Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 7.djvu/484

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NOTES AND QUERIES, no s. VIL MAY is, 1907.

as issued, 25*.: Black wood's 'Martyre de la d'Escosse, Dovariere de France, Io87, 4. . ; Zachary Boyd's ' The Last Battell ot the Sovle in Death/ 1628, 30/. ; Drummond of Hawthornden s -Poems,' first edition, 1659, . 6s.; Fielding's Works, edited by Leslie Stephen, 51. 5s.; and Hume's 'History of the House of Douglas, circa 1633, 851. (wanting leaf Al). Mr. Johnston states that this is the only copy known, a twenty years search for another having proved fruitless. The Paston Letters,' Library Edition, 6 vols., is 6L 15s.; and the Oxford facsimile of the First Folio, 92. There is a list of Greek and Latin Classics.

Mr. E. Joseph sends us his second catalogue. We note a choice copy of ' Jack My tton' 1851, a.; the Annotated Edition of 'Ingoldsby,' Bentley, 1870, \L 12s. ; Brayley's ' Surrey,' 21. 10s. ; Heaton's ' Furniture and Decoration in England during the Eighteenth Century,' 2 vols., royal folio, SI. 15*.; Maxwell's 'Irish Rebellion,' first edition, 184o, .31. Is. 6d.; Millais's 'Game Birds,' 11. Is.; and Grove's ' Dictionary of Music,' 21. 12s. M. Among first editions are The Rambler, II. Is.; Rogers s 'Poems,' original paper label, 1834, .; 'Vanity Fair,' 1848, 4/. 12s.; arid works by Dickens and Swinburne. Under Tudor Translations is 'The Golden Ass of Apuleius,' 21. Is. 6d. There are many choice art works, and a list of Military Books.

Messrs. Lupton Brothers, of Burnley, include in


.5 vols., #. ; and Winkles's 'atheras, 1. s. Among art works are 'Leighton's Drawings, edited by Cockerell, 11. 10s.; 'Da Vinci,' from the French of Miintz, 11. 10*. ; Redford's ' History of Sales,' extremely rare, 24. ; Redgrave's ' Century

of Painters,' 11. 10s.; 'Turner's Water-Colours in the National Gallery,' 11. 10s. ; and Woltmann arid Woermann's ' History of Painting,' 11. 15s. Other items are a set of the Cavendish Society Publica- tions, 11. Is. ; and Inglis's ' Rambles in the Foot- steps of Don Quixote,' 11. 12s. 6d. Under Dickens are portraits of Edith, Florence, Alice, and little Paul, by H. K. Browne, illustrating ' Dombey and

Son,' Chapman & Hall, 1848, 16s. ; and under Austin Dobson are large-paper copies. Freeman's ' History of the Norman Conquest,' 6 vols., 8vo, is

'11. 17s. Qd.; The Gentleman's Magazine, 1731-1822, 14. 14s. ; first edition of Gay's ' Fables,' 11. 2s. 6d. ; Kinglake's ' Crimea,' one map wanting, 21. 10s. ; Palgrave's ' History of Normandy and of England,' 4 vols., 8vo, 31. ; Prescott's Works, 12 vols., 8vo, half-russia, 51. 10s. ; and Crabb Robinson's ' Diary,' 3 vols., 8vo, 21. 5s.

Messrs. Henry Sotheran & Co. send us Part II. of their ' Bibliotheca Chemico-Mathematica,' in which the items are quite as interesting to the general reader as those contained in Part 1. The first entry describes the last and best edition of Galileo's com-

E' te works, 1842-56, U. 10s. ; and this is followed a copy of the rare first edition of the ' Dialogo,' ich caused the author to be imprisoned and was rigidly suppressed. Then we have Gassendi's book, 1656, in which he gives an account of his observation of the transit of Mercury in 1631. To show how catholic the list is we may mention that just below figures Mrs. Gatty's ' Book of Sun-Dials.' Then comes Gauger's 'La Me"canique du Feu,' 1713, which is one of the earliest works on the science of ventilation and heating. Next we note a work

of 1533 by Gaurico, Professor of Mathematics and also an astrologer. When consulted by the Prince of Bentivoglio he predicted that the ruler would be chased from his principality in less than a year. He received in consequence the cruel punishment of "estrapado," but his prophecy was shortly after- \vards verified. There is a fine interleaved copy of the rare original edition of Dr. Gilbert's work ' De Magnete,' 1600, 251. Gilbert was the first to use the terms "electricity," "electric force," and "electric attraction." Prof. Silvanus Thompson says of this book that it "is much rarer than the First Folio." Dryden's reference to Gilbert will be remembered :

Gilbert shall live till loadstones cease to draw. Then we have Graham, with his discovery of the law of the diffusion of gases ; Gower, who designed the Transit, a sailing ship of remarkable speed ; Gregory St. Vincent, whom De Morgan described as " the greatest of circle-squarers " ; Guericke, the discoverer of the air-pump ; Hadley, who in 1730 made his second great success by the invention of the reflecting quadrant ; and Horrocks, who ob- served for the first time (with a little half-crown telescope, on Sunday afternoon, Nov. 24th, 1638) a transit of Venus, but died the following year, aged only twenty-three. These are but a few random items from this fine collection.

Mr. Albert Sutton, of Manchester, has in his Catalogue 152 Cobbett's Register, 92 vols., 1802-35, 1QI. ; Douglas Jerrold's Shilling Magazine, 1845-48, 11 12s. ; and The Graphic, 1869-1905, 72 vols., 101. 10s. First editions include the 'Olney Hymns,' 1779, 21. 15s. ; the sisters Bronte's poems, 1846, 11. 15s. ; and Fielding's ' Tom Jones,' 6 vols., 12mo, 1749, 01. 6s. A set of The Westminster Review, 1824- 1903 (wanting London Review, vol. i., title and index, and the whole of vol. ii., 1836), 160 vols., very scarce, is 30^. There is a fine copy of Florio's ' Dictionarie of the Italian and English Tongues,' 1611, 61. 6s. 'Court Leet Records of the Manor of Manchester ' is 21. 5s. The list under Art includes a set of the publications of the Association for the Promotion of the Fine Arts in Scotland, 21. Us. 6d. Among Lancashire items is a set of James's views of Manchester, 1821-5, 51. 5s. With these are bound 24 views by Philips.

Mr. James Thin, of Edinburgh, has in his Cata- logue 155 a most interesting assortment of works on Archaeology, Genealogy, and Scottish History. We note Romilly Allen's ' Early Christian Monuments of Scotland,' 31. 10s.; Drummond's 'Scottish Weapons,' 11. 15s.; Sayce's 'Records of the Past,' 31-. 10s. ; Stephens's ' Runic Monuments,' 41. 10s. ; Wingate's ' Coinage of Scotland,' If. 2s. 6d. ; Bur- ton's ' History of Scotland,' 51. ; Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 40 vols., including the index volume, very scarce, 1788-1900, 55/. ; and Dr. Hew Scott's 'Fasti Ecclesianse Scotticanse,' 1866-71, 81. 15s.

[Notices of numerous other Catalogues are held over from lack of space.]

JJottaa ta ffitfmspnntonts.

M.A.OxoN ("Tout comprendre c'est tout par- donner"). Mr. W. F. H. King says in his 'Classical and Foreign Quotations,' under No. 1955, that this proverb is founded on " Tout comprendre rend tres - indulgent " (Madame de Staels 'Corinne,' book xviii. chap. v.).