Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 7.djvu/639

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Notes and Queries, July 27, 1907.



Books recently published:

Scottish Historical Review, 300

Shakespeare : Stratford Town Edition, Vols. VI.

VII., and VIII., 138 Sheridan's (R. B.) Dramatic Works, Introduction

by J. Knight, 18

Shirburn Ballads, 1585-1616, ed. A. Clark, 277 Sidney's (Sir P.) The Countess of Pembroke's

Arcadia, ed. by E. A. Baker, 358 Sismondi's (J. C. L.) History of the Italian

Republics, 98

Six Anonymous Plays, ed. by J. S. Farmer, 298 Smith's (Capt.J.) Generall Historic of Virginia, 238 Stanley's (T.) Original Lyrics, edited by L. I.

Guiney, 299 Stephen's (Sir J.) Essays in Ecclesiastical

Biography, 198

Strode's (W.) Poetical Works, ed. B. Dobell, 259 Swift's ( J.), Literary Essays, ed. Temple Scott, 398 Tennyson's (A.) Poems, selected by H. J. C.

Grierson, 519 Trevelyan's (G. M.) Garibaldi's Defence of the

Roman Republic, 339

Udall's (N.) Dramatic Writings, ed. Farmer, 298 Verney Family Memoirs, compiled by F. P. and

M. M. Terney, 177 Visitation of England and Wales, Vol. XIII.,

ed. by F. A. Crisp, 119 Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 40 Whitaker's (J.) Almanack for the Year 1907

Peerage for 1907, 18 Willing's Press Guide for 1907, 139 World's Classics, 120, 220, 438 Wright's (J.) Historical German Grammar,

Vol. L, 458

Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, 477 Booksellers and printers, Cambridge, sixteenth and

seventeenth centuries, 26, 75 Booksellers' catalogues, 19, 60, 99, 139, 179, 200,

239, 278, 319, 359, 399, 438, 478 Book-stealing: degrees of blackness, 212,276 Boothby, " Prince," d. 1800, his biography, 405 Border custom, ancient, revived at Lauder, 186, 296 Borgard or Borgaard (Major-General Albert), d. 1751,

his portrait, 308

Bossing, use and meaning of the word, 192 Bostock (R. C.) on JEdric, Duke of Mercia, 51 Boswell (James) and Shrubs of Parnassus,' 1760, 429 Botha surname, its origin, 486

Bothombar, in Dyce's 'Skelton'^Bootham Bar, 165 Botzheim (Johannes von), an early teetotaller, 386 Boundaries and humorous incidents, 30, 94 Boz-pole, use of the word, 106 Br. on ' A Scourge for the Assirian,' 373

Cathay, 418 Bradbrook (W.) on B.V.M. and the birth of

children, 378

Carlyle on painting foam, 373 Cowper's John Gilpin, 516 Bradley (H.) on mitis, 68

Moaler, a kind of lamp, 127 Mobarship, an office, 267 Mohock, 267 Moke, a donkey, 68

Brander (Gustavus), his MS. inventory of armour, 268 Brandt (H. C. G.) on haze, 214

Brass rubbings, 49

Brasses: at Fivehead, 27; at Faceby, 28; at the

Bodleian, 42, 92

Breese in ' Hudibras,' meaning of the word, 446, 515 Bregandiris, Court Roll term, its meaning, 249, 317 Breslar (M. L. R.) on Amel of Ujda, 515 Houses of historical interest, 413 Ito: Itoland, 93

Lamb (C.) his Jewish extraction, 121 Musical genius, 433 " Taping shoos," 259

Breton (Nich.) and Shakespeare, literary parallel, 247 Brett, Bart., killed 1644, his identification, 88 Brick Court, Temple, Goldsmith's commemorative

tablet in, 385, 436

Bridegroom, creeling the, 186, 256, 296 Bridlington, St. John of, canonized by Boniface IX., 497 Brierley (H.) on Barton Grammar School, 488

Martindale, Westmorland, 230 Brinklow family inquired after, 50 Britain's supremacy at sea, Sir H. Campbell- Banner- man on, 169, 234

British names, early, their interpretation, 101, 363 Britisher, use of the word, 243 Broadwood & Son on Westminster changes, 193 Brodribb (C. W.) on Miltoniana, 87 Bromby (E. H.) on brumby, 254 Bromide rotary process, 96 Brooch of Lorn and Queen Victoria, 327 Broom plant as French workman's badge, 466 Brothers bearing the same Christian name, 246, 413 Brougham (Lord) and ' Punch,' 246 Brown (B.) on 'A Poetical Revenge,' 369 Brown (F. G.) on ' The Christmas Boys,' 30 Brown (Rev. J.) on flint and steel, 377

'Rock of Ages': Gladstone's Latin version, 369 Brown (J. W.) on " Lying Bishop," 449 Brown (W. C.) on Sir Francis Drake's diary, 450 Browne (Sir T.), his Religio Medici,' 1707, 288 Browning (W. E.) on Bacon's apophthegms, 435 Briihl (Count), his tailor in Dresden china, 292, 476 Brumby, Australian wild horse, its derivation, 254 Brummell (Beau) and evening dress, 95 Brushfield (T. N.) on bell- horses : pack-horses, 110 Buckingham and St. Margaret's, Westminster, con- nected in 1699, 427 Bucklee (M. E.) on Cosway and Mrs. Harding, 309

Link with Charles I.'s execution, 87 Bulk and Baskish bulka, 227, 273, 374 Bulkmaster, meaning of the term, 246, 418 Bull and boar, parish, in sixteenth century, 126 Bulloch (J. M.) on A. Macduff Baxter, 328

Carlyle arid Lady Bannerman, 210

Ford Church, G. 1670, 508

Gordon (Sir Cosmo), Byron biographer, 89

Gordon (Rev. Osborne), 390

Kemble (Henry Stephen), 9

Mysteries of the Embo baronetcy, 246, 372

Rudyard family, 328

Vining family, 28

Wine for the King of Spain, 270 Bumble-puppy, the game, 306, 456 Bumpus (T. F.) on Chapel Royal, Savoy, 429 Bunyan and Milton genealogies, 329 Burglars, lump of coal as charm for, 426 Burma, languages in, 166