Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 7.djvu/531

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10 s. vii. JUNE i, loo:.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


is an uncut copy of the first edition of Gay's | Achilles, as it is performed at the Theatre Royal in Covent Garden, with the Musick prefix'd to each Song, Feb. 28th, 1733,' 61. 6s.

Messrs. W. Heffer Sons, of Cambridge, have in their Catalogue 26 Oxford Historical Society Publications, 33 vols., 31. 10*. ; and a very fine copy of 'Rerum Britannicarum,' 1587, which is priced 31. 3s. English Topography includes Inigo Jones's

  • The Most Notable Antiquitv of Great Britain,

vulgarly called Stone-Heng,' 1725, 11. Is. ; W. J. Linton's ' Lake Country,' 100 illustrations, 12s. 6d. ; Owen's ' English Monasticism,' 51. 5s. ; and Taylor's 'Index Monasticus,' 18s. There are original draw- ings by Griggs. European Topography contains a subsection Mountaineering. Art includes ' Vicat Cole,' by Chignell, 3 vols., 4to, 11. Is. There is a collection of 44 original drawings by E. W. Cooke, R.A., 121. 12s. Deuchar's 200 etchings, Dutch and French schools (circa 1810), are priced 11. 10s. There are also interesting items under Archaeology, Costumes, Brasses, &e., and a number of works with coloured illustrations.

Messrs. George T. Juckes & Co., of Birmingham, have in their Catalogue 179 Burton's 'Arabian Nights,' Benares, 301.; large-paper copy of Bell's 'British Theatre,' 1776-8, 4/. 10s.; Gautier's Works, 20 vols., 81. ISs. 6d.; Sorrow's 'Bible in Spain,' first edition, 1843, 31. 10s.; Edwards's 'Anecdotes of Painters,' 1802, 21. 15s.; a beautiful set of Green's ' History of the English People,' the ' Making,' and the ' Conquest ' of England, 12 vols. in all, bound by Riviere, 4. 4s.; Redfern's 'Historic Gloves and Shoes,' 16s. ; and Hogarth, from the original plates, 1822, 51. 12s. 6d. Under King Charles the Martyr is a fine copy of the first folio of ' The Works and Life, Trial, and Martyr- dome,' a folding copperplate depicting the King holding a crown of thorns, 2 vols. in 1, 1662, 21. 2s. Napier's ' Peninsular War,' 6 vols., is 21. 2s. A copy of the Times issue of Punch, which cost 261. 10s., is priced 111., and includes the revolving bookcase. A copy of Voltaire's ' La Pucelle d'Orleans ' is 11. 5s. Among some miscellaneous articles in the cata- logue are an eight-day grandfather's clock, with thirty different tunes, 321.; and some antique library furniture.

Mr. E. Menken's Catalogue 177 contains a tall copy of the first edition of ' The Tale of a Tub ' in the original calf, with all the three title-pages, 1704, 51. 5s. ; Taperell and Innes's ' London and Westminster,' 11. 5s. 6d. ; Book of Common Prayer, "the Sealed Book of Charles II.," 11. 17s. 6^.; and S. C. Hall's 'Book of Gems,' 3 vols., 21. 10s. There is a choice example of ' Iconographia Espanola,' 2 vols., royal folio, Spanish binding, with 84 plates of Spanish antiquities, 4. 15s.; and a copy of 'Oliver Twist,' the very rare first edition with the "Fireside plate," Richard Bentley, 1838, 4/. 4s. There are some fine specimens of illuminations. One Book of Hours contains fifty-six miniatures, sixteenth century, 43.1. A Book of Prayers, four- teenth century, is priced 21/. ; and ' Les Evangiles des Dimanches,' 1872, 151. 15s. Under Pottery is Rath- bone's 'Old Wedgwood Ceramics,' 1893-8 (one of 200 copies), 101. 10s. A collection of books relating to railways is from the library of the late John Urpeth Rastrick.

Messrs. Pitcher & Co., of Manchester, have in their List 145 Audubon and Bachman's 'Quadru-

peds of North America,' New York, 1849-54, 12/. 12s.; Bentley' s Miscellany, 1837-50, 91. 9* Swinburne's essay on Blake, 21. 14s. ; Burke's Heraldic Illustrations,' 1844-6, 3/. 3s. ; a complete set of the Chester Architectural, Archaeological, and Historic Society's Journal, 101. 10s. ; Dodsley's ' Old EnghshPlays,'6. 12s.; Foster's 'Miniature Painters/ large paper, 41. 4s.; Fraser's Magazine, 1830-63, 121. 12s.; Grose's 'Antiquities,' 8 vols., royal 4to, plates coloured by hand, 81. ; Pepys's ' Diary ' edited by Wheatley, 61. 6s.; the first edition of Crabb Robinson's ' Diary,' 1869, 21. 16s. ; and ' The Cambridge Shakespeare,' edited by Aldis Wright,. 40 vols., 81. 10s. (large-paper edition, limited to 500- copies). There is a set of the Vanity Fair Album, 37 vols., folio, 1869-1905, 14/. 14s. (published at 74 guineas). A select topographical collection deals principally with Yorkshire.

List 146 from the same firm contains 'Alche- mystical Philosophers,' 1815, 61. 6s. (a note on fly-leaf by Walter Moseley states, " F. Barrett is- the author"); Miss Berry's 'Journals,' extra- illustrated with 153 portraits, 3 vols., 1865, 61. 10s. ; Blomefield's ' Farmer's Boy,' extra-illustrated, 31. ; Library Edition of Gilfillan's 'Poets,' 48 vols., 3/. 3s.; 'Coryat's Crudities,' proofs on Japanese paper, 21. 10s.; Dickens's Christmas Books, all first editions, 1843-8, 3^. 3s.; E. FitzGerald's 'Polonius,' first edition, Pickering, 1852, 31. 12s. 6d. ; Gar- diner's ' Commonwealth,' 3 vols., 8vo, 4?. 4s. ; first edition of Goldsmith's 'Citizen of the World' Newbery, 1762, 21. 10s. ; first editions of the ' Gre- ville Journals,' 8 vols., 61. 10s. ; J. H. Newman ' Works, 18 vols., 21. 14s. ; Kitson's 'Leeds Old Pottery,' 31. 10s. ; Smith's ' Catalogue Raisonne of Dutch, Flemish, and French Painters,' 8 vols.,, imperial 8vo, very scarce, 1829-37, 251. ; Walpole's 'Letters,' 9 vols., Bentley, 1857-8, 91. 10s.; and Skelton's ' House of Stuart,' 31. &*. There is, as ia most of Messrs. Pitcher's catalogues, a long list under Lancashire.

Mr. C. Richardson, of Manchester, includes in, his List 49 the Times edition of 'The Century Dictionary,' 11. ; the Oxford Chaucer, 4. ; a fine copy of FitzGerald's 'Omar Khayyam,' 31., 1879; also his ' Readings in Crabbe,' 11. 15s. ; the first edition of ' The Vicar of Wakefield,' 15s. 10s. ; Buxton Forman's 'Keats,' 5 vols., 81. ; first edition of George Meredith's ' Modern Love,' 11. 10s. ; and Northcote and Brownslow's ' Roman Catacombs/ 11. 10s. First editions of Swinburne include ' Songs- before Sunrise,' 1871, 11. 15s. ; and first editions of Humphreys and Westwood's 'Butterflies' and 'Moths,' 3 vols., 4to, are 51. The Spenser Society Publications, 22 vols., are 51. 10s.; and Planche's ' Book of Costume,' 2 vols., 4to, 61. There is a list under Charles I.

Mr. Ludwig Roseiithal, of Munich, sends us Catalogues 121 and 122. The former is devoted to- Music, and contains many valuable books and manuscripts, of which we name one or two. There are the four books (bound in one volume) on the "ute, together with motetti recercari and canzoni 'rancese, by Francesco da Milano (the edition of

he first book not mentioned by Eitner) ; Martin

Luther's 'Geystliche gesangk Buchleyn, Tenor,' Wittemberg, MDIII. ; with, at the end, a number of sacred and secular songs, Latin and German, in manuscript; Luys de Narbaez's 'Los seys libros del delphin de musica,' &c., published at Valla-