Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 5.djvu/647

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Notes and Queries, July 28, 1906.



K. (L. L.) on golden roof at Innsbruck, 136

Gordon's formulas, 374

Henry Brougham, steamer, 337

Isle of Man blown about by winds, 126

"Jour de Bouhourdis," 467

Long worth (John Aug.), 190

Lustre ware, 158

Rampini (J.), 455

4 Reliquiae Wottonianae,' 93

Reysraan (Theodor) : Andreas Keller, 315

Roman mound, 245

Rotary bromide process, 346

St. Expeditus, 156

St. Thomas Aquinas, 269

Saint with five stars, 411

Spinola's whale, 109

Staines Bridge, 112

Steam communication with America, 467

Thompson (Mr.) of 6th Dragoons, 354

Walking cloth, 293

Katharine, Katherine, Catherine, spelling variations, - 469

Kazan, Chodzko on siege of, ;552, 328 Kealy (Rev. A. G.) on John Caley, 388

Onley (Capt.), R.N., 474 Keen eager, 60 Keene or Kyme family, 469 Keller (Andreas), his ' Bericht der Rinder zu Wasel-

heim,' 268, 315

Kerneys (Sir Nicholas), his gallant death, 446 Kemeys-Tynte (St. D. M.) on Chepstow Castle, 446 Kempe (Abp.) and All Hallows, Barking, 13, 112 Kempe family of Kent and Chichele, pedigree, 286 Kendall (W. C.) on Collop Monday, 247 Kennedy family of Cul lean, 128 Kent (B.) on portmanteau words, 110 Kes or Kese, to kick, 127, 198 Kew, Surrey, Portman family at, 383 Khonds of Orissa, and the word Meriah, 190, 252 King (C.) on Christopher Martin, 408 King (F.) on Trafalgar, 57 King (Joseph), Joachin Cardoza, volunteer under

Nelson, 108, 213 Kings and Queens compared, 389 Kings, Saxon, living descendants, 189, 252 King's letter-money, 1727, its origin, 198 King's Weighhouse, 1666, and Love Lane, 303 Kipling (Rudyard), his Barrack-Room Ballads,' 307 ; 1 Mandalay,' 389, 417; 'Five Free Nations,' 389, 417 ; 'With Scindia to Delhi,' 426, 518 ; Rake, its locality, 480 Kirby (Richard), sixteenth-century architect, 147, 232,


Kirk (Alexander), Glasgow shipbuilder, c. 1818, 129 Kirton-in-Lindsey, smuggling at, 282 Kleerkooper (M. M.) on Harlem Courant,' 309

Harlem, a newswriter, 309 Knightley (Lady) on Knightley family, 371 Knightley family, 250, 313, 371 Kodak, inventor of the word, 400 Kola-nut, origin of the name, 286 Kom Ombo on Aristophanes's ' Wasps,' 188

Passow's Greek-Latin lexicon, 109 Kotow, its early use, 500 Krebs (H.) on colour transition, 86

Hetman : Ataman, 157

Krebs (H.) on " Jan Kees," 15

Lithuanian etymologic il dictionary, 313

March (Ausias), 14

Place, 412 Krueger (G.) on dogs in war, 195

English spelling : English culture, 148

Falstaff on honour, 1 28

Rowton (Lord), 149

Portmanteau words, 235

Waterloo campaign, 107, 373 Kyme or Keene family, 469 Kynan, grandfather of Owen Gwynnedd, 169,215,

L. (A. H.) on chemists' coloured bottles, 168

L. (F. de H.) on floral emblems of countries, 509

Hayes, Consul at Smyrna, 349 L. (H.) on Capt. Curry, 1759, 208 L. (H. G.) on West's picture of death of Wolfe, 409 L. (H. P.) on church spoons, 13

" Diss.," an abbreviation, 69

Dog's nose, 252

Doncaster weather-rime, 456

Hamberbonne, 190

Kes or kese, to kick, 127

May Song, 474

Pightle : pikle, 93

Portmanteau words, 512

L. (M. C.) on " The hand that rocks the cradle,." 273 L. (P.) on London newspapers, 10 L. (R.)on Authors of quotations, 108 L. (R. A. A.) on King's College, Cambridge, 255

Rebus in churches, 250 L. (W. J.) on Norwegian dictionaries, 384 Laconic letters, 108, 153, 171, 197, 234 Ladies in society, articles on, 469, 514 Lafontaine, variant of a fable, 487 Lake of St. Lampierre, Berne, 489 Lamb (Charles), 1717, champion of chimney-sweepers, 5 Lamb (Charles), his continental tour, 11 ; and James White, 153 ; allusion to Norwich weavers, 225 ; at weddings, 265

Lane (J.) on English Government fund for French emigre's, 327

"Two Friends," Princes Street, 90 Lantern, architectural, called " bo wet," 126, 214 La Poype( Gen.), prisoner of war, his biography, 46, 237 Lassalle (F.), his " iron law," 188 Latham (E.) on French proverbial phrases, 243

" I expect to pass through," 393, 498

Poem in one sentence, 148

Prisoner suckled by bis daughter, 453

Quotations wanted, 108, 397, 408

" Ragotin, ce matin," 328

Reynolds (Sir Joshua) at Le Portel, 356

" The hand that rocks the cradle," 357

" Travailler pour le roi de Prusse," 206 Latin forms of surnames, 227

Latin genitives in floricultural nomenclature, 309, 355 Latin poets, "marmor " and the sea in, 106, 153 Latin quotations, 88

Latton (John), of Burwood House, Surrey, 149, 216 Laugharne, Carmarthenshire, ancient cope at, 265 Laughton (Prof. J. K.) on Condado, 47, 114, 317

Nelson relic in Corsica, 137

Nelson's signal, 56