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10 s. VIIL AUG. 3, 1907.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


edited by Frank Moore, 7 vols., royal 8vo, 1861, 21. 10s. There are interesting^ items under India, Ireland, and Mathematics. Other entries include ' Female Characters of Goethe,' drawings by Kaul- bach, text by G. H. Lewes, 12s.; Ogilvie's 'Imperial Dictionary,' 8 vols., 11. 5s.; Macfarlane and Thomp- son's 'History of England,' 4 vols., royal 8vo, 15s.; ' Life of Peel,' by Cooke Taylor, 4 vols. , 10s. 6d. ; Will- o'-the- Wisp, illustrated political paper, 2 vols,, folio, 1869, 7s.; " International Library of Famous Litera- ture." edited by Dr. Garnett, 20 vols., 31.; Pall Mall Magazine, 20 vols., 11.; Ruskin's 'Modern Painters,' 5 vols., 1873, 4Z. 10s.; 'The Stones of Venice,' 3 vols., 1874, 4/. 10s.; and Vizetelly's ' Berlin under the New Empire,' 1879, 9s. 6d. London items include 'A Pilgrimage,' by Gustave Dore and Blanchard Jerrold, 180 illustrations, 18s. 6d.

Mr. Bertram Dobell's Catalogue 153 opens with purchases from the library of the late Mrs. Craigie. Among these we find Balfour's 'Foundations of Belief,' 7s. 6d. ; ' Bismarck's Love-letters,' Is. 6d. ; Samuel Butler's ' Life and Letters,' 10s. 6d.; ' Letters of J. R. Green,' 10s. 6d.; Henley's 'Poems,' 10s. 6d.; Skelton's 'Charles I.,' with Mrs. Craigie's book- plate, Goupil, 57. 10s.; Coventry Patmore's 'Me- moirs,' 12s. 6d.; Morris's 'Life, by Mackail, pre- sentation copy, 15s.; and William Watson's 'Ode on the Coronation of Edward VII.,' with inscrip- tion "the sense of greatness keeps a nation great," 11. Is. In the general portion there are works on Africa and America, and the Bibliographical Society's Transactions. An interesting book is Ferry's ' Century of Head-dress, 1800-1900,' 6 large royal 8vo vols., 21. 5s. A copy of Jaele's ' Laus Ululie,' Curll, 1727, 7s. 6d., contains Col. Grant's curious book-plate from Curll's Chaste Press.' There is a second edition of Lamb's 'Tales from Shakespeare,' 1810, 11. 18s.; a first edition of Mil- ton's ' History of Britain,' 1670, 11. 10-*. ; and a first edition of Rossetti's 'Italian Poets,' 21. 5s. A scarce set of ' Cries of London,' Phillips, 1804, is 21. 12s.

Mr. Downing, of Birmingham, includes in his List 464 Burne-Jones's 'Flower Book,' 12{. 12s. Milton's Complete Works, with life by Mitford Pickering's original edition, 8 vols., 8vo, 1851, very scarce, 11. 7s.; Parish Register Society, 54 vols. 11 Is ' and Worcestershire Historical Society, 4( parts,' 81. 8s. A complete set of ' The Penny Cyclo psedia,' half-morocco, can be had for a guinea There is a copy of Goupil's Edition de Luxe o Bouchot's ' Catherine de Medicis,' 4Z. 12s. 6d. ; and Osmund Airy's 'Charles II. / also 4?. 12s. 6d. A beautiful contemporary copy of Boissardi s De Divinatione et Magicis,' 1588, is 51. 5s.; a specimen of fore-edge painting, 1557-9, 11. 18s.; an Edition d Luxe of La Fontaine, on Van Gelder paper, 2 vols. roval 4to, 1883, 31. 3s.; Gardiner's 'Commonwealth 4 vols 3/. 3s.', Grote's 'Plato,' 3 vols., 11. 18-9. 6d. and Foster's 'Mary, Queen of Scots, one of li copies, 61. 18s. (published at 211. net).

We have two catalogues from Mr. William Hitchman, of Bristol, Nos. 49 and 50. Th former contains Hearne's Antiquarian Works 97 vols, 51. 5s.; Holmes's 'Naval and Military Trophies,' 11. Is.; Budge's 'Contendings of th Apostles,' 16s.; Buffon's r Natural History, 20 vols 11 10s Beaumont and Fletcher, Moxon, 1840 li 2s ' 6d. ; Ben Jonson, 15s. ; Mrs. Jameson 'Monastic Orders,' 18s.; Brightwell's 'Concordanc

o Tennyson,' 15s.; 'Herkomer,' a study and bio- raphy by Baldry, 11. 12s. Qd.; Princess Liechten- ,em's ' Holland House,' 15s. ; Seebohm's ' British irds,' 4 vols., 51. 10s.; Napier's 'Peninsular War/ vols., 21. 2s.; Sir Egerton Brydges's 'Censura, ateraria,' 1805-9, 10 vols., 21. 10s.; arid Walton's Lives,' Edition de Luxe, folio, 1904, If. 14s. No. 50- s a useful general list of modern books.

Mr. E. Menken's Book Circular 179 contains a opy of the best edition of the ' Atlas Historique,'

)ublished at Amsterdam, 1739, 57. 5s.; Batty's- Copper Coinage,' 4 vols., 4to, 21. 2s.; De Bure's- Bibliographie Instructive,' 1763-9, 10 vols., 4to, 1. 18s. ; Blake's Works, memoir by Ellis and Yeats r vols., 21. 15s.; Buckle's 'Civilization,' 2 vols., iriginal edition, 11. 10s. ; and a complete set of the iureau of Ethnology, 28 vols., Washington, 1881- 904, 14?. 14s. There are interesting items with oloured plates, including ' Characters from Dickens/

V. 3s.; 'Costume Plates,' 21. 12s.; Rabelais, 4J. 4s.;

and ' Old London,' 11. 12s. 6d. General items com- >rise Dart's 'Westminster Abbey,' 11. 10s.; Dean Oilman's Works, 15 vols., 21. 10s.; Shaw's 'Dresses

and Decorations of the Middle Ages,' Pickering,. 843, 31. 10s.; Furnival's 'Leadless Tiles,' 15s. 6d.; Vlarshall's ' Genealogist's Guide,' 11. 10s.; 'Holbein/

by Mantz, 21. 2s. ; andEmslie's 'London,' 1898-1900,.

12s. 6d. (the 50 plates illustrate buildings demolished

within the period). There are other interesting, terns under London ; while under Paris is ' Paris a gravers les Ages,' by Fournier and others, a spot- ss copy of the rare first edition, 61. 6s.

Messrs. Myers & Co. send two catalogues, Nos. 119 and 120. In the first we find one of the Few copies of Burgmair's 'Le Triomphe de 1'Em- pereur Maximilian I.,' 135 woodcuts, imperial tolio, 151. The copy belonging to the Due de Vallieres sold for l,00w., although imperfect. The blocks are preserved in the Imperial Library at Vienna. An exceptionally fine copy of 'Pickwick/ in parts, with advertisements, clean and fresh as on- the day of issue, 1836-7, is 271.; Froude's Works, original cloth, 25 vols., 111. 10s.; the Goupil Royal Biographies ; Ruskin, Edition de Luxe, 29 vols half-calf by Riviere, 2M. 10s.; Scott, 100 vols., new half - morocco, 1830-39, 251.; Crabbe Robinson's ' Diary,' extended to 6 vola. by the insertion of 366- portraits, full morocco by Zaehnsdorf, 311. 10s.; Jesse's 'London,' extra - illustrated, 47. 10s.; and Leech's ' Butterflies from China, Japan, and Corea/ 3 vols., 4to, 11. 5s. A series of 130 fine plates by Bartolozzi, from drawings by Guercino, Caracci, Cipriani, &c., Roma, 1764, is 11. Is. There are valuable works under French Literature ; and under Myths and Symbols is Massey's ' Book of the Beginnings,' 4 vols., royal 8vo, 21. 2s.

The second catalogue is devoted to portraits. The entries include Accum, the chemist who advocated

fas for lighting ; Sir Francis Burdett ; caricatures y Gillray ; several portraits of Burns, also one of Mrs. Burns and one of her grandchildren ; Richard Person ; Wordsworth, also of his sister ; Wilber- force ; Wilkie ; Wellington ; and the Wentworths.

Mr. E. Samuel has in his List 2 Allan Cunning- ham's 'Lives of the Painters,' 5 vols., 12s. 6a.; 'Curiosities of Street Literature,' 4to, 7s. 6rf.; and Edwards's ' Uncommon Birds/ 3 vols., 4to, 21. 10s. Works under London include Dodsley, 6 vols., 1761, 11. 5s.; Cooke's 'Views,' 48 plates, 1826, 11. 10s.; Brayley's ' London and Middlesex,' 5 vols.