Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 7.djvu/219

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A VERY good suggestion was made in The Publisher*' Circular a few weeks back that book- sellers would do well to place a date on their cata- logues. Messrs. Sotheran & Co. have always done so on their Price Current, and we think our other friends would do well to adopt the plan.

Mr. Blackwell, of Oxford, includes in his Cata-

Therc is a long list under Modern Poetry, and another under Greek and Latin Classics. Other entries comprise Atkyns's ' Gloucestershire,' 1768, 11. Is. ; Fry's ' Pantographia,' 1799, 31. ; Meyrick's 'Aiitient Armour,' 1830, ,3/. ; Millingen's 'Ancient Unedited Monuments,' 1822-6 (reprint), II. 4*. ; Shakespeare, Pickering's "Diamond Classics," 1825, 9 vols., II. 1*. ; and Rickmaii's 'Styles of Archi- tecture,' It. 10*'.

Mr. Bertram Dobell's Catalogue 148 contains a number of books relating to Freemasonry, also a long list under Shakespeare, the latter including the Clarendon Press reproduction of the First Folio, 61. 10*., and the Kelmscott reprints of the ' Poems,' 61. 6*. There are interesting items under Cruikshank. Under Dickens we find the first edition of ' Pickwick ' in the original cloth, 21. 12*. ; unfortunately, the plates are spotted. The general list includes the rare first edition of ' The Wild Goose Chase,' 1652, I5f. 15*.; Blake's Works, edited by Ellis and Yeats, large paper, 4J. 10*. ; a very fine copy of 'Drake Revived,' 1653, 167. 16*. ; and the first edition of Newman's 'Apologia,' II. Is.

Messrs. William George's Sons, of Bristol, have in their List 297 the first edition of Atkyns's

  • Gloucestershire,' 1712, 16/. 16*. ; and Gilchrist's
  • Life of Blake,' I/. 5*. Choice works under Cera-

mics include Chaffer s's ' Keramic Gallery,' 6^. 15*. ; and Delange's ' Faiences Italiennes,' 10/. There are first editions of Swinburne, also some of Pickering's beautiful "Diamond Classics"; and under Raphael is J. A. Symonds's copy of the three series of the wall paintings in the Vatican, Roma, 1772-7, 12/. 12*. The drawings were made by Comporesi, and engraved in a highly finished style. There is also a magnificent copy of Roberta's 'Holy Land,' in a handsome case of ornamental woods, inlaid, with plate-glass panels and glass doors, 1842-9, 40^. A pretty set of French standard plays, 67 yols., 1810-12, is 3/. 3*.; and interesting items will be found under Grosart, Costume, &c.

Mr. William Hitchman's Bristol List 45 contains ' Bartolozzi,' by Andrew Tuer, 3/. 3*. ; Dixoii's 'Royal Windsor,' 4 vols., 18*.; Jesse's 'Life of Beau Brummell,' II. 16*. ; La Fontaine, complete translation, 123 plates, 21. 2*.; Lingard's 'England,' 14 vols., half -calf, 1823-31, 31.10*.; Rabelais, Urqu- hart, and Motteux's translation, 1904, 2 vols., 4to, 11. 1*.; and 'Rubens,' by Max Rooses, 2 vols., 4to, 21. 5*.

Messrs. George T. Juckes & Co., of Birmingham, send us their Catalogue 177, containing the first 28 vols. of B&ntlesfs Miscellany, 1837-50, 51. 15*. ; ' The British Essayists,' by Bergner, 45 vols., 1823, 31. 3*. ; Burton's ' Arabian Nights,' 15/. 15*. ; Leslie's 'Life of Constable,' 1845, "21. 2*.; Knight's 'Old England,' 3 vols., folio, 12*. 6d.; Pickering's "Wreath Edition" of Shakespeare, 11 vols., half-

calf, gilt, 1825, 4/. 17*. 6d. ; Farmer arid Henley's ' Slang and its Analogues,' 7 vols., 4/. 4*.; 'Cassell's Picturesque Europe,' 5 yols., 21. 15*. (original subscriber's copy); and Eliot Warburton's 'Prince Rupert,' 3 vols., first edition, 1849, 11. 18*. 6d. A scarce item is Wither's 'Speculum Speculativum, 12mo, 1660, 21-. 2*.; and there is a handsome large- paper copy of Heyne's 'Virgil,' 8 vols., 4to, 1793,-

Messrs. Mayer & Miiller, of Berlin, devote their - Catalogue 226 to Oriental works formerly belonging to Dr. G. Huth, of the University of Berlin. The first section deals with the general history of the East, followed by works relating to Persia, India, . Central Asia, Egypt, Africa, Japan, &c. A second catalogue will treat of Semitic, African, and American languages. Would not Messrs. Mayer <fc Miiller do well to follow the English plan of numbering the various items ?

Mr. E. Menken's Book Circular 175 contains two ' scarce Alpine items : Atkin's ' Ascent to the Summit of Mont Blanc on the 22nd and 23rd of August, 1837,' 21. 12*.; and Martin's 'Ascent, 16th to> 18th of 9th Month, 1834,' 21. 12s. Both of these works were privately printed. Under Ancient Religions we find Bryant's 'Ancient Mythology,' 1775-6, 11. 5*. 6d. There is a beautiful MS. on fine vellum, 'Antiphonarium cum Notis Musicis/' Ssec. XIV., 20^. The ornamentation is very delicate. . Under Coloured Plates are Mayer's 'Views in.' Egypt,' Bowyer, 1803-4, 31. 3*.; Rabelais et 1'CEuvre- de Jules Gamier,' Paris, 1897, 31. 15*. ; and 'The' Attorney - General's Charges against Queen Caro- line,' coloured plates by Cruikshank and others,, G. Humphrey, 1821, 121. 12*. George IV. was com- pelled to suppress this, and the number of copies that got into circulation was so small that the book is one of the rarest of those illustrated by Cruik- shank. Other items are Tuer's ' Horn-Book,' 3/. 3*. ; . and Thomas a Kempis, 2 vols., Curmer, 1856-8,, 101. 8*. There is much of interest under London, including Treloar's ' Ludgate Hill,' 10*. 6fL, and : Newcourt's 'London and Westminster,' 11. 5*. 6d. Under Playing Cards is a set of the "Great Mogul," ' issued about 1810, with the red excise label, un- opened. Two cautions are printed on the wrapper: "5/. penalty for any Person selling or using in Great Britain or Ireland any Card without a Duty Ace of Spades," and "50/. penalty on Licensee and Maker itsing an Ace of Spades wrapper or label before used, or selling Cards not stamped." There are a number of Road-Books, Illuminated MSS. and Royal Bindings.

Mr. James Miles, of Leeds, has in his Cata- logue 137 McKenny's 'Indian Tribes,' 2 vols., imperial 8vo, Philadelphia, D. Rice & Co., out of print, 21. 2s. Bibliography includes Lowndes in 11 vols., 11. 1*. Under Binding is ' The Historic Gallery of Portraits and'Paintings,' Vernor, Hood, and Sharpe, 1807, 21. 2*. The 7 vols. are in marbled calf by Edwards of Halifax. There are a number of the Chetham Society Publications. A copy of Dibdin's ' Tour,' 1838, is priced 3?. 10*. : and the original edition of Duruy s 'Rome,' 1883-6, out of print, of. 15*. Houbraken's ' Dutch Painters,' with Van Gool's continuation, 5 vols., first editions, is 21. 5*. ; The Time* ' Encyclopedia Britannica,' 36 vols., three-quarter morocco, 16^. (Time* price, net cash, 42/. 10*.); and a copy of ' The English Dialect Dictionary,' 6 vols., 4to, half-calf, 9f. 9*. There is a good list under Heraldry, including