Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 5.djvu/652

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Notes and Queries, July 28, 190.

Oxberry (J.)on epitaph at Bowes, Yorkshire, 431 Gray'*' Elegy, '477

Oxford University : Magdalen College School and the 'D.N.B.', 22, 122, 284, 362 ; All Souls' College and Archbishop Chichele's descendants, 286, 454 ; May morning music at Magdalen College, 368, 413

Oxford University Volunteers, 108, 156, 216

Oxonieneis on Edmund Tillesley, 249

P. on Sunken Land of Bus, 509

P. (F.) on Louis Philippe's landing in England, 349

P. (H. T.) on quotations wanted, 449

P. (I. H.) on Shakespeariana, 465

P. (J. B.) on Lord Cromartie's issue, 70

P. (M.) on African sloths, 230

Peacock as a Christian symbol, 193 P. (B. B.) on bells, 213

"Brown Bess" as applied to musket, 414 Gout (Ralph), watchmaker, 206 Hair-powdering closets, 394 Large-paper margins, 377 Lynn (W.), bis steam-engine, 305 May-day, two poetical tracts, 155 1 Speculum Episcopi,' 288 Wheatstone, 155

Page (J. T.) on astronomy in fiction, 294 Born with teeth, 115 Browne (Sir T.), his skull, 397 Burial in woollen, 467 Canbury House, Middlesex, 455 Churchwardens' accounts, 410 Cromwell's burial-place, 205 Cross-legged knights, 257 Death birds in Scotland and Ireland, 158, 215 Dickens on the Bible, 391 Drinkings : drinking time, 133 Oarnett (Dr. Richard), 367 Holyoake as a lecturer, 223, 397 Jenkyn, Little John, &c., 155 May song, 403 Mulberry and quince, 15

  • Nicholas Nickleby,' 14

Open-air pulpits, 55 Parish constables, 427 Party colours, 271

Pickering (Sir Gilbert), of Titchmarsh, 151 Pleachy, 393

Polytechnic Institution, 454 Portmanteau words and phrases, 235, 512 Pour, 392

Quotations wanted, 408 Ropes used at executions, 457 Royal arms in churches, 230 Spinola's whale, 394 Vamphorn, 154

Vanishing London: Paradise Row, Chelsea, 272 Painting, oil, c. 1626, 29 ; c. 1660, 129 Pale Ale, nickname for Englishmen, 447 Palmer (A. Smythe) on doubtful pronunciations, 147 Egoteles, 488 Rebound, verb, 345

Pfclmer (J. Foster) on Major Richard Cromwell, 113 Doubtful pronunciations, 193 Superman, 173 Pancakes in the fowl-pen, 229

Cannier market at Launceston, 426 aper-making inventions, 208

'aradise Row, Chelsea, its interesting associations, 165, 272 'ardoe (Avern) on Cox's ' History of Warwickshire,*


Dumping, 232

aris, Tuileries garden in 1796, 429, 493 'arish constables, 240, 427 'arliament, Blackburn representatives in, 326 'arliament, spelling of the word, 89 'arliamentary whips, 16 'arochial history of London, 55, 95, 174, 297 Parrott (T. M.) on Chapman's ' All Fools,' 347 Parry (Col. G. S.) on inscriptions at Capri, 381

Unregistered arms, 228 Arlington (Mrs.), her origin, 120 D arty colours at elections, 65, 194, 271, 396 ssive resister, literary associations of the phrase, 32,77

Passow's Greek-German Lexicon, new edition, 109 1 Pastorales," Souletin, list of, 387 Etching (J.) on "From the thick film," 172 Patrick on bookseller's motto, 208 Peacock, its associations and symbolism, 69, 130, 177,

193 Peacock (E.) on almanac, c. 1744, 12

Axholme Priory, 373

Birds of East Finmark, 6

Doncaster weather-rime, 407

Proverb against gluttony, 470

Rebus in churches, 317

Ropes used at executions, 266

Royal arms in churches, 336

Smugglers' caves, 282 Peacock (J. E. 0. W.) on Dr. Richard Garnett, 437 Peacock (M. H.) on church spoons, 5G Pearce (C. J.) on Bohemian language, 168 Pearl, its etymon, 409, 493 Peat at Hexham, 1230, 427 Pedigree difficulties, 87, 155, 186 Pedometers patented by Ralph Gout, 17, 99, 206, 335 Peel (Sir Robert), his franked and stamped letters,

48, 216, 274 Peet (Margaret) on authors of quotations, 11 Peet (W. H.) on London newspapers, 10

Napoleon and Grand Duchess Catherine, 428

Pitts (J.), printer, 13

St. Paul's Cathedral, 272 Peg-cups, King Edgar and, 46 Pell (Frances Sarah) = Mitchell, 369 Pelmet on copyright in letters, 217 Penhallow (John), of Clifford's Inn, 15, 37, 76, 336 Penn and Mead jury, 1670, 8 Pennies, English, 1670-1859, 309 Penny (F.) on pour, 392 Smith in Latin, 152

Suicides buried in open fields, 173

Walker in Latin, 227

Penteus or Punteus (John), famous physician, 212 Pepys (S.), Rigga mentioned by, 9; "betterment" in

his 'Diary, '166

Percy Folio in " The King's Library," queries on, 468 Perks (Thomas) raising a spirit, 169 Perry (B. C.) on "music tree," 188 Peterson (Lieut.), killed by Lord Camelford, 104