, illustration of, 489 Etough (Rev. Henry), letter from Baron Walpole of

Wolferton, 134, 173 Etty (William), R.A., his brothers and their issue,

88, 137

' European Magazine ' and Joseph Moser, 1808, 117 Evans (H. A.) on Ben Jonson's Works, 7 Everitt (A. T.) on Thomas Bettesworth, 396

Pounde (Thomas), S. J., 96 Ewe, black, in the ' Iliad,' 328, 373 Examinations, post-mortem, earliest instances, 29 Exchequer, Court of, office of Hereditary Usher, 89 Executions, ropes used at, 266, 315, 375, 418, 457 r


Exhibition, verses on the Great, 64, 113, 239 Exiles, English, in France and Holland, 148

F. (C. L.) on "Mother of dead dogs," 509 F. (E. H. L.) on Seddon family, 470 F. (F. E.) on T. T. Runkel Salingen, 307 F. (H.) on garage, 18&