Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 7.djvu/654

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Notes and Queries, July 27, 1907.

Pamela, pronunciation of the name, 265

Pancake bell in Newcastle, Shrove Tuesday custom, 166

Pantaloons v. trousers, 207, 271

Paolo and Francesca, Dante on, 229

Papal styles : " Pater Patrum," 368, 450

Papyrus and parchment, 48

Paramoudra, etymology of the word, 209

Paratout, use and meaning of the word, 206

Parchment and papyrus, 48

Parham (Arthur Groom), Magdalen chorister, his

recollections, 383, 477

Paris, Massacre of St. Bartholomew in, 389 Parish bull and boar in 16th century, 126 Parish document, curious, 248 Parish registers, curious entries in, 26 Parry (Lieut. -Col. G. S.) on inscriptions at Bellagio, 164 Parry ( J.) on early British names : 101, 363 Parry (J. H.) on 'Hebrew Maiden's Answer,' 413

Eevett of Checkers, 418 Parry and Halley families, 89

Parson has lost his cloak, obsolete English game, 512 Parsons (Father), his portrait, 490 Paston or Bedingfield (Dorothy), her parentage, 74 Pastoral astronomy, 104 "Pater Patrum" and styles of the Roman Pontiff,

368, 450

Pawnshop, earliest use of the term, 514 Payne (Tom), his "Literary Coffee-house" at Mews

Gate, 409, 492

Peacock (E.) on authors of quotations wanted, 12, 428 " Bat Bearaway," 168 B.V.M. and the birth of children, 377, 437 Custis (John), 90 Poll-books, 415 Portobello, in England, 277 'Sobriquets and Nicknames,' 430 Sulphur matches : match-maker's song, 396 Windmills in Sussex : windmills with many

sails, 413

Pedestrianism in 1733, 511

Pedlar's rest at Lapworth, 266, 415

Peet (W. H.) on Byron's ' Don Juan,' 34

Jukes (Rev. Andrew), 97

Kent (Duke of), his children, 115, 235

Macaulay's letters to Randall, 55

Newbery (John), his grave, 76

Pemberton ( H. ), Jun., on Sir Anthony Cooke's wife, 490

Stanley (William), sixth Earl of Derby, 248

Vere (Edward de), 17th Earl of Oxford, 409

Pennell (Mrs.), Magyar oath in her ' Life of Leland.


Penny (F.) on Californian English, 36 Eslyngton : Islington, 93 Matross : topass, 412 Poonah painting, 195 Penny wares wanted, 497 Penrose (Llewellin), turtle - riding story in hi

'Journal,' 148, 216, 277

Pentonville, John Stuart Mill's house at, 413 People to be avoided or cultivated, 130, 175 People's Charter, political song, 128 Perring (Sir P. ) on Shakespeariana, 483 Persia, mourning rites in, 230, 338 Petherick (E. A.) on Bishop Island, 116 Petherick (J.) on 'The Kingdom's Intelligencer,' 238 Petrarch, two greyhounds in Canzone cccxxiii., 445

'eyton (E.) on Lady Hatton, 90

'harmacopoeia, definition of the word in ' N.E.D.,' 347

'bin (J.) on flint and steel, 452

Matches in Congreve, 451 >hipps (Col. R. W.) on Cromwell and Chalfont

St. Giles, 210

'hipson (Evacuates A.) on Cathay, 168 Latin pronunciation in England, 294 Wound, 391 > hotographer= shadow-catcher, 67 ^anists, musical composers as, 34, 236 'iccaninny, origin of the word, 27, 128, 255, 317, 515 ickford (J.) on Admiral Christ epitaph, 475 Authors of quotations wanted, 328, 428 Bell inscriptions at Siresa, 436 Benbow (Admiral), his death, 56 Charles I. : his physical characteristics, 211, 414 'Christmas Boys, The,' 75 Dump, its meanings, 426 Edward IV.'s wooing at Grafton, 27 Granger annotated by Caulfield, 225 ' Henry IV.' Part I., II. i., 145 Kent (Duke of), his children, 172 Kirby Hall, Northants, 275, 458 Lin wood (Miss), her gallery, 393 Moke, a donkey, 115 Pacolet, its meaning, 355 ' Penrose's Journal' : turtle riding, 216 Pillion : flails, 497

" Poor dog Tray " : ' Old Dog Tray,' 137 Popjoy, a verb, 136 Scott illustrators, 131 Seringapatam, 317

" Then with Rodney we will go," 295 Thirkell family, 252 Toad's immurement, 185 Vernon (Dorothy), the legend, 53 York's " oldest inhabitants," 245 Pictorial blinds, 429, 493 Pictures in Teddington Library from Elmfield House,

$8, 136, 194 Pierpoint (R.) on Adespota, 215 " Bawms March," 516 "Black Horse "Inn, 475 Britisher, the term, 243 ' Cantus Hibernici ' 73, 257 Charles I. : his physical characteristics, 252 Dyche (Thomas), schoolmaster, 307 Ely House or Albemarle House, 312 "Goto pot," 106

Humphries (Richard), the prizefighter, 13 Imperial phrases, 417 " Kingsley's Stand," 294 Lightfoot (Hannah), portrait, 350 Lin wood (Miss), her gallery, 281 Marly horses, 352 Matches in Congreve, 351 Moke, a donkey, 257, 473 Napoleon's carriage, 313, 434 " Non sentis, inquit, te ultra malleum loqui?" 249 "Old Highlander, "92 Oxford Chancellorship election, 326 " Poor dog Tray " : ' Old dog Tray,' 137 Post boxes, 173

Reade (C.), his Greek quotation, 110 Richard II. : his arms, 337